domingo, noviembre 01, 2015

John Smallman - Jesus - Neither separation nor living without God are remotely possible-November 1, 2015

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday November 1st
Humanity’s journey towards a collective awakening is moving perfectly along, just as divinely planned. The Tsunami of Love is irresistible, irrepressible, and utterly insistent. It is being heard, felt, embraced, and welcomed into millions of hearts all across the world. The mainstream media may appear to be getting ever more raucous as it continues in its attempts to instill fear with its stories on calamities and catastrophes, but in truth the Tsunami of Love is changing everything as more and more of you welcome it into your hearts and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever may arise. You can only change yourself, as you well know, but because so many of you are now doing just that every day the effects are miraculous. The power of Love is infinite, but because you have free will you can refuse to engage with It.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - A NEW WORLD IS HERE IF WE CHOOSE IT - Nov 1, 2015

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends,

These are the times of blessings! Although the old world seems to continue with its atrocities, there is a new world dawning, that cannot be described with the old linear parameters and habitual interpretations.

But we must fully conscious choose to enter the new world

and be prepared to let go of our familiar orientation and false security. We must heart-desire to jump and understand, by intuition only, and heart-centred, wholly-being, tacitly "knowing".

This is not difficult, but, again, it is a choice we must make.

Spiritual life always begins with choice and continues with choice. On this journey we choose in any moment what we want to experience and who we want to be. Because we are the creators of our own path. This choice is not made with effort and prior consideration. It is a natural, joyfully flowing heart-process.

The main criteria in this process of choosing is to be aware of our present state of being and living, the exact localization of the world in which we dwell with our attention and feeling in this very moment.

This gives us clarity and momentum. And then we make that heart-based choice.

From that moment in which the Heart has become (again) the seat of consciousness and unconditional love, from that moment on, when we know ourselves again, when we do not look further into the external world for explanations, experience and even love, we are free to enjoy the Eternal Source via the power of the Infinite Heart. And only then life starts to make sense.

Until then we are seeking in the heartless schemes of a world out there for fulfillment, and never find it, because all things appear to be empty of life.

But when we make this One Great Choice to live from within the Unlimited Source of Joy, the world shows itself as fully alive, radiating with Consciousness from inside.

This silent world is full of Life Power, perpetually vibrating and speaking the language of Divine Existence, alive as the great entertainer and bearer of meaning in the Presence of Eternity.

It is the world beyond thoughts and words in its depth of Silent Fullness, it is the world that Is One Life, non-separate, without questions. It is the world of discovery and awe about the ever lasting expression of Existence, fully powered by the currents of life.

All things live from inside out, a grand orchestration of the Real, nothing hidden, all obvious As Is, directly communicating its purpose to move with unquestioned intent, multi-simultaneously- and–dimensionally.

When the whole universe reveals itself as Alive with the One Spirit, we are no longer looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, as the heart is unified with the stillness of eternity while all voices and choirs resound as the Voice of the Infinite. They all become the delight of Being that has transcended the separate forms of consciousness that search

Once this separateness is surrendered to the vibrating cosmic orchestra of Being, all movements, intentions, all the businesses of trivial life echoes the grand Divine Mover that is the bearer of all things. And the sound of even an angry man becomes a Divine Vibration.

Out of habit and afraid of inner emptiness we might continue to seek in multiple ways in shallow circumstances of life, imagining we live life to the fullest, while exploiting its innumerable varieties. It will leave us fatally empty though.

But when we choose to renounce these many varieties for entertainment, and allow the fullness of the Heart to be present as our home and own truth, then the world starts to reveal the Reality of Creation: a never ending process in Divine Consciousness of perfect fullness and abundance in which we do not seek because we have transcended our alienation from What Is and Always Has Been and Will Be.

It is in this very Stillness that the World becomes Alive, Resonating with our heart-beat, opening to the Wonders of Divine Shakti or Energy and Light.

The New World is here if we choose It. Everything has been prepared for us to make that choice: To discover the Truth of our Infinite Heart that is the Heart of Earth and Heart of God. There is no separation but One Single Impulse Ever vibrating, manifesting in the moment of our attention to It. Revealing our Power of Creation in any given moment.

We are part of this eternal Process, always have been, we have just forgotten it for a while. Heart-Inherent in the Very Source, we have been granted now the choice to be drawn into a fifth dimensional world of experience. Perfectly orchestrated by the Power of Divine Emotion that Is Love.

Look! It is Here! It is your choice to surrender to It and allow It to Live you.

With much love and many blessings!

In lak'ech!

Conveyed by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Lynette Leckie-Clark - Master Kuthumi - Accepting the Authenticity of You - 1st November 2014 light body
I greet you with joy as we come together once more. A new page of life is before you, indeed a new chapter of your experience.
In the coming months many will be required to accept what has been, what each of you has chosen to experience. I ask you give some time to allow acceptance. The past can weigh you down as a brick in water. In order for release to be realized there must first be the acceptance. Only in this can there be the understanding, the allowing yourself to move forward. It does not mean accepting any wrong doing and injustice as being right - no. Many hidden truths have been shown to you, in yourself and in others through this opening year. Now you must decide how you will choose to deal with those hidden truths. How you choose to react to them? You have seen the darker side of life, of humanity, and of your own hidden self. It is time now to accept those darker aspects that make up the totality of who you are. To accept all of you authentically. To embrace your many aspects.

Review of UFO activity near the Sun for a week from October 26 to October 31, 2015

Crazy! Halloween Asteroid Looks Like A Creepy Human Skull

Crop Circles 2015 - Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina - Brazil - 31th October 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 UFO

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - One way to balance within is to allow yourself to love and be loved -. November 1, 2015

Dear One,

When you allow yourself to love another person. it opens channels within your being to receive divine love from God, the Infinite Source. There is an inexhaustible supply of this love. When you begin to freely give this love, you are blessed with more, so you can continue to give. In this way you will never be starving for love because you feel you have given too much. You cannot give too much love, because the inexhaustible resource of God's love is equal to every demand.

sábado, octubre 31, 2015

Dianne Robbins -Trees are Living Libraries - October 2015

Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Trees are Living Libraries

By Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the Center of our Earth.

Our Dear Readers: I am Mikos, introducing you to the Tree People living among you.

The Tree People are very Lighted Beings, and you can see how their auras fill the sky in towers of light waves radiating from their inner essences. They are tubes of light, carrying vast amounts of information and folklore to disseminate to humans on Earth, if only humans would tune into their frequency and connect with them on their wavelength. This is easy to do. You just call on the Trees and invoke their presence, and ask them to transfer their library to your vast vault inside yourself. Your vault is practically empty, so you have much storage room inside, just waiting to be filled with documents containing the mysteries of life - all the mysteries you haven't as yet been able to unravel in your closed states of existence.

Alien Hybrids! Swedish Sisters, Secret, Extraterrestrial's? More than Meet's the eye!!

Please read fully! This is part 1,... Some, may have seen this?! yes old story but it kind of fits ! must be one hell of a reason to won't to end up under a moving lorry!! they cover lots up! ,.follow it and make your own mind up! more to this than meets the eye!! This is a very interesting Story, very interesting,.. it was from 2008,. if you are interested follow the links! i have below! you have to see and listen to what is being said!,.and follow the whole story! its only about an hour! its worth it!,... like i said very interesting! lots don't add up! to me they are something else!,....clone's Hybrid's Alien?! the police keep saying they are drugged up! well looking at the video's and listening to what is being said! (by the cops and professor of law and psychiatry, he in the last part!) this is one big cover up if i have ever heard one! IMO! they have been Here for a good while! they have a normal life then all goes wrong They had 2 bags with them! lots of phones and laptops! something not right about all that is shown in this video!
part 2 =
part 3 =
part 4 =
Full credit where its due! BBC/TV land! somewhere i don't go!!
This video is for educational purposes only absolutely no money is being made from this video!!,.... Well not me anyway?! full credit to those that made this video! and for making a interesting program!! liemeewatcher

¡¡¡Que se la pasen muy asustados!!! - Oct 31, 2015