jueves, junio 11, 2015


Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

La siguiente familia en nuestra serie de artículos de las principales 13 familias Illuminati es la familia Collins. Las primeras dos han sido la familia Astor y la familia Bundy. En cuanto a la investigación sobre la familia Collins a partir de una escala de 0 a 100, yo llego a las 10. Hay fuertes conexiones que serán presentadas junto con conexiones débiles. Joan Collins es lo que yo llamo una conexión débil. Ella ha sido asociada con una larga lista de hombres clave de los Illuminati, y al menos, algunos pocos satanistas. Pero esta es la más ligera de las cuotas de lo que ella tendría que ver con los Illuminati. Permítanme darles algunas conexiones duras primero.

La siguiente es una descripción de una junta satánica de alto nivel altamente secreta. Viene vía una ex-insider que se ha convertido ahora al Cristianismo. Si hay otra persona que fue miembro de la jerarquía y que esté leyendo esto, probablemente esto le traerá recuerdos. Esta experiencia data desde 1955, se trata de una reunión que se celebra dos veces al año, a la que asisten los Rothschild y todas las familias-madre. La junta se da en el interior de un gran cuarto, y la Gran Madre sentada en el trono era una Collins. La familia Collins se ha mantenido fuera de los reflectores porque poseen más poder oculto que los Rothschilds y que los Rockefeller.

Crop Circles 2015 - Republic of Adygea, Russia - 9th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Russia

Crop Circles 2015 - Rauwiller, Alsace, France - 11th june 2015 - UFO 2015 France

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Message and Gaia Speaks for Her Third Chakra 6-11-15



I am Gaia, returned to be your guide as you merge your chakras with mine in the blending of person with planet. I invite you now to my Third Chakra. I welcome you into my planetary body just as you are in the process of welcoming me into your human body. The Third Chakra is a masculine/outflow polarity, which represents the outflow of our personal power.

The challenge of this chakra is to find your own inner light and share it with the world by projecting your Inner Power in an out-flowing manner. Often, when my people are unable to discover their inner power, they become fearful and try to steal another’s power through domination and control.

UFO CIGAR INVISIBLE Over Castle Ruins Tulum, Mexico, May 2015

2015 crop circles near Berlin, Germany 8 June

Ron Head - It is you and the time is now.- The Council - June 11, 2015

The Council
We seem to have struck a chord! We see that the quote from our former message which is titled ‘Your Divine Nature’ has resonated well with many readers. We have decided, therefore, to expand a little upon that subject. It is time to do this now, as many more of you are becoming open to possibilities of the truth of your being that you would not have been receptive to not so long ago.
Now, lest we awaken your egos to their feelings of importance, let us remind you that everything you see around you is created of divine stuff. So don’t get too puffed up. Your house pet is a divine being, too.
The problem is that you have allowed yourselves to believe the fiction that you are not. And then you even embellish upon that. You are too this, too that, and not enough of the other. And your belief in those things actually produces what you picture. You might say that your DNA and your cells say, “OK. We can make that for you.” Quite a remarkable endorsement for your co-creativeness, wouldn’t you say? But perhaps a teensy bit off in its usage.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - June 11, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as enlightenment. An enlightened person knows that all of Earth’s inhabitants depend on each other for their survival. This individual sees the interconnected nature of all existence and knows their own place in the universe. They are loving, compassionate, kind, and genuinely care about other people. An enlightened person remains spiritually open to everyone, understanding that other people give them spiritual nourishment, meaning, sustenance and growth. They are insightful, and see the world with a clarity of vision and no longer have a need for the power struggles that humanity currently still engages in. These individuals have learned healthy and positive ways of relating with other people and are connected with their own Divine guidance and inner strength. They have met the challenges of becoming an aware and enlightened person, knowing that it requires the letting go of many things previously held dear to them. These individuals are aware that they are already on their most perfect spiritual path and follow their greatest passion towards the realization of their dreams.

Suzanne Lie - Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon" - 6-11-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet


Today, we will present the information about our Third Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Third Chakra



LOCATION: The third chakra is located between the sternum bone and the navel.

PETALS: There are ten petals in the third chakra which, when spinning, may appear like a vortex. In numerology, the number 10 is reduced to the number 1. Number one symbolizes the beginning, as “In the beginning there was the word,” and every word begins with a thought. Even if it is unconscious, thought precedes communication. The third chakra also represents our communication with the fourth dimensional astral world, which is too often unconscious.