domingo, febrero 08, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - 07-02-15. La guerra en Ucrania fue originada por los sionistas del Departamento de Estado y el Vanguard Group con el fin de crear la nueva Khazaria, y empezar la Tercera Guerra Mundial al forzar a Rusia a traer fuerzas militares a Donbass:

08 feb
Fuentes y comentarios en inglés:
Más inteligencia en bruto de los rusos:
  1. La Vanguard Corporation está imprimiendo miles de millones de dólares de “dólares de pega” y paga a los mercenarios de Greystone, Academi y algunos como el grupo ABC, etc. Había unos pocos empleados de Vanguard, algunos de ellos empleados del Departamento de Estado, que tenían acceso a miles de millones de dólares falsos que tiene mejor apariencia incluso que el dinero real …
  2. Los empleados del Vanguard tenían autobuses (llenos) de estos dólares (miles de millones), y financiaban a ambos lados de la guerra ucraniana … Ellos compraron una gran cantidad de armas del ejército ucraniano y de forma regular se las suministraban a la milicia de Novorossiya (Donbass).

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 08 al 15 de febrero, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


La vida en el planeta se está acelerando en respuesta a las energías cósmicas que se están vertiendo sobre la superficie y en lo profundo de su núcleo. Innumerables cambios están ocurriendo dentro de los campos de energía de todas las formas de vida. Todos y todo están tratando de adaptarse al aumento del nivel de frecuencia que ahora rodea la tierra y a todos sus habitantes, tanto visibles como invisibles. Estas energías son ahora incluso más poderosas que antes y están trabajando para aflojar y disolver todos los bloqueos dentro de cada individuo de una manera que permita la liberación de todos los patrones restrictivos del pasado.

Massive Plasma Filament Faces Earth | S0 News February 8, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - February 8-15, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Life upon the planet is quickening in its response to the cosmic energies that are pouring upon the surface and deep within its core. There are myriad changes occurring within the energy fields of all living life forms. Everyone and everything is trying to adjust to the increased frequency level that now besets Earth and all her inhabitants, both seen and unseen. These energies are now even more powerful than before and are working to loosen and dissolve all blockages within each individual in a way that will enable a release from all restrictive patterns of the past. It is a potent and oftentimes, uncomfortable process, but be assured that the end result will be a good one for all. There are many chaotic forces at work and it seems as if the world and everyone in it have succumbed to madness. This too, shall pass.Those who continue to resist surrender to the purging process are finding it more and more difficult to wield their agendas with the ease of accomplishment they were once privy to.

Blossom Goodchild – 8 February 2015

bloss arizona biggerThis channeling was today posted by Blossom
Here we are, once again. I AM FEELING REALLY BACK ON TRACK. Amazing what a good look into One’s Truth can do … to find out exactly what it is! Moving right along … what offering do you see fitting to impart in this communication today?
Many greetings of sincere and uplifting, encouraging Love to Each and Every One. We are delighted indeed … that One is tending to their garden … sorting out the weeds and leaving only all that FEELS correct and nurturing. We are so very aware of the individual journey that each is travelling … and as much as we cannot or would not choose to interfere on that journey … we FEEL so very honoured to be able to be a ‘café’ … where upon we can provide sustenance along the way.

DL Zeta – Our Lens Of Perception Determines The Nature And Quality of Our Experience – 8 February 2015

DLZetaThe nature and quality of our life experiences are directly related to our levels of seeing. Everything is here and has always been here. We are only limited by what we are willing and able to see through our lens of perception.
There has always been so much more than what we have seen. If we expand our current level of seeing a million times we would only see a speck of what there is to see. Our potentials and capabilities offer our best window into the infinite nature of the universe. This divine pattern flows around and through us. Every particle of existence is alive with codes and information. These codes have always been available to those who were ready to awaken inside the dream of their earth life. This awakening enables new levels of inner seeing.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 8 February 2015

Here we are again, ready to impart another message into your system, for as you already know well by now, these missives are not just simply a conglomeration of words, they also contain layers of information that may not be visible to the untrained eye, but will be very noticeable indeed to anyone who chooses to connect fully with what it is we are trying to convey. Let us explain. It is not by accident that you have been drawn to this space, for the signature frequency that is yours, is one that matches very well with the inherent frequencies of these messages, and so, the two are made for each other in every way. You see, in order to assist you through this ever ongoing ordeal that this continuous process of elevating the frequential status of this planet may be likened to by some of you, it is indeed necessary that what we provide will give you the support you need in order to fulfill your part of this multi-layered and indeed extremely complex operation.

Brenda Hoffman - Súper Seres - Enero 2, 2015


Por Brenda Hoffman

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Muchos estaban excitados con lo que ustedes llaman el Súper Bowl - supuestamente lo mejor que hay en partidos de fútbol. Un equipo es el ganador supremo - hasta el día después del partido, cuando todos empiezan a adivinar qué equipos participarán en el próximo Súper Bowl. No es que esté de más cumplir con las tradiciones 3D, es sólo que cualquier súper-cosa tiene vida corta en el mundo 3D.

Benjamín Fulford - 07-02-15. Noticias de última hora de mis fuentes rusas

08 feb
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Los alemanes han detenido al asistente de Victoria Nuland, quien además, es un empleado de Vanguard Corporation, con casi mil millones de dólares falsos de alta calidad, impresos por Vanguard Corporation. Este empleado (es miembro del Departamento de Estado), y ahora, durante los interrogatorios, ha puesto “contra las cuerdas” a Vanguard Corporación con todas sus empresas y ha “puesto contra las cuerdas” a Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan y otros …
Él testificó que la Vanguard Corporation ha impreso miles de millones de dólares falsos de alta calidad y ha pagado con ellos a mercenarios en Siria, Irak, Ucrania, Libia, etc y a mercenarios de Greystone y ISIS. Testificó acerca de las conexiones y los acuerdos petroleros entre Vanguard Corporation y ISIS.