Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 21, 2014

Eliza: On the Solstice Ceremony - December 21, 2014

Eliza: The Solstice Ceremony
The ceremony began at 9:00 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time. That translates to 1 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, in which I currently reside. I was quite aware of both the presence of my family and the participation of my Higher Self, Lady Tazjima, in these festivities.  My transcription is just a portion of what occurred, from the perspective of my Higher Self and that of my own earth-bound consciousness, what I was able to perceive and experience through this process of acting as a scribe for the participants so that some might have a small remembrance of this magnificent occasion and momentous event in the development of their Souls.  I encourage others who had glimpses, visions, dreams or conscious awareness of the celebration to share their impressions, and by so doing, expand the appreciation for their own abilities and expansion of consciousness that we are now most blessedly experiencing on the earth plane as the planet and we, ourselves, move up in frequency.
Thus is one of the effects of becoming aware of one’s multidimensionality. It is much like being aware that you are dreaming. You can be three places at once, looking on, participating in and being aware of your physical body at some level. To be comfortable with this expansion of awareness takes some practice, but for some it feels quite natural for it is their natural state of beingness when not incarnated within a physical body upon this Earth plane.

jueves, diciembre 11, 2014

Eliza: Chinook Wind - December 11, 2014

Eliza: Chinook Wind
In the Pacific Northwest where I have made my home all my adult life, we get warm winds in the winter. The indigenous people have called these winds, Chinook winds. From the tropical regions of the central Pacific come these winds, bringing mild temperatures and thaws to the colder regions of the Inland Northwest. Outside there is such a strong wind blowing, knocking down empty garbage cans, opening gates and ripping the dry frozen leaves off of the trees in a last minute autumn blur of motion.
Last night my heart was thawed out, not by a wind, but by the warmth of a friend’s heart. She took the time to sit with me for an hour or so as I moved through some more intense emotional clearing.
When I first took on this accelerated clearing project, I thought I was capable of passing through it without a hitch. I was a bit cocky. I hit an especially rough patch last weekend, which threw me completely off balance. All my healing and spiritual energy training went out the window. I was under attack by a tsunami of emotions rising up and threatening to submerge me under their waves.
When I threatened to give up everything, my friend gently reminded me that my ego mind was in the midst of a great purging. Apparently in having so many masculine lifetimes, with my share and more of disappointment, frustration and danger, I had succeeded in “stuffing” away my emotions so I would be strong enough to face any challenge. And now, in the course of releasing these same emotions, I have been feeling rather overwhelmed by them. For as my friend reminded me, I have been more comfortable living in my mental body and not actively engaging in emotions… so consequently now I had to deal with them as they have begun to release from the formerly hidden crevices of my emotional body.

domingo, diciembre 07, 2014

Eliza: On Duality - December 7, 2014

Baring Eliza: On Duality
After a recent posting, I found this comment from a young woman. She asks a classical question of the yet awakening ones:
“Don’t want to sound thick, but I am, please explain to me something. If the Higher Self and those who have long guided you in the higher dimensions do ‘guide’ us then why or why are people so evil and terrible to one another? To my limited (point of) view surely these higher selves could guide people to NOT be rotten. Or are we all just puppets on a string?”
To guide is not to govern or direct like a puppet. Our Higher Selves do guide and mentor us, but quietly, through our intuition. If one is insensitive to the quiet nudges received, then a person will not heed the guidance.

sábado, diciembre 06, 2014

Eliza: A Karmic Lesson Learned -December 6, 2014

Eliza: A Karmic Lesson Learned
As I am moving through re-experiencing some of my major lifetimes, I find that many of my Star Family who are presently incarnated here are beginning to do the same.  Perhaps relating my stories is serving as a catalyst so that those near and dear to my heart can also begin to undergo profound soul healings…
The following story is, in part, that of a person whom I have come to know as Family. Like others of my Family, our lives have been interwoven through time. While the following is about a masculine lifetime, the current incarnation is female. I have deleted some personal references for the sake of this individual’s privacy. The story is an ancient one, yet relevant to our own times…
“It’s rare that we get an up-close and glaring look at the face of karma, but I have. And you did say I would begin to understand why my life was the way it was. I was looking into (the life of the king). I knew little about him and what I did know seemed often to smack of poor judgment.
The king had a daughter, who was quite lovely, and a stepson, who desired her and raped her. For reasons that remain unknown to me, the king did nothing. His son took in his sister and gave her refuge. The son later killed the stepbrother in revenge for the rape.

miércoles, noviembre 26, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.26.2014

Dawn at Fish Lake
Journal Entry 11.26.2014
It’s been nearly five weeks (!) since my “ascension”. Some of the past hours, days and weeks have been challenging ones for me, as I have passed through bouts of intense emotions and feelings.
I’ve been told that I am clearing at a tremendous rate. Actually, I think most of us are doing just that given the intensity of the energies and all the recent portals, etc., that we have gone through.
Even as a young adult, I had a pattern of going in and out of intense, but short-lived bouts of depression. If left alone, I could bring myself out of the funk without a problem. Often I would not be able to talk and would disappear either to my room or go for a walk.

domingo, noviembre 23, 2014

Eliza: On Cycles - Nov 23, 2014

Eliza: On Cycles
This past month, I’ve been nibbling my way through a book during my short lunchtime at work. The book’s author is Walter Cruttenden, and title, “Lost Star of Myth and Time”. Since I have very repetitive tasks at work, it is refreshing to sit with something that stretches the mind a bit. You may say that I’m getting down to some of my roots by reading this book, which was recommended by Santos Bonacci during one of his early lectures on Astro-theology. Light subjects, eh?
Light subjects, indeed… as these writings and works reflect the leading edge of scientific and cultural awareness. Mr. Cruttenden and Senor Bonacci, as well as other brave souls, have stepped beyond the box that still defines conventional “science” and accepted theories.

domingo, noviembre 16, 2014

Eliza - Sanat Kumara: Greetings from the Planet of Love - November 16, 2014

Sanat Kumara: I send you greetings from the Planet of Love
I AM Sanat Kumara.
Greetings from your Sister planet, Venus.
Venus is known to astrologers as the planet of Love. She signifies beauty, grace, harmony and wisdom.
The people of Venus have long held a tradition of providing a place for spiritual seekers from all over the Omniverse to learn in the ancient colleges. This is where one prepares to be a planetary logos, a Chohan or holder of other advanced spiritual offices, both within this solar system and others scattered throughout this Universe.
Venus is where I made my final preparations to be the planetary logos of your dearly beloved planet, Earth. And Venus is where I have returned to fulfill my duty to my planet and my people. Yet, still I serve, as many of us continue to do, for as long as Earth remains a darkened planet, we will do what we can to assist Her.

viernes, noviembre 14, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.14.2014

Journal Entry 11.14.2014
Well, we’re in the midst of a “snow event”… it’s snowing lightly outside like it was December or January.  The temperatures were rather frigid this morning, 16 degrees F or below 0 for C.  The roads weren’t too bad, but folks are scrambling to get their winter tires on, winterize their car, and to buy winter clothes.  I already did all that… on Monday.
My “process” of re-tuning to higher dimensions continues, with some bumps along the way.  I hit one on Tuesday night, but have since recovered.  And along the way, had yet another lifetime verified for me this time specifically by Lord Sananda and Lady Nada.  I requested the information and they gave me verification of information that I had already figured out a couple of months back… that I was Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist and the cousin of Mary.  That explains why I probably wasn’t present during the years of Yeshua’s mission; I was already much older when I gave birth to John and probably just not around.

lunes, noviembre 10, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.10.2014

Journal Entry 11.10.2014
Another 55 day.
Today was winter prep day. Raked leaves. Got the snow tires put on vehicle. Put the down jacket in a convenient spot. Pulled out the ice scrapers for car, snow shovel for yard. Good use of some vacation time!
We’re forecast to catch a portion of the “Polar Vortex” that will be working its way south during the next couple of days. Lows will be in the teens… and I go to work before the sun rises, so appreciate having stable tires for icy roads.
I may be “ascending”, but I’m also a practical person. Grounded. And trained, through years of hiking and backpacking to be prepared for pretty much anything. I also have meals that I can eat cold if necessary in case the power goes out… and a warm sleeping bag. And two cats, LOL, to share warmth.
I live in a rental house with single pane windows. I do have thermal drapes, which helps, but the furnace will be going on quite a bit in the next couple of days. I’ve kept the heat off or low as much as possible, but there comes a time when you need to keep the house warm, just so the pipes won’t freeze.
And I’ll be going to the store tomorrow, before we get the forecasted snow and ice on Wednesday through Friday. The temperatures are going to be doing quite a lot of ups and downs, so we could have real icy roads by the weekend.

sábado, noviembre 08, 2014

Sundeelia and Eliza: On Soul Exchange - November 8, 2014



iza and Sundeelia: On Soul Exchange
We haven’t written anything for the past five days. Eliza has been aware of goings on and seems to be participating, but she’s actually not “here” very much.
For some of our readers, this can bring up a lot of grief and a sense of abandonment. See it as an opportunity to release yet another layer of emotional trauma that you, yourself, have undergone throughout your many lifetimes here.
Despite being told how difficult it might be for each of us, it has not been until actually being in these heavy, awkward bodies, that we have begun to realize what our mentors were trying to tell us.
I, Sundeelia VaCoupe, have never embodied upon Earth before, so I am new to your ways of dealing with each other. I can see why my sister is so ready to leave, although she would have stayed longer had her pre-incarnation soul agreement so decreed. She is truly one of us. She goes Home, in obedience and with Joy in her Heart, to be reunited with Family and loved ones.

sábado, noviembre 01, 2014

Eliza - Archangel Adrigon: On Breaking Through the Darkness - November 1, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Breaking Through the Darkness
Greetings, I AM Lord Adrigon, Commander of the Pleiadian fleet, part of the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Even now, we watch your world, monitor newscasts, and observe the rising levels of awareness amongst your populace.
As some of the readers of this messenger’s work know, our First Wave volunteers from the Galactic Federation of Light will be ascending soon. These volunteers came from an assortment of aligned worlds, all with a desire to see humanity and the planet Earth return into the higher dimensions from whence they fell so long ago.
Our writer has demonstrated, at least in part the physical reasons for the decline in consciousness, as your planet circles a star, Helios, which in turn, circles around an unknown companion, creating the phenomenon of precession of the Equinox. Your scientists, working with limited consciousness and a reluctance to move beyond the limitations of Newtonian physics have refused to explore the reasons for this phenomenon, discounting it as little more than a wobble caused by local forces.

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.01.2014

Vine maple
Journal Entry 11.01.2014
Here’s an update on how I’m dealing with the intense transitional period that I am currently undergoing:
I woke up this morning, very early, to a conversation with Sanat Kumara, who has long been my mentor and guide on this journey. He was giving me encouragement and guidance. I don’t remember all the words, more the gist of what He was communicating to me.
I “got” that I needed to start intravenous feeding or a ray-bath of Violet Flame to counteract the intense emotional clearings that I have been experiencing. I added the healing Green Ray and the higher cleansing Sea-Foam Green (blue-green) 8th Ray to the mix. Next, I commanded my Angels (we all have some; mine are just more employed than some) to commence with this healing and cleansing “bath” for the next two weeks 24/7. At the end of two weeks, adjustments, if needed, can be made.  It’s my duty to monitor how I feel and to adjust the dosage if needed, by adding more rays (colors) as needed.  You could regard this process as an alchemical experimentas I make a huge shift in conscious focus from one world / dimension to another.

viernes, octubre 31, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 10.31.2014

Journal Entry 10.31.2014
In the Western world some folks will be celebrating Halloween, All Saints Eve, All Hallows Eve, El Dia del Muertos… some form of Autumn festival.
Since leaving childhood, I’ve moved away from this celebration.  I’ve seen what has happened to the celebration as it has been turned into yet another commercial opportunity.  And candy is becoming a no, no for me as I grow ever sensitive to various foods here.
I love autumn, enjoy the cooler temperatures and the coloring trees, but the months of November and December that follow October are a challenging time for me due to the lack of light and shorter days.
I still have some challenging emotions coming up for transmutation post ascension.  It’s an odd experience that I’m going through, but one that is apparently a result of the walk-in / walk-out process here.  The body consciousness is very strong and identifies strongly with the appearance of the 3D world.  Of course you can argue that this world is Maya, a dream, still I have to deal with work, taking care of a household and garden and all the things that go with it.

jueves, octubre 30, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 10.30.2014

Journal Entry 10.30.2014
Well, nearly a week has gone by since my Higher Self ascended. I’ve been told that not much of my soul essence remains, yet I have full body consciousness. I’ve also been told that will eventually switch over to 5D / 6D awareness at some point in the future. Based on my cousin’s experiences, that could be about five to 7 months in the future, depending on me… and other things.
I will say that I experienced a couple of days of a very intense combination of feeling abandoned, grieving and anger. Since I’m not normally a very demonstrative type person, it was quite amazing to feel the intensity. I suppose it didn’t help to have five planets in conjunction within water signs… or whatever was happening astrologically. Did astrology in one lifetime and got imprisoned for it then a couple of times!
I’ve been working strenuously with an Angelic Medical Team at night during “dreamtime” and their work… our work… has helped tremendously. I have been able to reach an even keel once again and look with a lot more neutrality to what I am currently experiencing.

sábado, octubre 25, 2014

Eliza: On Post-Ascension Syndrome - October 25, 2014

Eliza: On Post-Ascension Syndrome
Okay, I invented the above phrase but someone had to do it and I do have an odd sense of humor. I am currently experiencing the beginning of that curious life phase when one HAS ascended and Lady Tazjima did – it was witnessed by others who are still in embodiment – when enough soul essence still remains within the body to make it “feel” as if nothing happened at all.
My cousin, Rananda Kumara aka David Spear of England, warned me that I might and probably would feel this way for a while as my primary focus readjusted and retuned to being in the higher dimensions. This sensation of still being “here” was one noted early on by the ship crew members directly involved with monitoring and assisting the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) volunteers who had walked in and were attempting to complete the process of “walking-out”.

viernes, octubre 24, 2014

Eliza: On My Ascension Day… continued - October 24, 2014

Strawberry Creek
The Ceremony
The great auditorium is very quiet although it is filled to capacity. The light is dimmed, with all eyes upon the beautiful altar in the center of the hall. The seats are arrayed in circles around the altar, and go up in graded levels towards the rear of the hall, so all can see what is to take place.
In Hollywood, they speak of star-studded gatherings. Well, at my ascension ceremony, the hall is filled with real luminaries, great Beings of Light who have come to attend the Ascension of the daughter of Lady Master Venus and Archangel Zadkiel, the one whom you know as Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe.
I see the seats are placed in soft spirals and now I weave my way down to the altar, accompanied by two young priestesses, one my own daughter. I am dressed simply now, in a white robe for I am about to be re-born into the higher worlds. My feet are bare and my hair is dressed simply, flowing in a chestnut cloud down my back.
The three of us reached the altar and stop. I stand before the Priestess, who is Lady Nina, the Shekinah from the great Pleiadian Temple in Medina. She is also my Aunt, mate and Twin Flame to my proud Uncle Adrigon, Lord of the Pleiades.
As I stand there, the Priestess blesses the great gathering, singing in a sacred star language, which even if you cannot understand the words, goes straight to the heart.

jueves, octubre 23, 2014

Eliza: On My Ascension Day - October 23, 2014

View from Beaver Ridge
On My Ascension Day
A new friend asked me how I was feeling today:
I woke up after an intense, very detailed and long dream of being in a bright city with friends.  We were in a restaurant.  Then I walked out into the garden below and saw a paved trail leading away, towards tall steep mountains looming in the bright distance.  I wanted to follow that path right then and now, but I hesitated and returned to the restaurant.  I found my friends and was eating some powdered donuts (!) and then realized that I had lost my purse and could not pay.  I asked for assistance, but everyone was in a rush.  I spoke to the lady at the cash register.  She asked me if I had credit… I did.  She said it was okay and handed over a package for me.  I looked into it, a tablecloth for home.  I walked out of the restaurant and realized that my friends had left me behind.  I stood there for a moment and then felt the mountains calling to me.  I started walking towards the beckoning heights.

lunes, octubre 13, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 10.14.2014

Larch Festival
Journal Entry 10.14.2014
This is an interesting process that I’m currently undergoing.  Call it an accelerated cleansing.  Oh, no… not again!  Yes, and in my case, it is apparently purging some deep cellular memories, mostly of rejection.
Starseeds know a lot of about rejection, feeling rejected by others and in turn, rejecting whole systems, relationships, beliefs, and institutions as a result of what we are and what we hold in terms of inner wisdom.  Personally, I’ve experienced a lot of rejection from other people in this lifetime and for the last 14 years or so, have voluntarily chosen to live alone.
Be alone is not lonely for me.  In the last two years, my writing has filled a huge gap in my life, allowing me to process and share that process with others.  I don’t do this to impress anyone, mind you, just to let people know, especially fellow starseeds that you’re not alone in your struggles or triumphs.

domingo, septiembre 21, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry: 09.21.2014

Journal Entry 09.21.2014
Really!  What day is it?  Time has begun to blend and collapse into itself for me, especially on the weekends.  As soon as I get home, the watch comes off and doesn’t get put on again until Monday morning.
I’ve been rather disconnected from matters outside my little world at present with all the interior changes going on as my transition continues.  At times, I am very aware of the presence of my Star Family, but this week, I was visited by other rather special Beings.  I really can’t share much as most of this is of a very personal nature, but I can share that we are loved so very much.  If there is one thing that I have conveyed to my readers, is this sense of all-pervading and encompassing Love that permeates your being when you open yourself up to the possibility that you may, indeed, be more than you ever dreamed.

Eliza: On Windows of Opportunity - September 21, 2014

Eliza: On Windows of Opportunity
Today is a beautiful late summer day, perfect in its conception, with blue skies, light breezes and the scent of coming autumn in the air. On Tuesday, we have the Autumnal Equinox or for the Southern Latitudes, the Vernal Equinox. Always there is a certain amount of intensity to any transition, as we move from one minor cycle to another, but this year, I would imagine just about everyone on the planet is experiencing MAJOR intensity within their lives in one shape or another.
We have a choice on how we can experience change. For my part, I have totally surrendered to the changes that I am currently undergoing. If one has read previous entries on this blog, and come to the conclusion that I’m crazy or egoistical to say some of the things that I have shared, then many people might agree with you… had they not met me in person.
We all have windows of opportunity, to make changes in our lives and to fully surrender to whatever is God’s purpose in our lives.