Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Pleyadianos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Pleyadianos. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 27, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadians and Earth's Shared Evolution: A Tale of Codes and Freedom - Aug 27, 2023

Pleiadians and Earth's Shared Evolution: A Tale of Codes and Freedom

The Pleiades, a group of shining stars, have a big effect on Earth. People have been fascinated by these stars for a long time and have wondered about the mysteries of space.

A long time ago, the Pleiadians, who are connected to the Pleiades stars, did important things. They sometimes caused problems, and other times helped Earth change. Different cultures admired their special energies and qualities.

sábado, agosto 19, 2023

Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Aug 19, 2023

Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

martes, agosto 15, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadians' Mind-Blowing Revelation: Awaken Your Supernatural Potential through DNA - Aug 15, 2023

Pleiadians' Mind-Blowing Revelation: Awaken Your Supernatural Potential through DNA

Dear ones, I'm just a messenger chosen to share this incredible message from the Pleiadians. Recently they have made a mind-blowing discovery, and now I'm here to tell you all about it.

Get ready to be amazed and excited as I reveal this extraordinary revelation to you:

Deep within our planet, the Pleiadian's scientists found a hidden place full of old information about our genes!

lunes, agosto 14, 2023

Aurora Ray - Stellar Symphony: Pleiadians and Their Mastery of Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Aug 14, 2023

Stellar Symphony: Pleiadians and Their Mastery of Cosmic Energy Manipulation

Imagine a group of highly advanced beings who have a remarkable connection to the stars. These beings are called Pleiadians, and they emit a special energy that goes beyond what humans can understand.

Their presence is captivating and enchanting to anyone who encounters them, like a mesmerizing melody that effortlessly transports one's soul to ethereal realms. It is as if they carry an intangible aura that holds a magnetic pull, drawing others closer with an irresistible curiosity. Their very essence seems to transcend the boundaries of our earthly existence, evoking a sense of awe and fascination as if they embody the beauty and mystery of a distant, enchanting planet.

domingo, agosto 13, 2023

Aurora Ray - Graceful Awakening: The Pleiadeans' Gentle Guidance in Humanity's Evolution - Aug 13, 2023

Graceful Awakening: The Pleiadeans' Gentle Guidance in Humanity's Evolution

The Pleiadeans, an extraterrestrial civilization originating from the Pleiades star cluster, actively and definitively assist humanity on Earth through their unwavering and undeniable expressions of unconditional love, support, and guidance.

Their existence as benevolent celestial beings is an established fact, providing invaluable assistance to our planet and its inhabitants.

viernes, agosto 11, 2023

Aurora Ray - On the Cusp of Change: A Golden Age Awaits with Pleiadian Activation - Aug 11, 2023

On the Cusp of Change: A Golden Age Awaits with Pleiadian Activation

In this vast and ever-expanding universe, our planet Earth has become a focal point of extraordinary change and transformation.

We find ourselves at the precipice of a profound shift, a shift that extends far beyond the physical realm and delves into the depths of our very souls.

It is a time of awakening, a time when the Pleiadians, enlightened beings from distant galaxies, have descended upon Earth to guide us on our evolutionary path!

domingo, agosto 06, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Arrival of Pleiadian Ships and the Harmonious Ascension of Humanity - Aug 6, 2023

The Arrival of Pleiadian Ships and the Harmonious Ascension of Humanity

In these uncertain times, a glimmer of hope emerges, stirring a sense of possibility within us.

On the brink of a new era, a wondrous event is on the horizon. And now, as if responding to our deepest desires, something incredible is about to unfold before our very eyes:

The Pleiadian ships, like magnificent messengers from faraway lands, are steadily making their way closer to Earth!

miércoles, agosto 02, 2023

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - August 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

Strong energetic forces are at work within Earth. The effects of the Scahndahlah event are expanding in light intensity daily. This light is reconfiguring the energetic vortexes and ley lines across the earth plane. There are a series of multidimensional sacred patterns being reestablished within these energetic centers. These light patterns are enabling the vortexes and ley lines to anchor and stabilize the higher light structures that are being opened across the planet and within the magnetic core of Earth. The energetic rotation of Earth is speeding up and the concept of time is collapsing as your planet is undergoing a full multidimensional realignment process. Your planet’s entire energetic structure is undergoing a vast transmutation process that will continue to accelerate as you enter the New Year.

martes, agosto 01, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message August 2023 Article - Aug 1, 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

New awakenings have been seeded across your earth plane. This happening took place at a launching moment of what we call the sacred Scahndahlah event at the time of the full moon during your last calendar month. This event has brought forth a pure light radiance on Earth, a frequency rarely ever seen within the Universe. These sacred seeds have now taken root, they are beginning to germinate. This germination has created an evolutionary phase through a series of frequency light forms, which are interacting within the magnetic core of Earth and then radiating outwards across the planet.

domingo, julio 02, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message July 2023

Pleiadian Message July 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

We witness you as you enter a next phase of the ‘New Dawning Era’. There is a sacred frequency of a rare light that has seldom been experienced throughout the history of the Universe about to be realized within your planet. This frequency of light will be carried within the July full moon. This unique pure frequency will begin to interact electrically with your Earth’s core setting in motion a profound realignment of your planetary cycle. Earth’s path will shift dramatically at that moment. This is part of a sacred prophecy that is to bring Earth onto a direct destined re-alignment; this is what is referred as the Scahndahlah event.

sábado, julio 01, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message July 2023 Article

Pleiadian Message July 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

The ‘winds of change’ begin to accelerate at the time of the full moon. This specific frequency of the full moon carries a sacred frequency of light rarely ever seen within the history of the Universe. This unique pure frequency will begin to interact electrically with your Earth’s core setting in motion the sacred prophecy that is to bring Earth into a direct alignment to what is referred as a Scahndahlah Event. This phenomenon is a rare event within the Universal planes where a profound re-alignment occurs altering the multidimensional reality of a planetary cycle. Earth’s destined path will shift completely at that juncture.

viernes, junio 30, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Arrival of the Pleiadians: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Awakening Process - June 30, 2023

The Arrival of the Pleiadians: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Awakening Process

As a spiritual teacher, I have noticed an increase in the number of people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Many people have reported experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms that have left them feeling confused and disoriented.

However, with the arrival of the Pleiadians, everything is starting to make sense!

martes, junio 20, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadians Have Arrived on Earth to Assist Us in Our Evolution

Pleiadians Have Arrived on Earth to Assist Us in Our Evolution

The Pleiadian races are coming to Earth because they want to assist us in our evolution.

They are known as a group of beings that are all righteous, loving, kind, and have such a high sense of honor in the way they live their lives that we here on the planet can hardly imagine it.

jueves, junio 08, 2023

Aurora Ray - A Glimpse of the Divine: My Encounters with the Pleiadians

A Glimpse of the Divine: My Encounters with the Pleiadians

As I sit here, trying to put my experiences into words, I realize how difficult it is to articulate what I have been feeling and seeing!

I have had various experiences connecting with beings from other realms over the years, but in particular, I have felt a strong and ongoing connection with a group of entities that I can only describe as the Pleiadians!

sábado, junio 03, 2023

Pleiadian Guardians of Inner Earth 5D NEW EARTH Transmission

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message June 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

Great spaces of light consciousness are descending to Earth creating patterns throughout your skyline, simultaneously the Sun’s rays are intensifying heralding in another aspect of the New Dawning’s frequency on the earth plane. You are being prepared energetically to align within this higher arena of pure vibrancy light, which is being made manifest through your Heart, bringing your Heart into to a newly aligned frequency of its potential.

viernes, junio 02, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message June 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

The universal community are collectively holding an expansive framework of light around the planet to support you in moving into a higher energetic synergy with the God consciousness state that has always existed within this resident Universe. Earth has been held separate from this higher frequency state of being until this juncture. The Network of light that has been caste by our community is designed to aid your next step for your re-orientation of these expansive changes. These higher multidimensional settings that are encompassing the planet have begun to anchor energetic roots through the magnetic core of Earth.