viernes, abril 10, 2015

SaLuSa - 10 April 2015

From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience. So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time, to us it is just a fleeting moment. Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been “away” for days, to return and find that only a short time has elapsed. Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days. In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now. You are learning that time is not constant, and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth, into the higher vibrations.

These are times when you must keep a very open mind, as more surprises are waiting to be discovered. Things are not necessarily as you have been taught, and perhaps one of the hardest facts to accept is that you can travel faster than the speed of Light. There is much to learn that will come to you when you become fully fledged as a Galactic Being. At this time your consciousness is opening up and your vibrations are increasing, and you are on the way to returning to levels that you are in reality already familiar with. From here-on it is a matter of re-learning what you have forgotten and that will not be difficult as you will be getting much help. As we have told you previously, you are much greater than you imagine and in essence you are Gods in the making. However, there is a long way to go before you reach such a pinnacle of growth.


Alcyon Pléyades 26-3ª: Ovnis Protectores. Estación Espacial Internacional. Chemtrails

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Walking Through the Doorway of Restoration - Apr 10, 2015

 Lotus flower_800x534This written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, April 6th, 2015.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
We are the Angels of many principalities, opening up the doorway for Divine Mother and Father God to enter into your hearts.
Allow their essence to come into you through your breath. Feel it, my children. Feel it! Allow the expression of your own Angelic self to be fully manifested within your physical existence. Be this Angelic self, as it will assist you through the trials and the challenges you are experiencing presently. It is a beautiful time, even though it is a tremendous time for each of you personally. You are creating, some not just on the Earth, where it is needed.
Bless yourself in this moment, as we bless you in the Light that you are.
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Greetings, My Children,
Just as Yamteleus has said, we are so happy to be with each of you through this venue once again even though we are with you all the time.

250-Million-Year-Old Stone With Microchip Print Discovered

Looks like researchers from Russia have found a 250 million year old microchip
by Ancient Code

Researchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years.

The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according to researchers, this ancient microchips dates back millions of years.

After countless tests, researchers have come to the conclusion that this antique piece was used as some sort of microchip in ancient times.

The problem is its age, according to tests, the artifact is believed to be between 225 and 250 million years old.

Some researchers believe that the dating of the artifact is not entirely accurate given the fact that you cannot date rock, and the tests were based on traces of organic material found around the mystery “chip”.

The million dollar question is, who and what used a microchip that dates back 250 million years? Is there a possibility that this is in fact the remains of ancient technology? Technology that belonged to a highly advanced civilization that inhabited Earth millions of years ago?

Related: Top 20 Still Unanswered Forbidden-History Questions

Dolores Cannon: Communicating from Beyond the Veil. - April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015
 Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 19, 2014.
Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition, dreams, regression sessions and visions.
Tonight on Julia Cannon’s The Metaphysical Hour Radio Show, we will be telling some of these stories and inviting those that knew her, her practitioners and the public to call in and tell their own stories!
I have been blessed to receive extraordinary information from Dolores myself and have had clients who have been the messenger or voice for her. I have also had dozens of very vivid dream communications and intuition hits.
None of this surprises me nor those who knew her. Dolores perfected the whole idea of communicating across time and space!

The Secret Covenant: The Elite’s Manual For Global Enslavement

jueves, abril 09, 2015

UFO in Kolomna, Russia - March 23 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de Gaia Nº 3 - Canalización de la Noche - Ulluru, Australia, 26 de marzo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

(el audio registra 2 minutos de sonido de un instrumento musical)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo diré otra vez: Yo sé dónde estoy. En estos tres días se han entregado cosas profundas; si se consideran los tres anteriores, más aún. Y así, muchos de ustedes bajaron a este lugar sin saber realmente qué sucedería. Algunos tenían sus propios songlines, sus propias historias. En algún nivel, ustedes trajeron para la tierra, y la tierra trae para ustedes.

Y en ello, ustedes esperarían que en algún lugar habría una energía simultánea, una cooperación, una confluencia, en que la tierra les hablaría y ustedes podrían hablarle. Y digo que ustedes esperarían eso porque es un deseo grande, cuando se considera la enormidad de lo que está aquí. Ha transcurrido el tiempo, la pureza que ha sido desarrollada por aquellos que conservaron pura a la tierra.

Omnec Onec: Interview between Robert Potter and Anja Schaefer