domingo, septiembre 14, 2014

UFO Sighted Over San Francisco Bay Area California, Nevada and Oregon


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Condensation of space-time, the separation 
of the galaxy begins and this has an effect 
on earth, the ascending planet. 
We represent the space fleet of Light on and 
from the 6th dimension of All-That-Is.

We are omnipresent in space-time, which constitutes 
the level of experience of ascending mankind. 
We are among you.

DL Zeta – Dreams And Eclipse Portals Transport Us To Future Life Tracks – 14 September 2014

DLZetaWe are approaching a period of accelerated and powerful energies with the upcoming fall/spring equinox, an eclipse series in October, and Mercury retrograde from October 4 to 26. These energies will bring windows of opportunity as well as challenges designed to help us re-calibrate our spiritual connection and restructure our approach to our purpose. The decisions we make during this period will cast a wide sphere of influence well into the coming year.
Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies
So why are we talking now about energies that are a few weeks out? One reason is that many lightworkers are sensitive to energies and begin to experience the powerful shifts an eclipse brings a month or more prior to the actual event. Another reason is in order to make the most of the opportunities this powerful passage will bring we need to revisit our intentions and visions prior to this time of magnified energies.

Massive UFO Over Albuquerque New Mexico

sábado, septiembre 13, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - WELCOME TO AGARTHA, ADAMA OF TELOS - September 13, 2014

Publication from the
new Book by Jahn J Kassl:

Telos - Welcome to Agartha

Welcome to Agartha

Welcome Home!
Welcome in the Light!
Welcome in the safety and Love of your eternal siblings

the Agarthans.

I am ADAMA, High Priest of TELOS, Member of the Council of

Elders and as an Initiate of the first and last days of Mankind

responsible for the purity of the vibration of Inner Earth.

Through my energy fields flows the cosmic Light, flows the

unswerving river of Love to Upper Earth and my Light Ray

bundles with the cosmic Light from the Central Sun creating

a unique intensity and power of transformation.

Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings - September 13, 2014

Eagle Creek, Eagle Cap Wilderness
Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings
It’s a beautiful day outside, cool and pleasant, yet I wanted to write something.
I’m having a difficult time connecting with anything to write about… so, in order to get started, I will share portions of my notes from a session that I had in early 2009, with a talented healer / seer.
“When Lady Aurelia first focused on my energy patterns, she saw a clear spirit, a tremendous Being of Light with a crown on her head. She expressed it as my being the queen of my planet, holding a place of authority.”
Interesting, given that while I’m not a queen, I am an aspect of a Light Being and highly evolved Soul.
“She said that in my vertical aspect, I was an Ascended Lady Master and that I express at a higher level than that, above. She could not determine whether that expression was archangelic or something else altogether different.”

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 13 September 2014

AishaNorthThe days may be growing shorter on one half of your planet, but the amount of light is ever increasing. So too today, as your wonderful benefactress the Sun will continue to send out her generous gifts of loving emissaries, all sent out to touch every heart on this planet. Granted, whoever these rays of light encounter, they will be apt to react in all sorts of manners according to their genetic make up. For this is in every aspect both a collective but also an individual process, all set up to maintain the needs of every individual being involved in this huge and complex situation, and so, what will serve to fire up your neurons in such a way you will find yourself hard pressed to even sit still, may serve to put another being to bed in a very literal but also beneficial way.

Best UFO Russian video 2014 part 1 (Лучшие съемки НЛО в России 2014)

Major Solar Storms Have Hit Earth Creating Stunning Auroras

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Detached Lightwork and ‘The Event’ – Part 2/2 - Sep 13, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
With this recommendation given, we’ll move on to our next question.
Question #2: ‘The Event’
“Just wondering your thoughts on the ‘event’ and Robert Potter?”
This subject can be tricky, and it goes without saying that a lot of perspectives are flying around in regards to the ‘event’ the direct role your star family will play in your evolution.
We’ll confirm that down the line, there will be not only one, but a series of brazen energetic ‘events’ (and ‘events’ that are related to contact with your star family) that’ll drastically raise humanity’s vibration and introduce your collective to the fourth and fifth dimensions, and your star family will play a very big role in your ascension.