sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Papa Francisco: "¡Que se levante fuerte en toda la Tierra el grito de la paz!" - Sept 7, 2013 - lanacion.com

El Santo Padre volvió a oponerse a una intervención militar en Siria, en su primera audiencia general tras el receso estival

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO.- "¡Que se eleve fuerte en toda la Tierra el grito de la paz!", exclamó el papa Francisco esta mañana, en la primera audiencia general tras el receso estival, en un nuevo pedido de evitar cualquier acción militar en Siria.
El papa argentino reiteró su invitación a participar en la jornada de oración y ayuno para la paz en Siria y en todo el mundo que ha convocado para el próximo sábado. "También [oraremos] por la paz en nuestros corazones. Porque la paz empieza en el corazón", dijo Francisco.
"Exhorto en particular a los fieles romanos y a los peregrinos a participar en la vigilia de oración", expresó, y los invitó "a vivir intensamente este día".

Andy Bojarski - My Conscious Time Travel Experience Last Night – WOW - Sep 7, 2013

Time TravelHello everyone.  I wanted to share with you what happened to me last night.  It was really amazing.  I actually time travelled in my conscious state.  So here is what happened.
I was asleep in my bedroom (we will call this bedroom #1 – you will see later why this is important) at night and all of a sudden I am awoken by a loud knock (4 knocks to be exact), like someone is knocking on the door.  But there was nobody at the door as our door is downstairs and far away from the bedroom.
This knock was very loud and in my ear and woke me right up.  I smiled and said “Who is it?”  HAHA.  As I am now full awake, pondering and tuning into this knock, my 9-year-old son, about 15 minutes later, starts to come into my bedroom from his bedroom as he could not sleep.  So he is lying next to me and he becomes really restless.

Embracing Multiple Spiritual Lineages - Charis Melina Brown - 7-9-13

In the midst of a spiritual awakening, individuals often wonder about their heritage. Ancestors commonly spoken about, both  physically and spiritually, include off-planet peoples such as Pleiadians, Andromedans, Zeta Reticulans, Arcturians, Sirians, and more. Gaian-based ancestral groups include Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Sidhe, Tree Spirits, Water Sprites, Mermaids, Air Sylphs, other less-human creatures such as Griffins and Sphynxes, other Animal kingdoms, etc.
A main reason why newly awakening individuals wonder where they are from is that our current Western culture places a large amount of value on defining and containing purpose and meaning into separate compartments, the common belief being that the whole of anything is simply the sum of its parts, and the way to understand any sum is to know the workings of each piece. That, in fact, is the current scientific model being used in the Western world. It only sees half of the truth, of course, but although many spiritual people are somewhat aware of this fact, they also naturally revert to needing to be “validated” by defining themselves.

House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Reading This - Arthur James Balfour


The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

The Cosmos News - Microchip Found in Napoleon Bonaparte's Skull

ARIS – Scientists examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte admit they are “deeply puzzled” by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull.

They say the mysterious object could be an alien implant – suggesting that the French emperor was once abducted by a UFO!

“The possible ramifications of this discovery are almost too enormous to comprehend,” declared Dr. Andre Dubois, who made the astonishing revelation in a French medical journal.

“Until now, every indication has been that victims of alien abduction are ordinary people who play no role in world events.

“Now we have compelling evidence that extraterrestrials acted in the past to influence human history – and may continue to do so!”

Dr. Dubois made the amazing find while studying Napoleon’s exhumed skeleton on a $140,000 grant from the French government.

“I was hoping to learn whether he suffered from a pituitary disorder that contributed to his small stature,” he explained.

But instead the researcher found something far more extraordinary: “As I examined the interior of the skull, my hand brushed across a tiny protrusion.

“I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass – and was stunned to find that the object was some kind of super-advanced microchip.”

From the extent of bone growth around the chip, the expert believes it was implanted when Bonaparte was young.

“Napoleon vanished from sight for a period of several days in July 1794, when he was 25. He later claimed he’d been held prisoner during the Themidorian coup – but no record of that arrest exists. I believe that is when the abduction took place.”

From that time on, Napoleon’s rise was meteoric. By the next year, he’d been put in charge of the French army in Italy.

Miraculously, he was able to transform starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.

In 1804, after a string of startling victories, the pint-size general crowned himself emperor of France – and his empire soon expanded to include what is now Germany and Austria, as well as Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.

“Napoleon used military strategies more than a hundred years ahead of his time,” said Dr. Dubois. “Perhaps the implant somehow enhanced his abilities.”

The implant could also explain Napoleon’s famous habit of holding his hand over his heart, he added.

“It’s possible that the device affected the electrical signals from his brain to his heart.”

By the time of his defeat by the British at Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon had altered the face of Europe.

“What Western history would have been like had the aliens not intervened, we can only guess,” observed Dr. Dubois. “Thus we cannot know whether they acted to help mankind or harm us.”

Planetary Update - September 2013

Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 2 part 2 ~ Individual ascension and collective ascension (august 12, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont


Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend. Is that true and does the collective need to ascend before the individual can ascend or in other words can I ascend and then the collective may later follow if I am ready? And what has to happen for the collective as one consciousness on Earth, on Gaia to ascend? Can you maybe give some clarity on that?
Saint Germain:
Yes. In order for the collective to be able to ascend, each and individual needs to be ascended first because as you ascend individually, you are making it more possible for the collective to ascend along. And this because each and everyone of you are connected to the collective and you are a part of this collective. You can see this as a beautiful puzzle. Envision this puzzle as being the collective. The more pieces of the puzzle are colored green so to speak, like we use green and red, red for not ready and green for ready. The more pieces of this puzzle are colored green, the more the collective is ready to pass this threshold and the more individuals are ascending, the more Gaia is able to awaken in this new reality and to share this new reality with each and everyone of you.

John McCain DESTROYED By True American Patriot

Preston James: 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know - September 7, 2013

Written by Preston James
Thanks to: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/35-things-ruling-cabal-does-not-want-you-know


For almost 100 years there has been a Secret Ruling Cabal of Banksters and Industrialists from the City of London Financial District that has been running the USG and setting the policies of America which are based on Big Lies and Major Deceptions.
This cabal has spent many billions of hard earned American dollars which they have confiscated through a crooked tax system to pay “talking-head” major mass media “newscasters” to limit what you can know and to make sure almost everything the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is lies and dispensed propaganda, which helps keep this super-elite deviant Ruling Cabal in power and keeps important truths from the public.
The Cabal knows that they must keep truth from the people in order to continue in power, and now the advent of the worldwide Internet is posing their greatest threat ever, and their demise may be right around the corner.

Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain via Goldenlight: Clearing out all Negativity with the Violet Flame - Sep 7, 2013

zadkiel-and-gabrielArchangel Zadkiel and St. Germain: Clearing out all Negativity with the Violet Flame, channeled by Goldenlight, September 5, 2013 at http://thegoldenlightchannel.com
Tonight we’re going to connect in with Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain, and St. Germain is the keeper of the Violet Flame, and Archangel Zadkiel as well is of the violet flame and the Violet Ray. The Violet Flame is one of transmutation, transfiguration and forgiveness.
The first thing that comes through is that Archangel Zadkiel wants to say that there is Hope. That there is Hope for this world, hope for transmuting all the suffering in this world.