domingo, octubre 20, 2013

The Truthseeker: 'Casualty catastrophe': cell phones and child brains (E26)

Stretch Upwards like the Tree and GROW - Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ Julie Miller - October 20, 2013

Received by Julie Miller
October 20, 2013

The life you are currently working your way through continues to grow, bringing along many different paths along the way and your growth dear ones is similar like a tree. It is slow and gradual, you must root and ground yourself firmly and allow the Light and the Elements to nurture you into new height and strength.

Just like the growth of a tree, much of its development is done from the inside. The spiritual side of your development is honed and nudged gently into awareness, the seed of your spiritual potential remains in a sleep state until you are awakened and depending on each person this can be felt as a sudden occurrence or a gradual development, either way as soon as your awakened self opens, your blossoming begins.

Sirian Archangel Hermes 10/20/13

Greetings fellow beings of light. I come to you now with several messages as the rainbow light codes of awakening are being transmitted through the multidimensional nodes of consciousness into your planetary matrix.
I come to speak of the Divine Feminine, and how it has, is, and shall play a key role in your ascension. The aspects of the divine feminine energy are manifest through the nurturing, loving, and healing of the holy spirit. The cosmic womb nurtures all and never asks for payment in return, for the payment is the development of all inhabitants of her womb. Many new age scholars will say that the divine feminine is an aspect of chaos, and they are partially correct in this, for the divine feminine is a mirror, reflecting, and then projecting the energy that was originally cast upon it. She can be love and order, or she can be fear and chaos, it all depends on you, the observer, the host, which energy will you choose to embrace?

Your dreams – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 20, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, your Spirit Guide is now increasingly working with you in your dream state. You’ll gain valuable insights from your dreams. It is best to put paper and a pen ready in the evening so that you can write down your dreams and the resulting findings. You could too easily forget through the night, as it happened to my scribe this night. If such a thing happens to you too, just relax and not think twice about it. The memories will come back to you when you least expect it. Nothing is lost. Your Higher Self and your Guides will bring back the memories to you. Because they love you as much as I love you, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Pyramid activation and inner earth changes …. Judith Kusel - October 20, 2013


Massive changes are happening in the inner earth crust, and these are pulling us more and more into the core of ourselves – that center place, where we feel the most….. It is there in the gut, and reaction to all the outside forces….. It is there in our relationships to the outer world – whether deep bonds of love, or social bonds….

Being Here and Now by Tazjima - October 19, 2013


So, here I am, wrapped up in a blanket, dealing with a sore throat and swollen lymph glands – classical signs of the “flu”.  And it is a golden day outside, in lower 50’s, blue skies, golden trees, a perfect Indian summer day, but I don’t have the strength to enjoy it right now, except internally.
Why did I say, internally?  I said that because of what I feel within, like a glowing sun warming my face with its rays.  There is a growing peace and sense of serenity emanating from my heart, despite all the apparent chaos that dwells in the world around me.

Méline Lafont ~ The I AM presence descending and the ego

Hilarion – Marlene Swetlishoff - October 20 – 27, 2013 -

Beloved Ones,
Behold yourselves in the mirror and you will see that the transformation of your physical bodies is occurring. There is a glow of radiance in your countenance and an indefinable something that others around you perceive. This will happen more frequently with every successful releasing of old programs and belief systems as they occur. As these are let go, more light is assimilated into your human operating system. Many of you have a great field of light that surrounds you wherever you go and this is a welcome, albeit unperceived, blessing for the people in your field of influence, which is expanding constantly.

AA Michael - Ron Head – Chaos Is What Things Are Built Out Of, You See – 20 October 2013

Many of you have seen and commented on the full moon over the past few days.  We would comment on the greater aspects of the alignments that are now occurring, if we may.
There are ‘goings on’ as you would say.  There are cardinal thises and grand thats.  There is a marvelous comet.  And you see things zipping and zooming around in your skies almost whenever you choose to look.  Culmination is the word we would choose.  You are approaching a wonderful culmination of intersecting and interwoven possibilities.
As your awareness and consciousness rises, the manifestation of the world you have determined to live in begins to appear, to gel, to ‘get real’ as you would say.  At the same time, your knowledge and perceptions of the world as you know it, as you knew it, are coming forth for you to wave good-bye to.  And so you seem to be living in total chaos at times.

HAARP' Super Weapon TTA SHOCKS THE WORLD with Ascension Isle Hydroacoustic SOUTH ATLANTIC DIAMOND F