domingo, febrero 01, 2015

James Tyberonn - Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra Projecting Purple Orb

The Real Roswell Alien Film?

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Es su Alegría Algo del Futuro? - Ene 26, 2015

26 de Enero 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Ustedes escalaron su montaña y son libres – todavía no han aceptado que lo son. Están parecidos a los elefantes entrenados desde la infancia a mantenerse en un área con una cuerda de la que pudiesen zafarse como un adulto.

Tom Kenyon – Hathorian Stream Of Light – A Hathor Sound Meditation – 1 February 2015

tomkenyonThe Hathors have been asking me to post this sound meditation for weeks due to the extreme stress that many individuals are experiencing and will continue to experience in their lives.
This sound meditation is gentle and subtle, but its benefits are extensive, in that it allows you to gently release tension that arises from your present circumstances, and if you choose to work with it further it can help release negativity from your past.
The meditation is 12 minutes long and is best listened to with stereo headphones or earbuds. If you have the space to do so I suggest you lie down and prop your legs up so that they are higher than your head and chest as this simple position will assist you to relax more deeply.
Breathe in long slow comfortable inhales and gently relaxed exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it.

Planetary Update - February 2015

Aisha North - Welcome to the February Gathering around the Pond, Sunday February 1

Dear family of light! Once again we are about to enter a new month, and once again we have the opportunity to come together and “pool our resources” as the CCs like to say. For this upcoming Sunday is February 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“Rejoice dear ones, as you have once again elected to be a part of this wondrous collective that is furthering the development of this evolution. For you are the awakened ones, the ones that have chosen to go where no man has gone before, and to do so with your eyes and indeed your hearts wide open. And once again you will do an important collaborative exercise where you will be guided to come together in a very new way, based upon the current level of frequencies that you as a group now represent. And let us simply say that it is more than impressive, for over the last period of time, you have managed to acquire quite a few new strings to your formidable instruments as we have already told you, and we venture to guess they will be more than ready to be tried out as you sit down to engage in what can only be described as a veritable flood of activity.

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: The End of Religion and Review of Lab Rats

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 February 2015

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As you let go of all your old ideas and expectations of how things should be and open yourselves to the new dimensions of reality that are coming forward, you are individually, and collectively, being given the direction of the next step on your path and the greater part you are playing in the overall plan for humanity’s evolutionary journey. Pay attention to the trends that come up through the words in conversations with others, books that you are now reading, the stories on the news media and the movies that you are watching. Quite often, Spirit works through these avenues to bring awareness to you of the direction each of you and the greater collective are now traversing. These all offers hints and clues of that which comes forward at this time to give guidance and direction. You will know the way forward by being still and listening to still small voice within you.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Informe Optimo para el 26/1 – 1/2/15

26 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Esta semana tenemos el movimiento de Venus que ciertamente impacta las áreas de relaciones/belleza/valor de nuestras vidas. Ella se está moviendo desde una posición más leve y desapegada (Acuario) al profundo, acuoso y compasivo Piscis el jueves, 27/1.

Christina Lunden - 2015: This is the Year of Answered Prayers - Part 2 - February 1, 2015

I get a message to share with you at the beginning of each year with the essence of the coming year so you know what to expect and how to prepare. Here is more about that multi layered message.
The lowest layer is that the crazy and chaotic we are going to see this year is going to hit epic levels. The violence will continue to escalate all the way through the year. And unfortunately, we will see more women and children involved in causing the violence / terrorist attacks. Evil is making itself known all around the world.
On the next level up, people will lose even more this year in money, jobs, health and security. With what has happened in the last few years, it doesn’t seem possible but there is more to come. Some people who haven’t been touched in recent years will be surprised by the circumstances that come up in their lives this year. The times for the crashing down of the Earthplane has not peaked yet. There are some things happening that didn’t need to because people are not listening to their souls or looking at a bigger picture of why they are here, which is unfortunate.