Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actividad Solar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actividad Solar. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, marzo 30, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - Estás aumentando de peso - Mar 30, 2022

Estás aumentando de peso, te duelen los dientes, estás cansado y te sientes lento, sientes que estás en otra dimensión o que el tiempo se detiene, te sientes fuera de lugar, fuera de balance y fuera de fase, estás con hambre, tienes antojos de comida o no tienes ganas de comer, tienes náuseas y no duermes bien. Tienes que tomar varias siestas durante el día y la menor cantidad de esfuerzo físico es un gran esfuerzo. Tal vez te sientas motivado y lleno de energía entre episodios de fatiga.

Jennifer Hoffman - You're gaining weight - Mar 30, 2022

You're gaining weight, your teeth hurt, you're tired and feel sluggish, you feel like you're in another dimension or time is standing still, you feel out of sorts, off balance, and out of phase, you're hungry, have food cravings, or don't feel like eating, you feel nauseous and you are not sleeping well. You have to take multiple naps during the day and the least amount of physical exertion is a huge effort. Maybe you're feeling motivated and energized in between bouts of fatigue.

Celia Fenn - Así que este fue el GRAN día de hoy - Mar 30, 2022


Así que este fue el GRAN día de hoy:

LLAMA SOLAR CLASE X: Los satélites en órbita terrestre acaban de detectar una llamarada solar clase X1.3 (30 de marzo a las 1737 TU). La fuente es la mancha solar activa AR2975, la misma mancha solar que ya ha lanzado al menos dos CME hacia la Tierra esta semana. El Observatorio de Dinámica Solar de la NASA registró el destello ultravioleta extremo de la llamarada: (

He estado esperando una bengala de Clase X durante bastante tiempo. Las principales energías se están moviendo en este momento.

Mucha gente se siente exhausta con todas las fluctuaciones y cambios de energía.

Recuerda practicar un "cuidado personal" extremo y mantenerte hidratado.

Nos dirigimos a un período de gran realineación y expansión de la conciencia junto con una mayor transmisión de Códigos de Luz.

Es importante no resistirse, sino permitir que fluyan las energías.

Estamos comenzando un importante proceso de renacimiento que culminará en el Eclipse de Luna Llena de Escorpio en mayo.

Aquí vamos......


Celia Fenn - So this was the BIG one today - Mar 30, 2022


So this was the BIG one today :

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected an X1.3-class solar flare (March 30 @ 1737 UT). The source is active sunspot AR2975--the same sunspot that has already hurled at least two CMEs toward Earth this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash: (

I have been expecting an X Class flare for quite a while. Major energies are moving at the moment.

So many people are feeling exhausted with all the energy fluctuations and changes.

Remember to practise extreme "self care" and stay hydrated.

We are heading into a period of major realignment and consciousness expansion together with the increased transmission of Light Codes.

It is important not to resist but just allow the energies to flow.

We are beginning an important rebirthing process that will culminate at the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse in May.

Here we go......


domingo, marzo 13, 2022

Celia Fenn - El Sol se ha vuelto muy activo recientemente - Mar 12, 2022


El Sol se ha vuelto muy activo recientemente. Una Llamarada Solar de clase M2 provocó un apagón de radio sobre el Pacífico, y una CME (Eyección de Masa Coronal) se dirige directamente a la Tierra, llegando el domingo 13.

La mayoría de las personas sienten esta intensidad como síntomas como estrés y ansiedad del sistema nervioso, insomnio, trastornos del sistema digestivo y depresión. Esto se debe a que los poderosos Códigos de Luz entrantes están estimulando los sistemas físicos a medida que el ADN responde a las activaciones en los Códigos.

sábado, marzo 12, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Sun has become very active recently - Mar 12, 2022


The Sun has become very active recently. An M2 class Solar Flare caused a radio black out over the Pacific, and a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) is heading straight for the Earth, arriving Sunday 13th.

Most people are feeling this intensity as symptoms such as nervous system stress and anxiety, insomnia, digestive system disturbances and depression. This is because the powerful incoming Light Codes are stimulating the physical systems as the DNA responds to the activations in the Codes.

martes, noviembre 02, 2021

Diane Canfield - Upgrades/ Downloads-Flares/Solar Storms Bring In Higher Awareness - Nov 2, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

Higher upgrades to our consciousness are coming in. These upgrades have been coming in the entire week with my last article about the X and M class flares wiping everyone out a few days ago.

Now we have more flares, very high solar wind at almost 600 ( normal is around 250 to 300) and Geo Magnetic storms caused from the solar wind and flares.

lunes, noviembre 01, 2021

Celia Fenn - ANOTHER SOLAR FLARE AND CME - Nov 1, 2021

ANOTHER SOLAR FLARE AND CME: Sunspot AR2887 erupted again on Nov. 1st (0145 UT), producing an M1-class solar flare and a plasma wave that rippled across half the solar disk: (

So another Solar Flare as the energies build towards the 11/11!

The picture of the Aurora Australis captured in Australia is the most beautiful Gold and Ruby Red/PInk of the Divine Feminine.

She is very present with us as we shift gears into our Multi-Dimensional New Earth Reality.

It is Time!

We are blessed!

Aurora image by Michelle Diggins

viernes, octubre 29, 2021

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Our Sun blasted us this morning with a low level X1.0 Solar flare - Oct 29, 2021

Our Sun blasted us this morning with a low level X1.0 Solar flare. So if you are a sensitive one, I am sure you are feeling off, and you may not understand why. Solar flares are amazing, and they will aggressively point out our weak spots in our physical and emotional bodies. They can help us evolve our spiritual path beyond ancient patterns hidden in our ancestral lineages. It can point out our limiting biases, programs and belief systems. Flares show us the places that need healing in our ourselves, our relationships, our communities, our countries and our entire planet. Solar flares actually can wake us up if we pay attention and acknowledge where it affects us, and we get to work.

domingo, agosto 29, 2021

Celia Fenn - SOLAR TSUNAMI AND CME (UPDATED) - August 29, 2021


SOLAR TSUNAMI AND CME (UPDATED): Sunspot AR2859 erupted on Aug. 26th, producing a C3-class solar flare: The flare, however, was not the main attraction. The eruption also caused a massive "solar tsunami." (

The Sun is revving up again.....

This may explain why I had such a problem with the material dimension yesterday. I kept dropping things and walking into things......

sábado, julio 24, 2021

𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑎 𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 - Expansión Solar: Aviso para Julio 23- 29

𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔, 𝑨𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒔 ~

Regiones intensamente activas de Solaris se están alineando con nuestro pasaje de la Puerta Estelar del 23 al 29 de julio. El SOL ha estado emitiendo cantidades masivas de material, reflejando la expansión de todo el campo del sistema solar.

Como con toda alineación de puertas estelares, se nos proporcionan oportunidades de cara a la Tierra para recibir nuevas energías, plasma codificado para la Ascensión y apoyo para colapsar reinos.

miércoles, junio 02, 2021

Celia Fenn - So here we are in June, Sun in Gemini...- June 2, 2021




So here we are in June, Sun in Gemini.....and still having a bit of a respite as we follow the flow and begin to enter the Eclipse window of the Partial/Annular Solar Eclipse on the 10th (11th depending on where you live).

On the 6th of June we have the 6/6 portal which opens our Hearts to Love and inner Sacred Union.This will be a powerful next step in the shift process.

lunes, mayo 31, 2021

Patricia Cota-Robles - PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE INFLUX OF LIGHT IN JUNE 2021 - May 31, 2021

We have just completed an epic month of Transformational shifts involving the energy, vibration and consciousness of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. According to the Company of Heaven, the progress we collectively Cocreated in our Ascension process during the month of May in 2021 benefited ALL Life on this Planet in ways that exceeded even the expectations of Heaven. The Beings of Light have incredible Faith in our ability to God Victoriously accomplish the critical facets of the Divine Plan for Mother Earth that we are ALL Cocreating, so to say we have succeed beyond their expectations is quite a statement.

sábado, mayo 08, 2021

Celia Fenn - New sunspot AR2822 exploded on May 7th - May 8, 2021

New sunspot AR2822 exploded on May 7th, producing an M3.9-class solar flare--one of the strongest flares of young Solar Cycle 25. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion near the sun's northeastern limb:""

"The shadowy wave emerging from the blast site is a "solar tsunami"--a swell of hot magnetized plasma about 100,000 km tall racing along the sun's surface at 250 km/s (560,000 mph).
A pulse of ultraviolet and X-radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, caused a shortwave radio blackout over North America: map. Ham radio operators and mariners may have noticed strange propagation effects at frequencies below 30 MHz, with some transmissions below 15 MHz completely extinquished."
Yes...this explains why so many of us are feeling jittery and anxious. Solar Cycle 25 is taking off.....

Yes indeed...things are shifting BIG TIME.

Nothing is the same or ever will be...

The NEW is incoming!

miércoles, abril 21, 2021

Sandra Walter - Energías Únicas en la Puerta Estelar - Abril 17, 2021


Bendiciones, Amados ~

Estamos inmersos en la apertura de una singular puerta estelar que comenzó esta semana.

Anomalías de plasma y tormentas geomagnéticas que surgieron de la nada han aparecido en las gráficas lineales y continúan complementando este pasaje que cambia realidades. Incluso la ciencia está notando estas fuerzas cósmicas como inusuales.

miércoles, marzo 24, 2021

James Gilliland - The Veils Are Coming Down...- March 24, 2021



The Veils Are Coming Down, The Onion Is Being Peeled, You Were Never Alone Both Positive and Negative.

Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back. The onion is being peeled, layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues. The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well. We are being made aware of contracts and connections that are not in our highest and best good. These contracts or agreements need to be broken and the connections seen and unseen that are not in our highest and best good need to be severed. No more psychic bonds, vampirism or connections based on dependencies. This desire for freedom and self-authority or individual empowerment is being amplified by the higher consciousness and energy pressing in on the Earth. We have spoken about this as far back as 1980 in the books on the website. Now it is here.

The Sun is conscious, the photon belt is conscious, the mountains becoming volcanoes are conscious, the Earthquakes as the Earth expands are part of the process, all form is conscious and it all is responding to the higher consciousness and energy entering this solar system. The bioelectric fields around our bodies, the physical body itself, our DNA and even the fields that hold our past life memories are all being affected. It is called the Great Awakening and it is multidimensional. As the veils lift, we are going to see Masters, Saints, and Sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World beings, our Ancient Ancestors, the Star Nations, even the mythological people such as Gnomes, Fairies, Elves, Big Foot etc. will start making appearances. We will also see shadow people, astral beings, regenerate ETs, demons a host of low level entities that have been operating unseen with impunity all along. It all comes with expanded awareness and ascension.

Then there are the normies who despite their struggle to maintain the status quo will have experiences they cannot explain. If you go with the status quo know their true agenda. It will lead to loss of freedom, enslavement, pain, suffering and eventually death. The polarities are being amplified, one is on a downward spiral the other will continue on the upward spiral. To spell this out the global elite, CCP, the corrupt politicians, the corporate owned mainstream and social media, big pharma and those who follow or participate with them are on the downward spiral. Unfortunately the ignorant, those who willingly and in ignorance participate with the downward spiral, the socially engineered, critical thinking, research impaired who have chosen denial will experience what has been planned for hundreds of years. Read the Rockefeller Agenda and listen to the words of the eugenicists, Gates, Fauci, etc. all participating and funding gain of function research, owning the patents on the test kits and the Cov1984 virus five years in advance. They are making billions. They also control the WHO and the CDC private corporations also making billions on the pandemics. Biological, psychological and cyber war has been declared on the people. Do you actually be lie ve these people are humanitarians? They have lost all humanity and are driven by another force. Puppets for the dark side. This is not a war between parties, cultures or religions. It is a war on humanity, a war between good and evil.

When the complications from the vaccines which are experimental gene therapy and operating systems escalate you are going to see the real agenda. If people have not figured this out by now they have chosen not too. Their denial will be their demise, there just might be some truth to the Darwin Awards where people remove themselves from the gene pool. It is said the meek will inherit the Earth. The meek are the wise ones, the discerning ones, those slow to anger but steadfast in what is highest and best good for themselves and their loved ones. Might be a good idea to listen to them, the real healers and scientists, those without a hidden agenda.

As the veils become thinner, we are going to have to learn how to heal unseen negative influences, cut cords, psychic bonds, maintain our self-authority. This includes any contracts and agreements past and present that are not in our highest and best good. We are going to have to take personal responsibility for our attitudes, emotions, beliefs clearing any thought forms or limiting mental concepts. Ascension is not about eating gogi berries, facebook spirituality, turning your body into a pretzel or living a half-truth ignoring the shadow side within and without. It is all about brutal honesty with self, ending the denial. Self-Mastery is all about mastering all dimensions of self, Self-Awareness is being aware of the multidimensional world in which you live. Self-Authority is maintaining a frequency, knowing your own unique purpose for incarnating. Personal Responsibility is owning your wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, stop making others responsible for your happiness, your survival, your love, joy, and acceptance all internal choices rather than externally driven. You came from the Creator, children of the most high. As Meister Eckhart said, “If nut seeds produce nut trees, and pear seeds produce pear trees what do God seeds produce?”

The choice is up to us. Universal Law is coming, best to be on the right side of evolution. Are you going to be a god/goddess or a victim? Remember the only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. That something comes from within. Be what you desire. Live as if you already own it. Shift from reactionary mind to creationary mind.

PS, Healing techniques, meditations for world and self-healing, connecting with the higher dimensions and clearing unseen negative influences is all available in the books and on the website,

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate YouTube

viernes, febrero 26, 2021

Sandra Walter - Shifting Realms and Full Moon - Feb 26, 2021


Blessings Beloveds ~

Sending you integration LoveLight for the reality-shifting waves flowing through Gaia in this Now.

Magnetic shifts are DNA shifts. DNA fields are reconnecting, strands are rebundling to provide a new experience. Many have noted stronger visions, dreams, lightbody expansion and thinning of the veils right now.

lunes, noviembre 16, 2020

Celia Fenn - The Sun is changing and activating...- Nov 16, 2020

The Sun is changing and activating...and as we open and activate our Solar Chakra portal we are connecting with deeper levels of creative power for the 7th dimensional Nova Terra Elysium.

Next we will align with the Great Central Sun on the 21st December which is our 9D Galactic alignment.

sábado, noviembre 07, 2020

Sandra Walter - Ola de Revelación: Reactivación del SOL - Nov 5, 2020

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Solaris está revelando una mancha SOLAR muy activa para nuestro Portal del 11-17 de noviembre. Las llamaradas han sido constantes y las energías han sido muy activadoras. Recuerda el principio de como es arriba, es abajo. Importantes puertas estelares están en juego para esta Ola de Revelación. Y está sucediendo AHORA. Retírate de la contienda del mes de elecciones y ve lo que se está desplegando.

jueves, noviembre 05, 2020

Celia Fenn - Things are getting REAL...- Nov 5, 2020

Things are getting REAL as the Sun crackles to life with new Sun Cycle 25 gearing up with massive Sunspot AR2781. The sunspot has already sent off some minor flares, but we can expect more.

This is all part of the New Cycle and the Journey towards the BIG Solar/Earth alignment on the 21st December 2020.