viernes, junio 06, 2014

Santa Rea via Philipp: A Message from my Higher Self ~ Crossing the Finish Line - Jun 5, 2014

Santa Rea: A Message from my Higher Self. Channelled by Philipp. June 5, 2014
I am Santa Rea, your Higher Self.
I address this to you because humanity has reached the point which it has awaited eagerly for such a very long time. You are about to cross the finishing line.
The Universal Mother has gifted you with the Tsunami of Love. You are constantly flooded with her energies and in the last couple of weeks. These energies have taken on a momentum which led humanity to its destiny.
I ask you and all your fellow sisters and brothers, come join us now for finishing this game. Without you, the full effect of the Tsunami of Love cannot reach your shore. This Tsunami of Love is a sacred undertaking based on the sacred partnership with your Mother. You are the Tsunami of Love!
You bring forward the energies and help to spread the Love all over the world and, consequently, help to lift humanity out of the mud.
We informed you, asked you and even implored you to see and imagine how you ride Mother’s waves of Love energy. Now it is time to understand and fully comprehend that you are not only riding the wave but you are the wave!
You, every single Lightworker, Lightholder, Wayshower or what every term you prefer, are the wave targeting to reach humanity’s shore. Meditate on this, see yourself as the big Tsunami of Love wave that is rushing over the sea, playing along with the dolphins, the whales and the sacred water Elementals, reaching for the shores of Gaia.
See how you are flooding Gaia with the brilliant Light of Love and how your Light beams out in the Universe. It is time for action, my sweet Angel. It is time to truly step forward and say:
“I am here to fulfill a job, to do my part in this Sacred Union with the Universal Mother and I am more than ready and willing to complete this. Dear Universal Mother, I am your child and I am here to help you. Bring it along and I am helping you to spread your Love to my fellow sisters and brothers.”
I am Santa Rea. Go with my Love. Farewell.

Espectacular flotilla de OVNIs sobre el cielo de Roma. 2014

Fotos de John Hyatt:¿Prueba de existencia de Hadas? / Photos by John Hyatt:Evidence about fairies?

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 6 June 2014

Time such as you experience it is an illusion, but necessary for you to progress within the limitations of the Third Dimension. Nevertheless, you are beginning to sense that greater opportunities exist beyond its confines. Indeed, you are stepping into the higher vibrations, and providing you are refining yours you will remain on the path to them. Such progress is inevitable as it is time to leave the old vibrations behind with those souls who remain within them by choice. We have told you before and repeat again that it is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a New Age. At such times great changes occur that unavoidably result in chaos before settling down, but out of them will come that lasting peace that every soul seeks.

Suzanne Lie - Creating Your Own Reality Part 3

Eliza: On Surrendering to Love - June 6, 2014

Eliza: On Surrendering to the Love that you are
Has it only been two and a half weeks since Wesak? We all seem to be encompassing lifetimes in a matter of days.
For me, it has been all about eating healthier. I have managed on a primarily fruit diet, although I get strange looks from my co-workers when I go by with a bowl full of grapefruit slices instead of a sandwich. I still eat other foods, but not to the degree that I once did. Most sweets are out now, as I am also gradually weaning myself off of sugar, except in its natural form, fruit. A nice salad with some tuna fish or boiled egg gives me some needed protein and an array of vitamins from the dark greens. Then an occasional handful of nuts or one half of an avocado gives me fat/protein. It is a simple diet, with virtually no or little cooking.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Water Displacement” – 6 June 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
As we are now in the process of Saka Dawa and leading up to the Full Moon of Humanity, the last of the three annual sacred Full Moons, we are also under a lot of influence with Neptune.
And the Neptunian energy causes a lot of interesting things around water. So my caution today is about water and on all levels: within the body, bodies of water on the planet and the planetary water content in general.
We are seeing the effects of water displacement on all levels.  So, for example, in your body, you might drink plenty of water but the skin is still dry or you don’t drink enough water so the stools get too loose or whatever.

UFO sighting near the Sun - June 5, 2014


Suzanne Lie – Back From Lemuria 3 – Our New Life – 6 June 2014

After my meeting with the Arcturian, Jason guided me to the table and made some coffee so I could get more grounded. As I sat there waiting for my coffee, I started flipping through the stack of mail I had set on the table. After going through a bunch of bills we could not pay and a lot of junk mail, I came to a letter from a lawyer for Jason.
Obviously, the letter had followed him over several address changes and finally found its way to his current address. It looked like one of those envelopes that had a check in it, so I called Jason in to open it. He came in with our coffee and sat down to open the official looking letter.
“Oh,” he said. “This was my rich uncle’s attorney.”