lunes, abril 27, 2015

Lisa Transcendance Brown – New Ascension Phase – April 27, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown

Aloha Beloved Light Family!

We are in a most pivotal time for all. We have stepped into the next phase. Can you feel it?
There has been immense clearing by all in the last several years. Each moment always a surprise for the Ascending Being here. We are no less entering a NEW time of even more surprises for all. The question is: Are you Ready?
Your NEW Earth Realities are beyond that which your human mind can comprehend. The more you want answers first, the more you’ll be “stuck” waiting for something to happen or occur.  Besides, you already know. You’ve already done this reality. We now have the capability to step into what we’ve already done. It’s continuing to get easier every day.
A moment will present and you’ll already know what to do. You willl realize that you’ve already done it by the feeling you are receiving and the guiding words (or crazy ideas) you are hearing or seeing. Do you fully listen, honor and DO what you are shown? Or do you hestitate and go to fear of the unknown? What you DO will determine the parallel reality you walk through. Your DOing opens the portal to something. What are you activating with your DOing?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Batalla Interior - Introducción - Bologna, Italia, sábado 18 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado. Querido ser humano, yo sé quién está aquí. Sé quién eres. Sé que eres familia; tu alma me es familiar. Quiero preguntarte: ¿Qué estás pensando en este momento? Tu cerebro da vueltas; están funcionando todas esas cosas que aprendiste para sobrevivir. ¿Es real, no es real? ¿Siento algo o no siento? ¿Y qué debería sentir? ¿Cómo lo sé? ¿Acaso importa? Algunos solo tienen que observar y no les importa si es real o no. Sé quién eres; el amor por ti es idéntico al amor por todos. El amor de Dios es lo bastante grande como para abarcar todas las creencias de todas partes. A la Fuente Creadora no le importa cómo amas a Dios, o qué llevas puesto cuando amas a Dios, o lo que crees que necesitas hacer para amar a Dios. La familia es la familia. ¿Qué estás pensando en este momento? Cuanto más tiempo hacemos esto, mayor es tu oportunidad para sentir lo que está sucediendo.

Ron Head - You are a creature that is a facet and child of the Divine. Period.- April 27, 2015

Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves
We said in our last message that we would be addressing the topic of soft power, of your power, of what and how you could best use the energy of the amazing beings that you are becoming.  We shall do that.  Now the channel should be aware that this is not a simple and short topic.  There is nothing completely new that we shall be telling you here, but in this case, we wish to cover much more than we usually do in these short paragraphs. 
It has been the wonderful case that there are many reading these who are relatively new to the ranks of the awakening who need more information than those of you who are already well along in your understanding of light, energy, and how you personally use it.  We trust however that you may read something you had not considered or that will be a welcome reminder.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Tiempo de re-Construir: Accediendo a su anteproyecto - 22 de Abril, 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hemos regresado oficialmente de nuestro viaje de eclipses del año y con nuestra alma mucho más intacta de cuando nos embarcamos en esta odisea sustancial de retiro del alma a fines de marzo…todos inocentes y asombrados .

Independientemente de donde se encuentren en este momento, estoy muy segura que están saliendo en un estado muy diferente al que entraron…aun si todavía no están plenamente conscientes. Hablando de manera realista, estamos avanzando hacia una totalmente nueva experiencia humana y así necesitamos un minuto para recuperarnos y reorientarnos hacia nueva vida….este nacimiento fue uno g-r-a-n-d-e.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Optimal Report for 4/27 – 5/3/15

Hello friends. If you’re feel a bit of a cosmic hangover/comedown thing, you’re right on cue. With earthquakes and a large volcanic eruption last week it hasn’t been an easy time for Gaia, or for us. Empath/Sensitives may be especially challenged right now. Ground, Clear, Breathe and Center. Repeat as needed.
I’ve got a picture of the phone here as it’s a big theme this week, but you probably won’t be feeling it today (Monday) with that long, moon void in Leo that either wants to goof off or take a big cat nap. A slow start to the week is to be expected after the energetic jolts we’ve been through. Tonight the moon moves into Virgo which will get productivity going again.
There are so many squares, quincunxes and other aspects this week it would give you cosmic whiplash to hear about all of them, so as per usual I will give you the “Cliff Notes” version. The main themes for the week (leading to the Full Moon) next weekend are TRUST and lISTENING. As in, what voice are we going to listen to in fear vs. trust. With Chiron (the wounded healer) in the mix along with Saturn, that would explain many of us not feeling at the top of our game right now.

John Smallman - Saul - Love is VAST.- 04/27/2015

All of God’s divine creation, all sentient beings, even those who appear to be utterly unaware of their inherent divine nature, are assisting humanity at this point in its spiritual awakening.  All are One.  There is no separation, there is only an illusion of separation, and therefore throughout creation all sentient life is involved and taking part in the grand awakening process.  You are not, and never have been alone or abandoned, you are just experiencing a dream that seems very real.  But of course, as you all know, dreams are unreal, and at the center of your beingness, where your true nature is always aflame in the brilliant Light of God’s Love for you, you do know this.  When you awaken from the dream into Reality all that has seemingly hurt you or caused you suffering will be gone without a trace, there will be nothing in the way of painful memories to disturb the infinite joy of being consciously in the Presence of God, our divine Source.

domingo, abril 26, 2015

Ann Albers – Messsages From Ann And The Angels – 26 April 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your lives can change in a second dear friends. The minute you shift your energy, you shift your entire existence. Any problems, challenges, or frustrations you have will begin to be healed at the very moment you choose to focus upon love.
God does not look at the past except to help you learn from it. Your angels do not focus on your past. It is only your human conditioning that binds you to the past and makes you think that it will take time to make up for past “mistakes.” We must, as angels, remind you that in our realms, nothing is a “mistake” but rather simply a learning experience. When you make a choice with an outcome you do not like, simply learn from it, love yourself, and move forward, for then we can assist you in creating a kinder reality.

Judith Dagley – How SEPARATE From One Another ARE We? – 26 April 2015

How SEPARATE are we all from one another? There was a major earthquake in Nepal on Saturday. That is almost 8,000 miles from where I live. Yet I am feeling that earthquake. Aren’t you?
The frequencies of shock are still rippling around the entire GLOBE. Not only through our earth, but through our hearts. We are a major part of the earth’s ecological sytem, after all, and scientists have “proven” that our hearts beat in time with the frequencies of our earth, so how could it be otherwise?
Just as the force of energy that can no longer be contained within our Gaia breaks through its crust in order to be released, so that same force breaks through the crust around our hearts and releases what can no longer be contained. Have you NOTICED what was in your heart? Do you FEEL what is flooding through you, out of YOU, as a result?

Theresa Crabtree - Take Time to Make Time: Day 236, Cib 2 - April 26, 2015

TAKE TIME TO MAKE TIME   Greetings! We are happy to have this time with you. Please understand that we know your life at times is very difficult and that you have time burdens. Yet in truth, there is no time. Humans create deadlines as a means to ensuring a job gets done, yet all it creates is stress.
There is much stress involved in waking up at a certain time, getting to work, getting the children off to school, eating lunch at a specific moment, returning from lunch, finishing chores before you get off work, getting to church, meeting friends for dinner, making it to the movies on time, getting to the store before it closes, postponing fun until the weekend or retirement and the list goes on.
How can you find balance in a world filled with deadlines? You could begin by taking an inventory each time you look at your watch or clock. Begin to notice the things you do that involve being somewhere at a specific time. Also, notice your relationship to time. Do you feel anxious if you are running late?

Michael Tsarion Nephilim Reptilian Annunaki Endgame