lunes, mayo 26, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Divine Push into deeper Change & Release - May 26, 2014

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It has been one heck of a time lately hasn’t it? Multiple aspects of my life have been divinely exploded into further change and release since the last week of April 2014. I’m certain many of you can wholeheartedly relate.
For many the April into May 2014 energies have been a Divine blinding blast that helped us fully see, know, understand, standup for ourselves and our happiness and future well-being, make adjustments and/or completely disconnect and release in all ways from certain people/family members/friends/partners etc. if  that’s what was required of us at this time. For me it was with more family members. Sometimes it’s easier to have loved ones die than have them remain in-body and not progress but disintegrate even more, falling into deeper mental and emotional sickness.

Wes Annac – The Spirit World Chronicles: More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 5 – 26 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 4
Joy tells us more about the interesting deathbed phenomena she’s experienced.
“I have seen a man who had been writhing in agony suddenly grow calm, fasten his eyes with an expression of joyful recognition on what to those observing him was only vacancy, and uttering a name in tones of glad greeting, breathe his last breath.” (1)
This man was clearly greeting a departed friend or loved one who’d come to see him off in his final hours of physical life, and it’s interesting how the pain and fear completely dissolve from people who experience this.
The excitement upon discovering the fourth dimension must be wonderful. It has to be incredible to go from worrying about ceasing to exist, to enjoying a much freer and more expanded reality than we ever did on earth, and the presence of friends and relatives from our past probably makes it all the more enjoyable.

If You Have and Alien Encounter, Consult a Professional - Giles Campbell

Gile's has a degree in Zoology, a Masters in
Biodiversity and Conservation Genetics

YOU'RE driving down a long road at night, towing a boat on the back with your father beside you. Then a big, bright blue light appears just over the car to the right-hand side. It just sort of blinks on.

You notice it immediately; turn to your father for assurance that you aren't imagining it. He turns around and looks. He can see it too but, unlike you, he wants to drive faster and get away.

The orb follows the car for a few minutes before it shoots off into the distance.
You do not speak because neither you nor he can explain what it is you have seen. But for you, this is just the beginning of a series of paranormal encounters that make you begin to question your sanity.

The Nephilim are ALIENS - They walk amoung us - Shocking Truth Exposed

Jahn J Kassl - ACTIVATION OF THE ASCENSION GATES, ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL -*UGGVj2098elNjtp6YbR6Lyvh4*SjIihgVv0iB/ArchangelRaphael.jpeg
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
transalted by Franz

Beloved Children of Humanity,
Beloved Gods in human countenance,
Beloved Siblings of the heavenly realms:
We are One! Truly, we are One with ALL-THAT-IS.

I am Archangel Raphael and it is up to me to accompany you 
through the coming days and weeks, to guide, to lead and provide 
you with everything you need for your salvation and wellbeing.

domingo, mayo 25, 2014

ISS - Records of old cameras and other cover ups of NASA & Co.

The Vatican Agenda for Jerusalem – Part One

Vatican 001

Israelis have probably never thought very much about what the Roman Catholic Church/The Vatican thinks about "end of days" theology. Jews themselves don't give much thought to what will happen when "Gog and Magog" takes place. Jews don't go in for anything the least bit "next world" but instead are firmly planted in the here and know. That's good.

However it doesn't matter what Jews think, what matters is what The Vatican believes, and why it believes this. Judaism, and modern Jewish thought pretty much just dismisses the basic tenets of Catholicism outright and doesn't even bother addressing the core questions of what is behind "Catholic theological claims."

Wes Annac – The Spirit World Chronicles: More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 4 – 25 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 3
Call me a dreamer, but I have a feeling that a lot of doctors, especially ER doctors, have awakened to the reality of life after death. Plenty more will awaken in due time, as long as we keep at our efforts to raise awareness of the spiritual reality of our existence.
Joy outlines the rest of L’s passing, which was sad for her parents but delightful for L herself.
“Her father, mother, and brother, who had been summoned that they might be present when the end came, began to weep bitterly, for they knew that she was leaving them. From my heart there went up a prayer that they might see what I [saw] but they could not.
“The angels seemed to relax their grasp of the girl’s hands, which then fell back on the bed. A sigh came from her lips, such as one might give who resigns himself gladly to a much needed sleep, and in another moment she was what the world calls dead. But that sweet smile with which she had first recognized the angels was still stamped on her features.” (1)

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 25 May 2014 - Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 25 al 1° de Junio 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As the energy continues to come in waves, so too, do the symptoms your bodies are experiencing. Just when you thought that you were over the worst of them, another round is started. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that it brings lightness of heart and being as the ancient memories in your cells are brought to the surface to be addressed and released. All that is of sorrow and sadness is being eliminated and in its place comes more refined light. As those at the forefront of this movement and transformation, you are doing a wonderful job of assimilating and eliminating. The ups and downs that you have been experiencing are a part of the process. Listen to your bodies and allow rest when it is needed and for some of you, this reminds you of the story of Rip Van Winkle who wandered into the mountains and slept for twenty years. This too shall pass.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MAYO 2014


Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio web y un boletín electrónico global
Únete a nosotros en

MAYO 2014
Número 183

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado desde 1986 con Amor
por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín lo confecciona el Espíritu con amor y dedicación a la luz
Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad


Lamento que este número llegue tarde, pero no podía organizarme, las energías me estaban vapuleando.