miércoles, julio 01, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 30, 2014: Is ISIS a CRISIS or some kind of inside joke?

Sometimes events in the news seem so surreal that it becomes a guess they are not real, or at least not in the sense we see it. That is certainly the case with the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate or ISIS last week.

The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing,” “exercise and evaluations,” “human intelligence,” “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.


Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East.

When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to “hand over your daughters for sex,” or crucifixions of Christians and threats that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London”


it is a pretty good guess you are dealing with a major psy-ops or role playing game.
Here is what and MI5 source had to say about it:

“This is a PR exercise to bring terrorism into a branded, packaged presence which is the normal purview of corporate marketing and PR. We are witnessing a global psy-op to shift the perception of “terror” groups away from being rogue psycho’s to being more like football teams playing for victory in sanitized arenas.”

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Message - FORGOTTEN AND REMEMBERED - 7-1-15

Download a free audio recording of this message

Messages from the Arcturians

From 3/18/15

I found these notations in my journal. When I was on vacation and meditating, I scribbled the information out quickly so I wouldn’t lose my thought. Usually I have the computer, but lately I’ve been feeling a need to handwrite the message because is more tactile.

I can get to a deeper level with writing by hand, but then I have to read my writing that came to me as in a flurry of information. I’m going to try to put together this message, which was ongoing over a couple of days or longer.

martes, junio 30, 2015

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, June 30, 2015

It is time to let you all know of an important step that has been made in our progress toward freedom not only in the United States, but all around the world. It is a step that will release not only the funds that you have been waiting for, but all of the treasures of life that brings to you what you desire for a life of freedom and well-being.

Sarah Varcas - Preparación Flexible - Junio 29, 2015

Informe de Astro Energía de Julio del 2015

Por Sarah Varcas
http://astro-awakenings.co.uk/ 29 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La energía del mes entrante es difícil de identificar. Justo cuando sentimos que ‘tenemos’ lo que se necesita y sabemos cómo proceder, ella se nos escapará entre los dedos y nos dejará preguntándonos qué sucedió.

No hay certeza alguna. Si queremos ver un sendero directo y claro por delante con grandes señales que digan ‘ESTE ES ELCAMINO’ nos defraudaremos. Sin embargo, si nos contentamos con remontar los altibajos de emoción y entusiasmo sin planear nada por adelantado y por el contrario confiamos en el flujo cambiante que nos lleva hacia donde sea necesario, julio nos traerá algunas sorpresas interesantes. Al final del mes puede que hayamos encontrado la claridad deseada ¡pero no por la vía de la ruta anticipada!

John Smallman - Jesus - Trusting in God works! - 6-30-15

Today is a new day. Of course every day is a new day, but people often forget that as they plod through their daily chores earning their living. But enormous changes can occur in one day, or in an instant. You are free to make choices in every moment, and you do, but they are very often the same choices that you have been making for years, in almost complete unawareness. Become aware of your choices, each and every one of them, and then decide if you would like to maintain them or change them – from which shoe you put on first in the morning to whether you really want another cup of coffee or tea, to whether you want to change jobs, careers, or relationships. So many of your choices have become automatic, and yet your choices determine how adequately or inadequately your lives flow.

Benjamin Fulford - 29-06-15, Se cae el dominó griego. China se mueve para recoger los pedazos.

Así que finalmente ha sucedido, Grecia ha cerrado sus bancos y ha impuesto control de capitales. Y así, las fichas del dominó comienzan a caer. Esto es solo el primer acto de una gran ópera que continuará desarrollándose en los próximos meses. Para tratar de adivinar lo qué le está reservado a la Unión Europea es bueno echar un vistazo a cómo de produjo la caída de la Unión Soviética. La caída de la Unión soviética comenzó con una sensación generalizada de insatisfacción tanto entre la clase obrera como entre la élite. Esto dio lugar a huelgas y manifestaciones en Polonia que llevaron a la caída del gobierno polaco en junio de 1989. En noviembre de aquel año cae el muro de Berlín. Luego, ya durante los años 90, caen los gobiernos comunistas de Checoslovaquia, Rumanía, Bulgaria y Hungría. Finalmente, en diciembre de 1991, dimite Mijaíl Gorbachov y se derrumba la propia Unión Soviética.

Suzanne Lie - Entering the Lower Astral Mystery School - Jun 30, 2015

It takes great courage to look at our own fears, past trauma, failures and lost dreams. However, if we can find the courage to look into the lowest frequency of our consciousness and of our aura, we will find many teachers.

{Click here to download a guided journey through the lower astral plane.}

We will also realize how very much we have grown and changed from our "past" expressions of our SELF.