lunes, mayo 25, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones!

Purify yourselves every day! Reflect, observe and 
recognize where, how and whereby you are losing 
your light-filled energy? When does your Light 
garment lose its luster? 

This work is necessary today, so that you are not permanently 
held or be permanently occupied by energies, which discharge 
now. Only then do you lose your orientation in yourself and in 

Sluggish energies, which establish in you, have the 
power to block you and make you unreceptive for 
any light-filled knowledge. 

Recognize the significance of daily purification, so that 
you remain free of outside burdens and free of alien images, 
which come up in you and display themselves as your own.  
God gives every human Being plenty of possibilities for 
knowledge and it is up to human Beings, to choose from 
God’s abundance.

Brenda Hoffman - No More Expected Patterns - May 25, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Most likely, you recently requested transition assistance from your guides, angels and friends to seemingly no avail. For your being feels little different from before the March/April energy bursts.
Even though you may have experienced some blank spaces in time or noted that unimportant wishes happen with little or no effort, you continue to live your humdrum life with few peaks of joy and many valleys of listlessness or anger.
“Where is my joy?” is the refrain heard round the globe. So it is you are moving into new you. For indeed, new you is slowly – more slowly then you hoped for, but more rapidly than we imagined – rising from the debris of 3D you.
Perhaps it will help you better understand this phase, this void if you remember how you felt when you transferred to a new school or moved to a new community or job. At first you were hyper-vigilant wanting to fit in as quickly as possible. You had no friends of note – merely acquaintances with possibilities of future friendships. You did not quite understand your school, job or community. All was a blank and lonely slate as you tried to adjust and adapt.

Jennifer Hoffman - Día de las Madres 2015 - 11 de Mayo 2015

Por Jennifer Hoffman
11 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hoy es el Día de las Madres en los Estados Unidos, un día en el que celebramos a la mujer que nos dio la vida. Este puede ser un día difícil para aquellos cuyos sentimientos hacia su madre no son amorosos y cálidos. Para muchos, la experiencia de la madre ha sido uno de los retos mayores de la vida y el Día de las Madres sirve como un recordatorio del tipo de madre que no tuvieron y quisieron haber tenido. Tenemos tantas expectativas respecto a nuestra madre así que cuando ella no las cumple nos sentimos engañados, abandonados y rechazados a un nivel exponencial. Las madres juegan muchos papeles en las vidas de sus hijos, a muchos niveles. Y entendemos esos papeles cuando nuestros hijos han crecido y tienen sus propios hijos.

Kryon "Is this real?" Salem, Massachusetts Saturday May 16, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es esto Real? - Salem, Massachusetts, 16 de Mayo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Estoy contando: veintiséis años he estado con mi socio de esta manera.  Y este año que llamamos Año Dos de la nueva energía, él me oye más claramente que antes.  La canalización puede parecerte rara, extraña. ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Puede ser posible y real?  ¿Qué sucede con mi socio ahora, dónde está? Queridos, es un sistema hermoso, no es raro, no es extraño ni fantasmal, es un sistema benévolo, natural y normal, y les pertenece.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 24 al 31 de Mayo, 2015
Traducción: Esther Abreu


Una profunda alineación se está produciendo dentro de su ser interno. Muchos de ustedes están sintiendo como si están de vuelta al punto de partida, teniendo que iniciar el proceso de depuración y limpieza de nuevo. Esto no es así y, si pueden observar los pensamientos que les llegan, verán que este peso particular del proceso de pensamiento proviene de una época anterior en sus vidas. Una vez que hacen esa distinción, los observarán y liberarán mucho más fácilmente. Algunos de estos son sus heridas centrales, profundamente arraigadas en esta vida y que trajeron consigo desde vidas anteriores para ser abordadas y resueltas en su vida actual. Puede que no se sienta agradable a medida que avanzan a través de este proceso, pero estén seguros de que están llegando a la resolución final y que pronto pasarán a través de este difícil portal. Traten de mantener un enfoque positivo durante este tiempo, ya que realmente significa un gran logro para ustedes cuando se ve desde la perspectiva más alta de sus almas.

Okay NASA, What's This Please?

Alan Watts - Acceptance of Death

Ron Head - Safety – The Council - May 25, 2015

The Council
We choose today to speak about the subject of safety. And so, naturally, we shall begin by taking a look at fear.
Fear is one of your biggest obstacles. For many it is a constant companion. It is, in the final analysis, a lack of faith in oneself, in one’s future, and a lack of understanding and faith in the Universe itself. Have you not heard throughout your life that your life itself is eternal? No matter where you are, no matter what your faith, even if you think you have no faith, this is something that is a deep part of your being.
The knowing of this deeply within your consciousness is the reason that it is pervasive in all of your world’s religions. And yet you fear.

domingo, mayo 24, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ The Journey --The Arcturians 5-24-15

The Arcturians

Dear Arcturians,
Can you tell us what is happening?

Dearest Ones,
We answer you and all who read this transmission. YES, something that IS happening to ALL OF YOU. Everyone is receiving the higher frequencies of energy that are moving into and through your bodies in a strange trans-mutational manner.

You might say that the protective cover of the lower dimensional energy field that was placed around your bodies at birth is beginning to fall away. No one knows about this protective cover, as it a natural component of your physical anatomy.

However, your anatomy is transmuting from the physical, third-dimensional frequency that you have always known, to a slightly higher frequency, which you may call etheric. However, since you experience most of the world in relation to your perception of the world, you may not realize this shift because the world is shifting right along with you.