sábado, marzo 29, 2014

Nobody has given you the rights over an other person – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn March 29, 2014

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(Translated from original language German)
My child, I have never taught you to use violence, no matter in what form or against whom or whatsoever. Your societies and religions teach you that the man would be superior to the woman and that he can reprimand, punish, maltreat, abuse or kill her on his own discretion.
This is NOT true. Each form of life, be it human, animal or nature is sacred and to be protected.
Hasn’t my beloved son Jesus told you that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself? This excludes indisputable all physical, mental and emotional castigation or torture. This is NOT Love.
You cut the foreskin of little boys and mutilate the clitoris of young girls and this even without any anesthesia and all this with the justification it would be healthy or desirable.

Natalie Glasson – Where Is The Love? By Archangel Metatron – 29 March 2014

Beloved beacons of light and love on the Earth, I address you from my truth speaking to all aspects of your being. I remain a presence and support for the Earth and humanity in this ascension process overseeing all shifts of ascension while ensuring a deeper sense of unity for all with the Creator. You can call upon me to assist you in all ascension processes within your being and upon the Earth as I hold a larger picture of what is to manifest and can shower you in the light of the Creator in support and to assist you further.
Know that while my purpose has been and continues to be focused upon unity with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator which means recognising a harmony with the Creator, I wish to speak now of the importance of love.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 29 March 2014

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9lqzQMZ5oM8/UP8fiW4A2PI/AAAAAAAAV_o/MuNPQBUQftc/s1600/75275_10151645329123098_570549483_n.jpgAs many of you have already noticed, this brand new grid of energetic filaments that are criss-crossing your globe has certainly lit up more than a few power points all over the place. This can in many ways be likened to what many of you refer to as acupuncture points, set into energetic pathways at junctures that serve not only to anchor these energies, but also to magnify them.
Let us explain. What we are talking about now, is in fact some of the properties of that brand new energetic system of pathways that many of you have been instrumental in setting up, and as such, what we share now, will come as a surprise to some of you, while for others, it will serve to confirm what they have already intuited is the case. For as you all connected during these last few days and weeks of energetic upgradings, you also served to anchor in a vast number of these grid points, manifested through the interaction between your physical bodies and these incoming energies, making this whole net of pathways come into being. And now, it is up and running, albeit not at its fullest potential just yet. For as it always is in these cases, a certain period for adjustments needs to be taken into account, as this is indeed a brand new energetic environment not just for you, but for this whole planet.


World LEADERS Wearing ILLUMINATI PYRAMID & Egyption Symbolism at 2014 NUCLEAR SUMMIT

Wes Annac - Spiritual Guidance: Liberation from the Self-Imposed Illusion - Mar 29, 2014

Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
If you could only fathom a portion of your indescribable beauty, you’d see that you’re glimmering souls of light who deserve to enjoy the rich and fulfilling experiences you seek.
Learning about the higher dimensions and your evolution back into them enables many of you to feel a greater sense of wholeness and freedom that the limitation of the earth just doesn’t offer, and we’re happy to provide a link to the other side by telling you all about the blissful realms you’re growing back into.

Eliza: On Earthquakes, Inner and Outer - March 29, 2014

Lake Ida
Eliza: On Earthquakes, Inner and Outer
I woke up this morning feeling a tightness in the “gut” or region of the solar plexus, beneath the diaphragm. Yes, I’ve had some extra tension at work as a result of taking on a supervisory position, but I knew that this wasn’t a personal feeling. Something was going on in the world. A short survey of some news sources was all it took; there had been a large earthquake in the Los Angeles area.
Having lived in earthquake prone areas nearly all my life, I’m not frightened by the prospect of experiencing one. I was born and lived most of my childhood within miles of the San Andreas Fault. Yet when I lived there, we had no earthquakes. Likewise, my family lived in Anchorage, Alaska, in the late 1950’s. Again, we experienced a few very mild earthquakes, nothing to be frightened about.
Of course, Anchorage suffered a huge earthquake in 1963, not long after we left the area. The earthquake impacted coastlines well to the south of the Alaska, including sending tsunami waters onto the shore at Crescent City, California, thousands of miles away.

viernes, marzo 28, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - COME TO ME, GOD - Mar 28, 2014 - 28. März 2014 - KOMMT ZU MIR, GOTT


channeled by Jahn J Kassl 
translated by Franz   

Attunement to the Light Reading 
Come to me,
I surround you with my Love,I bed you softly, 
I see where you suffer from deprivation and I fill 
you with happiness. 
Because you should enjoy abundance
and be endowed, to experience new Being
out of my hands and become what you are through me. 
Come to me,
I am God your Father, I am God your Mother, God your Brother, 
God your Sister; If you doubt and flag, when the path into the 
Light becomes turbid, then I stand at your side. 

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 28 March 2014

NancyTateI am here this day to speak with you about how it is feeling at this time of ascension. I am Horus, and I feel what you are feeling when you are grandly appreciating the progress you are making. It is a beautiful transition you are bringing. Imagine the change that you are giving to the word transition, and many other words as well. It is a matter of being able to take the meaning to a broader, higher acceptance and to leave the old meaning behind. It is the true representation of the way that you are feeling now, and how you have made that rise into the newness of your creation.

Karen Dover - “Distractions” Versus “Interactions in TRUTH - March 28, 2014

As the energies expand rapidly the human life experience at a waking conscious mind level may APPEAR to be very chaotic, it may appear to be very confusing and once again many of you may be facing the “puzzle” that the old 3D earth reality loves to pull out and persuade you needs to be solved.  It is important during this expansion that you are able to discern between that which is termed a “distraction” and that which is in fact an “interaction”. These two scenarios are not interchangeable and one will see you pulled back into the logical mind whilst the other will show your human logical mind where it works best, that is in HARMONY with the HEART space.