jueves, septiembre 11, 2014

Wes Annac- Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Sanat Kumara and the Gosford Hieroglyphs - Sep11, 2014

Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
The work you do for humanity’s evolution is more important than we can express, and you’re encouraged to embrace your work when you could otherwise embrace material things that don’t fill you with nearly as much satisfaction.
We’ll generally encourage you to make spirit a part of everything you do, and if you let it, the divine can completely fill your perception and paint itself onto everything you do and experience.
Your experiences will become much more enjoyable when you allow the divine to permeate every aspect of your existence, and the greatest recommendation we can give on this day is to encourage you to expand your perspective and the work that results, for in doing so, you’ll expand the amount and purity of love you’re able to feel within.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. - Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life

Pope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”. Ubanell reports that details have yet to be officially announced but that the Vatican’s interest in extraterrestrial life is well documented through recent astrobiology conferences the Vatican Observatory has sponsored or participated in. Father Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer and one of the leading Catholic proponents for preparing for the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial life, on July 18, won the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society. Pope Francis, a fellow Jesuit, regularly consults with Consolmagno and other leading Vatican astronomers about scientific issues. It is likely that Pope Francis is preparing an “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – about First Contact with extraterrestrial life.

Aisha North – A Message From Mother – 11 September 2014

AishaNorthAnd so here we are, and once again I am delighted to have this opportunity to speak to you all through this channel. And once again I say be well dear ones, and be happy, for you have accomplished something that no one could have hoped would happen so quickly in this time and age, for as you stepped forth to lift the mantle of darkness from my shoulders, you simultaneously set us free from the anchors that have held us all tethered to the old. And now, we can all sail freely into the blessed waters of tomorrow. For now, we will no longer have to step away from the greatness that we all have carried hidden away for such a long time, and as we together swim out into the wide open waters of love, hope and joy, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for giving your lives to this act of liberation.

miércoles, septiembre 10, 2014

‘Before Stonehenge, there was Woodhenge and Strawhenge’: High-tech 3D digital map reveals vast ritual monuments complex - September 10, 2014 11:42

Reuters/Chris Helgren
Reuters/Chris Helgren
Eddie Izzard, it seems, was right about the Druids. Before Stonehenge, there were indeed other “henges” on Salisbury Plain.
Thanks to a new, state-of-the-art 3D digital map, scientists have revealed that Stonehenge was surrounded by a sprawling landscape of chapels, burial mounds, massive pits and ritual shrines. Maybe not “Woodhenge” or “Strawhenge,” as comedian Eddie Izzard joked in his “Dressed to Kill” standup routine in his debunking of conventional views of history, but not far off.
The vast hidden complex of archaeological monuments has been uncovered around Stonehenge using high-tech methods of scanning below the Earth's surface.

Coming Soon: 3D Printable Solar Panels Capable Of Powering… Anything – 10 September 2014

RT logoPrintable solar panels are going to be available to us very soon and could power “entire skyscrapers,” Australian researchers say. The very near future will see personal electronic charging transformed, but the potential is growing quickly.
A team of 50 scientists in various fields worked for years to develop paper-thin, printable solar panels as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium. They hope to see commercial market production for use in low-power applications in the very near future.
The key benefit of such technology is in transforming the way personal electronics are charged. “iPad covers, laptop bags, skins of iPhone [will no longer be] just for casing electronics, but to collect some energy as well and power those electronics,” Fiona Scholes, a senior research scientist at Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, told ABC News.
Read the full story at: www.rt.com / link to original article

Méline Portia Lafont ~ September alignment energies ~ what is important to know as we move through this? September 10, 2014

Wowza, another big amplifier just stirred our core and the core of Gaia.  Have you noticed how much has been stirring up and happening around you?  The collective drama is being amplified here and it is about being cautious to not be dragged into it.  Pay attention to not be caught up in those dramatical and chaotic unfoldment’s of others, while playing our roles of Ascension gate keepers and light worker ground crew.  Everyone is now responsible for his/her own process of integrating these new cosmic codes and light particles in the best way you can cope with.
Everyone holds his/her own natural consciousness and magnetic vibration that opens new gates when the right frequency is matching each other.  When the current level of your consciousness and that of the collective matches, gateways are opened for the collective. This is whereas you function as a gatekeeper and activator of portals for those that are now vibrating along with that surge of energy functioning as a portal and consciousness.  That is why you as a gatekeeper and light worker ground crew are constantly adapting to the higher energies and light codes that are infiltrating your own being and the planetary consciousness.

Magenta Pixie – OpeningThe Eye Of Horus (Autumn Equinox 2014) – 10 September 2014

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Oak Island’s Secrets And The Unity Of Mankind – Part 2/2 – 10 September 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
Question #2: Life Mission
“Thank-you for the gift of a channeled response. I would like to ask about my life’s mission and the manifestation of otherness and isolation. There is a traumatized personality that I am protecting in my heart.”
Our reader’s purpose is to do everything she can to bring humanity together. Every seeker has felt separate from the rest of humanity at times, and everyone has had to deal with feelings of isolation and loneliness.
We note that it can be a very difficult feeling to cope with, and while ‘loneliness’ as you see it is an illusion and you can enjoy a greater communion with Source when you’re by yourself than when you’re with others, it’s still responsible for a lot of pain in the conscious community and the rest of humanity.

DL Zeta: Stand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens - Sep10, 2014

DL ZetaStand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens, by DL Zeta, Augus 29, 2014 at: http://www.celestialvision.org. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
We are at a transition point when energies of the new time are strengthening inside future moments. Realities crystallizing in not-too-distant future time frames are created from increasingly different templates. These templates are infused with greater frequencies of love, peace, harmony and compassion.
Increasing numbers of souls are awakening thanks to these powerful transformative energies. The other side of this is that the energies are also triggering tidal waves of resistance. We can expect in coming weeks and months to see waves of higher energy clashing with denser energies, much like two storm fronts meeting in the atmosphere.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 10 September 2014

SheldanNidle4 Manik, 5 Zip, 11 Ik
Selamat Jalwa! We return with much to say! Your various programs to bring you prosperity are here! Now you need to better understand what is happening to each of you. Fundamentally, your bodies are transforming and being made ready for your final changes which are to transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. This transformation is taking place in stages, in a way which enables your body to adjust. At times, these adjustments are difficult for you. These so-called ascension symptoms are things that all of you are feeling. You may experience a strange heartbeat or more fatigue than usual after some strenuous exercise. The severity of what you encounter is pre-determined by Heaven through the agendas given your many body guardians. You agreed to these agendas before you were embodied on this Earth plane. Strict instructions were given to our medical teams as to how to report each individual’s vital spiritual, mental, emotional and physical signs. These measurements help us to daily reconfigure your personal crystal light chamber.