lunes, julio 13, 2015

Archangel Metatron - The 2015 Bio-Crystalline Shift

Brenda Hoffman - New You and Your Personal Experience Lab - July 13, 2015

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Dear Ones,
Perhaps you recently surprised yourself with your thoughts or actions – knowing without completely understanding how you know something. Or were surprised with the new gentleness or loving kindness of others. All part of new you and New Earth. More new pieces will become part of you the next few days.
You already know your unexplained time gaps are indicators you are exploring other frequencies or dimensions. Now you will likely start experiencing sparks of light, time travel and/or crunches of sound or colors. All former 3D indicators that something was amiss with your brain or other parts of your physical being.

Suzanne Lie - 4D Mental Plane Mystery School--Arcturians and Galactic Family - 7-13-15

The 4D Mental Plane Mystery School

Part 5

The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family

When it is the NOW to continue your journey into the next fourth dimensional Mystery School, you gather all that you have learned and remembered so far and tuck it into your High Heart.

Within your High Heart, which is between your Heart Chakra and your Throat Chakra, all the information that you have gathered on your fourth dimensional journey so far will blend with the Wisdom, Power and Love of your Three Fold Flame.

Benjamín Fulford - 13-07-2015. La guerra cibernética a gran escala entra en erupción como consecuencia del impago griego. El Pentágono la toma con la mafia jázara.

Fuente y comentarios en inglés.
El impago griego ha provocado una gran guerra cibernética y de información que se desencadenó en todo el mundo la semana pasada. La guerra ha involucrado a bancos, empresas de defensa, las principales bolsas de valores, empresas de telecomunicaciones y más. Por ejemplo, el ciberataque del 8 de julio que cerró la Bolsa de Nueva York, el Wall Street Journal, United Airlines y varias empresas de telefonía móvil fue una represalia por un ataque estadounidense a la Bolsa de Valores de Shanghai, según fuentes chinas y del Pentágono. “Esto fue sólo un ensayo”, dijeron las fuentes del Pentágono.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Lovingness, kindness and gentleness give human Beings a new countenance and give the earth a new face. 

If you wish to see your exaltedness, so look where you have 
not looked so far. If you wish to uplift into the Light, then pay your whole attention toward the Light in you, and toward the 
still existing blockages, which deprive you of your own beauty.


Beloved Siblings from the Realms of Light!

The gentle release of deeply rooted blockages is the appropriate work of each human child in this time. The Light works and the violet ray of transformation, which I direct to your being, are able to bring to you clarity, self-trust and wisdom.
When I ascended into the Light thousands of years ago, I saw 
the remaining mankind standing at the abyss and their hopeful prayer for Light and joy, for a life in peace, reached me.

domingo, julio 12, 2015

KRYON - The Sedona Masters Channelling Summit 2015 - Total Group, June 7, 2015

Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - Jul 14, 2015

Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. We are now going to see in the coming years that we start to move from one chakra system to another.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else.  As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be experienced in the same order. Some steps can take place simultaneously. The steps with an asterisk, are what different individuals are currently experiencing. Forerunners will be near the end of the asterisks, Second wave will be somewhere in the middle, and everyone else will be near the top of the asterisks.

When the Atlantis survivors wake up, part 1 - History, science or fiction

KRYON Totowa "Workshop Channeling" 2015-06-28 // Lee Carroll

John Van Auken : The Atlantis Crystals & Human Shift