Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta James Gilliland. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta James Gilliland. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, abril 08, 2021

James Gilliland - Your Come From, Your Driving Force Brutal Honesty - April 8, 2021


Your Come From, Your Driving Force Brutal Honesty

In the last days of the tyrants all stops will be pulled. Eugenics, global population reduction, 13 out of 14 people removed if they are successful, divisions, deceptions and social engineering will be so obvious even the most severely critical thinking and research impaired will see it. The divisive groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matters who openly state they are Marxist Communists, Open Boarders, many of the gender movements all have their roots in a master plan to take down America. Mainstream and Social Media, Hollywood, the Music industries, corrupt politicians are all controlled by the global elite and the CCP. Rest assured their messages will have an agenda and that agenda is not in your highest and best good. They actually be lie ve these dark hearts have a high-ranking place for them but in the end they know too much and will be dispensed with. This includes the compromised generals who will be the first to go as openly stated by the CCP.

miércoles, marzo 24, 2021

James Gilliland - The Veils Are Coming Down...- March 24, 2021



The Veils Are Coming Down, The Onion Is Being Peeled, You Were Never Alone Both Positive and Negative.

Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back. The onion is being peeled, layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues. The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well. We are being made aware of contracts and connections that are not in our highest and best good. These contracts or agreements need to be broken and the connections seen and unseen that are not in our highest and best good need to be severed. No more psychic bonds, vampirism or connections based on dependencies. This desire for freedom and self-authority or individual empowerment is being amplified by the higher consciousness and energy pressing in on the Earth. We have spoken about this as far back as 1980 in the books on the website. Now it is here.

The Sun is conscious, the photon belt is conscious, the mountains becoming volcanoes are conscious, the Earthquakes as the Earth expands are part of the process, all form is conscious and it all is responding to the higher consciousness and energy entering this solar system. The bioelectric fields around our bodies, the physical body itself, our DNA and even the fields that hold our past life memories are all being affected. It is called the Great Awakening and it is multidimensional. As the veils lift, we are going to see Masters, Saints, and Sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World beings, our Ancient Ancestors, the Star Nations, even the mythological people such as Gnomes, Fairies, Elves, Big Foot etc. will start making appearances. We will also see shadow people, astral beings, regenerate ETs, demons a host of low level entities that have been operating unseen with impunity all along. It all comes with expanded awareness and ascension.

Then there are the normies who despite their struggle to maintain the status quo will have experiences they cannot explain. If you go with the status quo know their true agenda. It will lead to loss of freedom, enslavement, pain, suffering and eventually death. The polarities are being amplified, one is on a downward spiral the other will continue on the upward spiral. To spell this out the global elite, CCP, the corrupt politicians, the corporate owned mainstream and social media, big pharma and those who follow or participate with them are on the downward spiral. Unfortunately the ignorant, those who willingly and in ignorance participate with the downward spiral, the socially engineered, critical thinking, research impaired who have chosen denial will experience what has been planned for hundreds of years. Read the Rockefeller Agenda and listen to the words of the eugenicists, Gates, Fauci, etc. all participating and funding gain of function research, owning the patents on the test kits and the Cov1984 virus five years in advance. They are making billions. They also control the WHO and the CDC private corporations also making billions on the pandemics. Biological, psychological and cyber war has been declared on the people. Do you actually be lie ve these people are humanitarians? They have lost all humanity and are driven by another force. Puppets for the dark side. This is not a war between parties, cultures or religions. It is a war on humanity, a war between good and evil.

When the complications from the vaccines which are experimental gene therapy and operating systems escalate you are going to see the real agenda. If people have not figured this out by now they have chosen not too. Their denial will be their demise, there just might be some truth to the Darwin Awards where people remove themselves from the gene pool. It is said the meek will inherit the Earth. The meek are the wise ones, the discerning ones, those slow to anger but steadfast in what is highest and best good for themselves and their loved ones. Might be a good idea to listen to them, the real healers and scientists, those without a hidden agenda.

As the veils become thinner, we are going to have to learn how to heal unseen negative influences, cut cords, psychic bonds, maintain our self-authority. This includes any contracts and agreements past and present that are not in our highest and best good. We are going to have to take personal responsibility for our attitudes, emotions, beliefs clearing any thought forms or limiting mental concepts. Ascension is not about eating gogi berries, facebook spirituality, turning your body into a pretzel or living a half-truth ignoring the shadow side within and without. It is all about brutal honesty with self, ending the denial. Self-Mastery is all about mastering all dimensions of self, Self-Awareness is being aware of the multidimensional world in which you live. Self-Authority is maintaining a frequency, knowing your own unique purpose for incarnating. Personal Responsibility is owning your wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, stop making others responsible for your happiness, your survival, your love, joy, and acceptance all internal choices rather than externally driven. You came from the Creator, children of the most high. As Meister Eckhart said, “If nut seeds produce nut trees, and pear seeds produce pear trees what do God seeds produce?”

The choice is up to us. Universal Law is coming, best to be on the right side of evolution. Are you going to be a god/goddess or a victim? Remember the only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. That something comes from within. Be what you desire. Live as if you already own it. Shift from reactionary mind to creationary mind.

PS, Healing techniques, meditations for world and self-healing, connecting with the higher dimensions and clearing unseen negative influences is all available in the books and on the website,

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate YouTube

lunes, marzo 22, 2021

James Gilliland - Integrity, Discernment and Information - March 22, 2021



Integrity, Discernment and Information

It has come to our attention some folks think we have to answer to them, they in error think they have some hidden power or authority in our lives. They don’t! Many use Reuters, Associated Press, Snoops, mainstream even the social media fact checkers to base their reality upon. This fits into the socially engineered, critical thinking and research impaired. Unfortunately, a large majority of the population use these pathological liars, disinformation agents all funded and getting their talking points from the global elite, CCP and left to base their reality.

miércoles, marzo 10, 2021

James Gilliland - An Inconvenient Truth - March 10, 2021


An Inconvenient Truth

It has become increasingly obvious to even the most socially engineered and unconscious something is wrong with this picture. Nothing is adding up. On the CDC and the WHO websites they are saying Cov 19 is nothing more than a mild cold with a 99.8% survival rate. Plausible deniability. Doctors, Universities and Labs around the world are crying foul, all they found was influenza A and B. Neither the CDC or the WHO have an isolate therefore they cannot make a vaccine. The vaccine is not a vaccine, it is an RNA modifier with an operating system. Over 10,000 people have died from the experimental “vaccine” thousands more having serious side effects yet they are not releasing these statistics. Scientists are warning now the next pandemic causing serious illness with a very high mortality rate over the next 5 years will be from the fashionable jab. Has anyone asked what happened to the test animals, any still alive? What happened after they got the jab when exposed to corona virus, even the one causing the common cold? Their immune systems went into overdrive and they died. Did you know if you die your life insurance will not pay out because you took an experimental “vaccine”? The health insurance will most likely follow and you cannot sue the vaccine makers or the government. If you want to label these facts as conspiracy here is your conspiracy. (Continue reading after the document below).

viernes, marzo 05, 2021

James Gilliland - Why We Don’t Have Contact - March 5, 2021


Why We Don’t Have Contact.

When we say we don’t have contact we have to qualify contact. There has been contact since the beginning of humanity, civilizations have come and gone often due to the influence of imbalances and power struggles within their societies. Some perished, some continued having to start over as primitives, some continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. Those who have continued to evolve spiritually went back to the stars, the original colonies, “civilizations” came from the stars.

lunes, febrero 22, 2021

James Gilliland - The Patriot, Citizen Journalist and Light Worker Tool Bag - Feb 22, 2021


The Patriot, Citizen Journalist and Light Worker Tool Bag.

There are some energy waves coming in that are driving the dark hearts rather mad. They are pulling out all the stops invoking and sending everything from demons to creatures through ritual to maintain their diminishing control. When you are exposing and going up against the tyrants realize many are no longer human. This is why they can do so many inhumane things much of which the average human cannot even contemplate. You are not just working against some very evil people you are up against unseen negative influences as well. It is not uncommon for the dark hearts to use spells and hexes against light workers. The Satanic/Luciferian rituals are real, it is an unthinkable abomination what they are doing to children. It is the ultimate slap in the face to Creator. The sex and child trafficking are also real along with harvesting organs and blood. “Adrenochrome”. It has become epidemic within almost all institutions and industries. It is time to wake up, end the denial and take back your planet.

jueves, febrero 18, 2021

James Gilliland - Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads - Feb 17, 2021


Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads

It is a very ancient saying, “The closer you get to nirvana or enlightenment the more the demons rear their ugly heads. Just as we are playing whack a mole with the global elite and the deep state closing down their dumbs, deep underground military bases used in drug, child trafficking and a haven for negative ETs. The darker unseen negative influences are playing whack a mole with those awakening, light workers and white hats. With many defending against and removing these entities is way above their paygrade. There has been serious backlash.

miércoles, febrero 17, 2021

James Gilliland - Multidimensional Theater - Feb 17, 2021


Multidimensional Theater

We have often referred to what is happening on Earth as a multidimensional war. In the simplest explanation it is Good verses evil or the absence of love and straying from Universal Law. This takes many forms. There is a hierarchy to the dark and the light. The dark which we can refer to as self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service to the Creator within all Creation operating within Universal Law. There is a lot of disinformation perpetuated by think tanks that evil does not exist and if you see it the evil is within you. Those in the new age community who be lie ve this will remind you when you get close to exposing the evil self-serving deeds of the dark hearts. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of both sides of the coin anything else is a half-truth.

lunes, febrero 01, 2021

James Gilliland - C-5 Contact, Safeguards, Protocols and Dangers - Feb 1, 2021


C-5 Contact, Safeguards, Protocols and Dangers

Over the years C-5 contact has become very popular. It would be the height of ignorance and malfeasance to not address the shadow side of contact. Before we do this, I will explain who I am how I came to this understanding. I have had two NDEs, near death experiences. This started a 42 years in counting journey into exploring other dimensions and studying with masters of every culture. I have been initiated into several disciplines, been given several names one of which is Rigzin Norbu, “Jewel of Pure Awareness”. I have written four bestselling books and speak internationally on the subject. We have demonstrated contact redundantly on many TV specials and with as many as 200 witnesses giving the exact time and location the ships would appear. At one of the largest Contact in the Desert gatherings Mufon acknowledged 85 UFOs after our meditation. We were the first to do a Coast to Coast global intention experiment with Art Bell which was a resounding success. Much of the knowledge in the field has been borrowed from my work which is very flattering and for which I am grateful as long as it is not used to further

sábado, enero 30, 2021

James Gilliland - The End of the Tyrants, 2020 - Jan 30, 2021


The End of the Tyrants, 2020

We have spoken of an alliance as far back as three years ago, a master plan which is unfolding as we speak. There was much resistance to this message yet now the time has come to reveal what you will not hear in the mainstream news, social media as well as many alternative media. This plan is multidimensional and we will address all dimensions to this plan. There was an alliance created years ago between Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Modi. Many leaders are involved we are just naming the main players. There are others backing them with wealth beyond imagination which shall go unnamed that have not allowed that power and wealth to corrupt their souls. They have a code of honor, it is ancestral and they live according to that code. The code is aligned with Universal Law, The Law of One, the basic tenants in all religions aligned with service to others. There is a force that aligns with these codes of honor which is the ultimate power, the well spring from which all life, all sound all vibration originates. There are God/Goddess beings that have become one with that force, a host of multidimensional beings, civilizations often referred to as the Greater Family of man, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders, Star Nations, etc. pressing in on Humanity and the Earth assisting in what is best referred to as planetary liberation. One can also refer to them as Angelic Beings, Masters, Saints and Sages yet that is a limited vision of what is unfolding.

domingo, enero 24, 2021

Dr. Michael Salla - As You Wish Talk Radio - Second American Revolution

James Gilliland - YHWH, Yahweh Discernment, Dropping Into the Heart - Jan 23, 2021


YHWH, Yahweh Discernment, Dropping Into the Heart

Before we release this newsletter a disclaimer is necessary. We are not your Messiah. It is our desire that each individual make their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection. We desire no elevated state within social consciousness. We do not expect to profit in any way from this newsletter and this is not a religion or a cult. There is nothing to join, no fees other than a free newsletter. This is released in service to the Omnipresent Creator in all Creation.

miércoles, enero 20, 2021

James Gilliland - For The Disheartened and Disillusioned - Jan 20, 2021



For The Disheartened and Disillusioned

It’s far from over. While in meditation Jesus came in and dropped a few things to contemplate. Yes, he is real and just because we talk to other higher dimensional beings, Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Sirians, Andromedans and a host of other beings it does not mean we are not in contact with the known Masters of Earth. For the record Jesus was a name given to him by the Greeks it translates son of Zeus. Jesus said wait 5 days things will be revealed do not give up hope. Things will take time major announcements will come forward all the way into the end of March or April. We asked how many people actually are in support of the Biden administration. He said around 10% some are in denial of their wounds, traumas and anger towards powerful men. Many have been socially engineered to believe in a false image of Trump. Others fall into the category of the dark hearts, those who lust for power and wealth at the expense of others along with those closest and dependent on them. It is time to ask is it worth it, holding on to a socially engineered image and projecting the wounds and traumas verses losing all freedom.

He also said a lot of things are being done strategically that may not make sense unless you understand how the Constitution and the Bill of Rights divinely inspired doctrines were usurped and how America was taken over in the past. Efforts are being done to reclaim the Republic and restore the law. This will put an end to the two-tiered justice system, the political corruption, and corruption in all aspects of government, all institutions. It is returning the power to the people as originally designed. The energy waves hitting Earth have a function, they are for healing and the restoration of Universal Law. A very large wave hit on the 19thmeasured by NASA. They don’t know the origin or how it will affect the Earth. The global elite, the CCP, all administrations and governments, all tyranny will implode in on itself, it is not in alignment with Universal Law and the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth. Those who lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth are not frequency specific to this shift. The polarities between those who overpower in self-service verses those who empower in service to others are being amplified. Their karma is being accelerated. Who do you think will be left standing? There is a bigger picture unfolding, it is global and multidimensional. Things may not unfold when or as we expect yet victory is assured. Stay in the heart, speak your truth from the heart, be open to new ideas new directions. The great lies will surface, those who perpetuate them will be revealed. When the people awaken, are informed, when they make their own personal God connection the power returns to the people.

You are going to see a quantum leap in evolution. The war and disease profiteers will fall, those who enslave the masses through dependency will fall as the masses become more independent. You are going to see anti/counter gravity, fuelless energy, med beds, energetic healing and natural healing formulas come forward to end most disease. Food will become your medicine. Get ready for disclosure, it has been the prophecy of all Nations that we will join the greater family of man throughout the multiverse and the Earth will be restored. What you are seeing now is a process, a revelation, all that which was hidden is being revealed and a last ditch effort by the dark hearts to maintain control. It is futile. Remove all doubt and hold this in your hearts until fruition. Remember go to the heart, many global leaders have been demonized who in fact are part of this process. Many will be shocked to hear who they thought were their enemies are in truth their saviors. The depths and dimensions of this plan are inconceivable to most, it will have many twists and turns. Keep an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. This will see you through.

In service,

James Gilliland  
ECETI Stargate Youtube


All this was written about as far back as 1982 in the Books Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, The Ultimate Soul Journey, and Annunaki Return.

James Gilliland - ECETI News - Jan 20, 2021



We have spoken about our solar system moving into a highly energized area of space. We have also spoken about how the higher dimensional beings, saints, sages and masters use these events to further the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. We are in the apex of those times, the veils between worlds are becoming increasingly thinner and the effect of their consciousness and energy is being felt globally. They bring with them the consciousness of how spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations live. What many refer to as Universal Law. This law is woven into all sacred books and religions yet it has been muddied by kings and institutions which altered them to fit their needs. These kings and institutions separated themselves from the Omnipresent Creator residing within all Creation. They elevated themselves into chosen ones, go betweens the ones with the only true knowledge and connection. They perpetuated external Gods separate from man and nature. Limited versions of omnipresence. This was to control and dominate the people and for personal power and wealth. God forbid the people find out God resides within them and a go between is not necessary. Many masters from many cultures all agreed upon an Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient God. The path was to go within through prayer and meditation.

lunes, enero 18, 2021

James Gilliland - This is a Big Multidimensional Event - Jan 18, 2021



This is a Big Multidimensional Event

We opened some of the last newsletters with this in not a drill, heads up, etc. It is a Big Event is how Cazekiel often opens a dialog. We are in that Big Event. What is unfolding is multidimensional yet we often give down to earth verification for those who need to ground the information. It is now proven that the assault on the Capital building was orchestrated by the left and the deep state. John Sullivan a leftist confessed to the FBI saying he and 250 Antifa and BLM members dressed up like Trump supporters, orchestrated the event along with capitol police. They were on orders from high members in the Democratic Party, some Rinos as well. There are videos showing photo shoots under supervision of the capitol police with our horned friend and other antifa members posing as Trump supporters to blame Trump and demonize his supporters. This is in cooperation with the mainstream and social media with their fake outrage in support of a false narrative. Anyone is shamed and censored that does not go along with the false narrative.

domingo, enero 10, 2021

James Gilliland - It’s On - This Is Not A Drill - Jan 10, 2021


It’s On - This Is Not A Drill

Over 6,000 troops are now at the White House and Capitol building. The President has signed the Insurrection Act. The main stream and social media, Treason Inc. along with those who knowingly committed Treason by certifying the votes even when notified there was extreme foreign intervention and fraud are all scurrying and screaming to protect their assets minus the ets. Super computers and the military in Italy were used to alter the votes in 17 states through dominion and other software. Key players including the President of Italy have been arrested and the Vatican’s hands are extremely dirty. During the orchestrated breech at the Capitol building by Antifa and those who infiltrated Antifa, Nancy Pelosi and others lost their lap tops. Rumor has it this is why many democrats and rhinos are screaming impeachment because the lap tops have damming information on them including communications with Antifa and the CCP. Communist China. It is also rumored Nancy was arrested trying to cross the border. These are gray areas as all breaking news because there are moves and counter moves in the 5D chess game, it is verified the military has the lap tops. Those in the know suspected Mike Pence to back stab the president as many others due to blackmail and other dirty dealings. There is the possibility he played a part to get the others to sign on the dotted line verifying the known fraudulent votes. I personally believe Pence and others saw it as a way out. If they are successful none of them get prosecuted. Their lives and careers are on the line and when everything is made public which is unstoppable they will not be able to walk the streets, or the airports. Trump and the military have it all.