In the midst of a spiritual awakening, individuals often wonder about their heritage. Ancestors commonly spoken about, both physically and spiritually, include off-planet peoples such as Pleiadians, Andromedans, Zeta Reticulans, Arcturians, Sirians, and more. Gaian-based ancestral groups include Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Sidhe, Tree Spirits, Water Sprites, Mermaids, Air Sylphs, other less-human creatures such as Griffins and Sphynxes, other Animal kingdoms, etc.
A main reason why newly awakening individuals wonder where they
The other, and more authentic, reason that many wonder about their heritage is that many personal qualities that seem quirky or odd can often be explained by knowing where one comes from. Often, we struggle with the deepest parts of ourselves – these parts often ignore cultural norms so we end up struggling with them and being caught between our authenticity and what we believe is expected of us. Often, if we are consciously aware of our own heritage, then we can honor these unconventional pieces of ourselves and find deeper levels of internal peace instead of undergoing quiet battles internally.
As examples, while some of the following descriptions may seem odd, frivolous, or hard to believe, individuals with this type of heritage often find themselves acting in these ways, which could either be seen as something to struggle against because it is not understood, or it can be seen as something to accept about oneself and roll with as easily as we accept other qualities such as the color of our eyes, our hair texture, and our favorite color. There is no quantifying eye color or hair texture - it is what it is and it makes each of us unique.
People with Fairy heritage, for example, often speak in soft, sing-
People with Elven heritage are similar, but often more “serious” than people with Fairy heritage. Both often feel a strong love and kindred relationship with trees, but Elven people are often more attracted to the trees themselves, while Fairy people may have a stronger connection to other plants or flowers. Both types are also very attracted to moss, which is used often by many elemental creatures.
Sidhe people are often perceived as having very intense and captivating presences. They are the type of people who are almost hypnotic. People often speak of feeling as if they were “under a spell” after spending time with Humans of Sidhe heritage, and this can be used to benefit others or to drain them, depending on the desires and intentions of the Sidhe-sided Human.
To move on to other creatures, people with Wolf (or Werewolf) heritage often are very much in need of a good amount of quiet time, spent alone. When they feel “caged” or lose their temper, their voice can sound like a bark, or snarl, as they speak. They are often very physically affectionate and “cuddly” when they feel comfortable enough with another person – especially romantic partners. They also have strong sexual drives, but often find it difficult to empathically connect during sexual contact, which may make their partners perceive them as being selfish or inconsiderate sexually when, in actuality, they are “taken over” by their sexual urges. This isn’t something that cannot be altered, however – like many of the qualities in this article, it is a baseline tendency only.
Humans with strong Cat energy are often very graceful and move in a smooth, almost “slithering” motion. They are often perceived as
Reptilian-based Humans are often very analytical and logically intelligent. They can “size people up” quite easily and do so automatically, using criteria such as success in business or finances as measuring sticks of personal worth and power. Power and dominance is often respected highly in Reptilian Humans, and they are naturally very competitive.
Reptilian energies are often perceived as “wrong” or “evil,” but this is not necessarily true. Reptilian Humans have very strong emotions. Actually, these emotions often have a “heat” that surpasses many
Moving off-planet, people with Pleiadian heritage are often extremely psychic and empathic. They find it very difficult to keep other people’s emotions from affecting them. One reason for this is because on their home planet, Pleiadians did not put up the barriers between themselves and others emotionally that are so common here on Gaia. Many people with Pleiadian heritage benefit greatly after learning to become balanced enough within to not be affected by others’ emotions, although simply “blocking” them out often makes Pleiadian Humans feel like they’ve lost a sense, like sight, or smell, or an appendage for use and feeling. It is more beneficial to learn to navigate this method of being aware of others’ internal states without “falling into them” – as well as learning to not directly speak of such things because of the uncomfortable reaction that often inspires in others.
Pleiadian Humans often have very bright and intense eyes. Their
There are many more kingdoms, obviously, and the way to find out which one(s) that you are connected to is to notice what draws you. Go to a children’s section of a library and see what fairy tales speak to you most deeply. Do some research using the internet or fantasy-based books to learn more about your own heritage. Read ancient stories that contain characters of the kingdoms that you feel drawn to, and notice with an open mind the connections between you and the character in the story.
Try to not judge what you discover as “good” or “bad,” but rather simply notice it and treat it with an air of self-discovery. Later you can hone a quality, just as you have learned to be Human since your own infancy. You weren’t born learning how to brush your teeth – it is actually a detailed fine-motor skill that took time to master. Some of these qualities may take similar time, but there is no reason that you cannot use any and all of them to the benefit of yourself and others.
A final note – because of the nature of the current time on Gaia, it is much less common to find individuals who are only of one heritage kingdom these days. This is not something often discussed, and it may make people feel more comfortably compartmentalized at first to study only one group that feels familiar and connected. But it is very likely, over time, that you will discover multiple kindred feelings toward different kingdoms.
For instance, I personally feel connections to the kingdoms of Star people (off planet species, and more than one of them,) Sidhe, Fairy, Cat, Griffin, and Angel. I’ve been told by my guides many times that this is one of the strengths of all of the multiple physical heritages happening in so many people nowadays – when we have mixed genetic heritage within us, it makes it easier for us to hail from different places spiritually as well. This is one of the great strengths of our planet – Gaia is hosting a very unique cross-breeding program that is combining different peoples to unite kingdoms and combine heritages to make for greater expansion and cohesion of our entire Cosmos. We are truly fortunate to be able to experience this.
“Charis Melina Brown serves as an ambassador to realms of existence that our