jueves, noviembre 27, 2014

Amazing Unknown Transparent Vehicle Captured Over Vienna, Austria, Nov 26, 2014

Interview with The Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on 27th of Nov.2014

Interview with Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan
 through the Blue Flare/Admin.of www.theworldoftruth.org

The Blue Flare/admin.: We welcome you Master Ibrahim in this interview

E.M.: Welcome to you...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Through this interview, we will address to talk about the happenings and the developments that taking place in the ethereal & astral dimensions and their reflection on what happens in the ground now, also we will talk about The Event, The Ascension and Polar Shifting...etc. and we will answer some of the many questions that we received from brothers [ the followers of our social network www.theworldoftruth.org  ]..
Are you ready, or there are some topics that you have reservations in answering them?

E.M.:  Welcome to you first, I commend on our dedicated brothers in the path of consciousness, who are keen to follow up on the big changes that occur around us, which in turn prepare us to enter into the new age, as for your question; there is no reservations in answering specific questions, but there are some topics that need depth in consciousness “Lessons in consciousness” and not an answers, but I’ll try to answer in brief...


Conversation with Sananda
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: I see that the whole earth is destroyed. 
An unbelievable energy sweeps across the whole earth; 
the scene has a “final” character. Thereby it is notable that 
I do not perceive a single human Being on this earth. 
(End of dream)

miércoles, noviembre 26, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.26.2014

Dawn at Fish Lake
Journal Entry 11.26.2014
It’s been nearly five weeks (!) since my “ascension”. Some of the past hours, days and weeks have been challenging ones for me, as I have passed through bouts of intense emotions and feelings.
I’ve been told that I am clearing at a tremendous rate. Actually, I think most of us are doing just that given the intensity of the energies and all the recent portals, etc., that we have gone through.
Even as a young adult, I had a pattern of going in and out of intense, but short-lived bouts of depression. If left alone, I could bring myself out of the funk without a problem. Often I would not be able to talk and would disappear either to my room or go for a walk.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz 
Report: At the entrance of an apartment building are three 
boys, approximately 10 years old, totally blocking the entrance, 
making it impossible to walk in. I say: “Pardon”, and ask to be let 
through. They unwillingly step aside. After I had walked for a few 
steps into the building, one of the boys said to the others in a low 
voice so that I would not hear it: “asshole”. (End of report)

TODO lo que crees es una MENTIRA (Siempre nos han engañado, y aun lo hacen)

Karen Dover - Breaking of the “mold” of being “human” - November 26, 2014

The old 3D earth created construct served to “mold” the human life experience into a variety of patterns and therefore “experiences”, it is vital to understand that all experience within the old 3D earth created construct was a result of the frequencies that were anchored and not the other way around. All is a mirror and when you look into a mirror it is a reflection that has to be turned around, everything is back to front.

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - Windows of Infinity The Mega Eclipses of October 2014 Understanding the Nature & Attributes od Lunar & Solar Ecliptical Synergy - Nov 2014

The above channel is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved www.Earth-Keeper.com

The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. The complete channel will be available very soon in book format, and the audio version is free.  Please do not post, print, publish or release on U Tube without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper.


martes, noviembre 25, 2014

Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan - Beyond the quarantine Zone

Brenda Hoffman - How Will NEW YOU React This Holiday Season? - Nov 25, 2014 - ¿Cómo Reaccionará el NUEVO USTEDES en Esta Estación Festiva? Por Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you have many memories – both good and bad – of this family holiday season. How will new you react the next few weeks?
Will you wish to be surrounded by those you love? Will you prefer being alone? Will you accept whatever your family or friends wish to create? Or will you create new holiday traditions? All questions pointing to your discomfort with what should or should not happen in your heart during this season. And fears of Christmas or holidays past.
Your society trained you to create feelings you may or may not feel. Love is in the air – love created by society for this season. Even though you are a new being with new beliefs, your societal demanded heart actions are difficult for many of you to ignore.
It is as if the world conspires to insist you open your heart for a few hours of a specific date.
Your heart no longer functions as in the past. You may feel great love for a friend, relative or community based on celebrations. But you could as easily feel little or nothing – and become concerned as a result.