sábado, marzo 01, 2014

Welcome to the March Gathering around the Pond, Sunday 2

Dear friends! Tomorrow, Sunday March 2, we have another Gathering coming up at 21:00 Oslo time, and this is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“As you already know, these get-togethers that you are staging at regular intervals are of the highest importance, not just to you personally, but also to All of creation, and the reason for this, is simple. For as you sit down to reaffirm your connection to this life-enhancing grid, you also serve as an anchor for these heightened energies to become attached not only to your personal energetic setup, but also to the world at large.

The Water Spirits via Natalie Glasson: Mother Earth’s Ascension Shift - Mar 1, 2014


Beautiful Beings upon the Earth, remarkable shifts are occurring upon the Earth now; so many shifts are taking place it is impossible to share all with you or for you to notice all in your realities. There is an important shift taking place upon the Earth at this time which is connected to the divine template and blueprint of the Earth and your own being.
As the Era of Love manifests upon the Earth and love is truly becoming present within everything and everyone the Earth herself is going through massive shifts of awakening where her energetic template and blueprint is developing being encouraged by many beings of light to advance the consciousness present on the Earth and the way in which the Earth manifests.

Carl Munck - The Code

Christine Meleriessee - March 1st, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11″

March 1st, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11″

Unity Number 11In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents Mastery in all forms.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self. 

This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity.  It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension.  Keywords are:  Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.
Today is also the 1st day of the month so we want to look at those energetic exchanges of 3/7 (2014) equaling “1”.  In numerology this will be a very powerful month as the guidance that you are receiving is directed from our (Unified Whole Command) essence to allow you to step into Oneness.  It is important to understand that the experiences you had in February are all molded within your consciousness so that you can be more attuned to your higher essence and allow those energies to be grounded within you.  March will definitely be a very powerful month in which you can fully allow your Higher Essence to be your guide in all areas of your life.
The sum of “11” is derived from 31 = 4/7 = 11; 31 represents growth and expansion with the assistance of the Ascended Masters which is a powerful number of manifestation; 4/7 is a number of productive energies shown in the qualities of “4” representing Divine Order with the combination of “7” of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.  This then takes us to the Mastery Number of “11” in which doorways and opportunities are fully opened to allow what you have worked through to be fully created within your life.
This first day of March will prove to be very advantageous to you as long as you listen deeply within yourself and look at the signs that are appearing in your life.  When a person does not pay attention, they will loose sight of their experiences whether they were in a positive note or a transition from the dark into the light.
You are becoming the ascended master.  Do you know what this means to you?  Go deep within and see for yourself what that statement represents within your four-body system.  Reflect on the physical, the etheric, the emotional, and mental levels.  If they are all working in unison you will know what we mean.  It is when they are separate that the challenges appear as obstructions in your life.  You must take time each day to see the changes that have happened to you in each of the four bodies and not just your emotional or mental levels.
You must remember that when you are purging elements it is igniting from your Etheric Body, the Soul Body that you are that has all the knowledge’s within you.  Notice how you feel about the other three bodies and see changes happening within you both positive and lower.  It is important to acknowledge the lower essences that you have endured because when they cease to exist within you, you will understand yourself on a much deeper level.
The Universe is with you today; start practicing what you know to be true and walk through the doorways of uncertainty.  They are now being opened for you to arrive at your intended destination for this month.
In the Creation of Oneness,
We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light
Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein
The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness
Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from http://numerology- thenumber sand their meanings.blogspot.com/.  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: February 28, 2014

Dear Ones, we come with good news to inform you that the dedicated work you have put in, is about to bring the rewards that you have deservedly earnt. Our combined efforts have brought about a speeding up of the necessary work needed to bring about a notable stage in the progress required to bring the changes about. Your efforts have brought about a review of the progress made, and the decision was taken to rapidly move ahead.
It means that specific events will occur that you will become aware of that will clearly reveal the commencement of another stage leading to “The Event”. Within a relatively short period you will be given irrefutable proof of the advances being made, but do not expect them to be broadcast by the main media. The dark Ones will suppress the truth and will do anything to stop progress, and that means you may have to search around to find evidence of what is happening.

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Maintaining Your Focus In The Higher Energy” – 27 February 2014

LindaRobinsonMarch 2014
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the importance of maintaining your focus during these times of higher vibrational incoming energy.
Many new influxes of energy are arriving. This energy is of a higher vibrational level than that to which you have been accustomed. Each wave of new energy provides you with an opportunity to advance on your path by focusing on your heart’s desire.

viernes, febrero 28, 2014

El Ciclo de Vuestras Estaciones Pamela Kribbe - canaliza a la Tierra - Feb 2014


Traducción del inglés por Sandra Gusella

Soy la voz de la Tierra que les habla desde el suelo debajo de vuestros pies. Les hablo desde el corazón del invierno, que es una estación del año que les trae mucho aunque ustedes no siembre lo crean. En el invierno hay una retirada de la fuerza de vida hacia el núcleo. La estación del invierno gira en torno a ese núcleo: el núcleo de luz dentro de ustedes, el fuego que arde profundo adentro, el poder del espíritu en ustedes. En el invierno el exterior se cae; las ramas están desnudas. La vida se retira hacia el tronco y hacia las raíces y hay silencio y tranquilidad en la naturaleza. Pero este silencio, el vacío y la esterilidad, no está sin vida y sin alma “ siéntanlo. Cuando ustedes caminan a través del bosque o en los campos, la vida está ahí “ invisible, pero tangible. La vida se retira hacia el núcleo donde cobra fuerzas para brotar otra vez en la primavera.

Dragon Realms message to humanity 28th Feb 14

Greetings we are the Dragon Realms and we come to communicate with ALL who have taken human form upon and within planet earth. The energies now begin to expand and to heighten clearing away the residue, the fog of the old 3d earth created reality allowing many to SEE and FEEL clearly for the first time to new levels of their BEing.
ALL is not as it appears to the naked human eye but we guide that the clarity of vision will begin to show to the human eye. For the eyes that were blind WILL now SEE TRUTH.  The frequencies of the New Earth energies that now sweep across and within planet earth coded to allow for CLARITY BEYOND  and we guide for you to anchor and to work with this. Let go of the need for “vengeance” for that is but a parlour trick of the old 3d earth created reality which NEEDS your fear and your anger in order to maintain its presence. This will now begin to dissolve as the eyes that were blind now SEE CLEARLY BEYOND.

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 401 - Feb 28, 2014

A long time ago, mankind came to these shores for the very first time, and with them, they brought instructions to go forth and make themselves a home on this planet. And this instruction, this blueprint if you will, has been with you all along through the ages, and it has been biding its time, waiting for you to find a way to find your way to the very core of your being.
For when you did, you would enable the last stage of this whole plan to come to fruition, and now, you all stand before this very last stage of this evolvement. For even if mankind’s journey has been one that has taken many a detour on its way, you have not lost that inner spark, the one that has kept you going despite all of the obstacles you have encountered.

Current happenings in (y)our reality