Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Afirmaciones. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Afirmaciones. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, marzo 01, 2022

Judith Kusel - We are in the state of massive flux and flow - Mar 1, 2022


"We are in the state of massive flux and flow and the 5th to 7th Dimensional Earth is fully here and now, and we are literally being lifted ever higher and higher.

I have found in the last few weeks, that nothing is stable anymore. I am being pushed to be flexible, and not become rigid, but to rather allow all to unfold as it should.

lunes, diciembre 20, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - DICIEMBRE 2021


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz - Profecías autocumplidas

*** Soy antiguo más allá de las palabras

*** Declaración de sanación espiritual

*** Afirmaciones 2022 para el alma



Gracias de verdad a todos por formar parte de la más bella Luz Viviente de la Tierra, el Universo está muy consciente de su dedicación y de sus sinceras intenciones. A medida que la Manifestación Viviente de la Navidad llega a su Hogar y a su Casa, permitan que despliegue sus alas de paloma con un propósito y un plan celestial. Planeen ser mejores seres humanos con un propósito más amplio en 2022. Escuchen las señales y escuchen al futuro cuando les reclame su atención inmediata. Cada día escuchen con el corazón y luego muévanse a ese lugar de pensamiento. Sigan a su luz cuando se conecte con una persona, un lugar o una cosa. Sigan a su luz cuando los dirija como un faro hacia un lugar de elecciones celestiales. La elección es el Gran Maestro de todas las energías humanas. Las personas siempre están en un punto de elección todo el tiempo. Pidan elegir desde un lugar de amor con mayor sabiduría.

martes, octubre 05, 2021

Diana Cooper -Forgiveness Affirmation - Oct 5, 2021

Forgiveness Affirmation

I forgive everyone who has ever hurt or harmed me, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other.

I offer them grace.

I ask for forgiveness for everything I have ever done to hurt or harm another, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other.

lunes, julio 19, 2021

Judith Kusel - The only way we can stay in the present moment - July 19, 2021

The only way we can stay in the present moment, in order to manifest new life and new beginnings, we need to be firmly anchored in the Divine, and thus AS ONE with Divinity and as one with Mother Earth.

Even though the New Earth is already here and ascending, we need to be firmly rooted in her as well. Otherwise we will tend to float somewhere in between.

Every morning I make it may business, to not only do my early morning meditations and indeed prayers, which truly uplift me, as the Divine moves within me, but also to, when I busy dressing and getting ready for my daily work, to affirm life in all its aspects. I even do this when first awakening, with my daily protection routine. Even before I get out of bed, I am affirming my day ahead, with I AM affirmations!

sábado, mayo 08, 2021

Judith Kusel - The intensity of the energy upgrades are increasing and will increase more...- May 8, 2021


The intensity of the energy upgrades are increasing and will increase more and more as we move in the New Earth.

It is showing up in the weather patterns and earth changes.

It is showing up in our own physicality and indeed with the immense transition as we need to listen to it more, and have more rest.

Indeed more time for stillness and solitude, and for being in nature.

lunes, marzo 08, 2021

Judith Kusel - "Immensely power energies and changes are flooding in...- March 8, 2021

"Immensely power energies and changes are flooding in, and this will escalate as we are being lifted in ever higher vibrational frequency bands.

So much is disintegrating and is dissolving, and these will become evident in intimate relationships, as some will now dissolve, as the old negative karmic patterns have been lifted and thus the soul contracts were fulfilled. Not only intimate relationships, but indeed all which structured and formed, contracted in some form or another.

martes, febrero 02, 2021

Judith Kusel - Affirming Life and Life more abundantly - Feb 2, 2021

Affirming Life and Life more abundantly

Most people tend to negate life and themselves instead of affirming life and opening their arms wide to receive from the state of the open heart, AS ONE with all of Creation and the Divine Creator.

Indeed during this time of the great Transition, it is vital to remember that we indeed create our own reality. Life becomes what we create within ourselves.