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Schumann Resonance Today
1 June 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 1/6 17:00 A new and powerful descent of all frequencies has just begun, just after 16 UTC frequencies 2, 3 and 4 have marked a steep descent, the Primary Frequency has instead limited itself to reaching around 7.40 Hz. As we can see from the Amplitude graph the climb has also been steep and does not seem to be over yet at the time of this update where it is reported once again at Power 67. Also note the massive rise in Amplitude in the other measurements. We will see shortly if this will be the maximum or if there will be a further increase.
Schumann Resonance Today 1/6 14:00 The downward oscillations of the frequencies are continuing, the Primary Frequency has touched 7.30 Hz around 12 UTC and this has led to a new powerful peak of Amplitude which reached Power 67 just before 12 UTC. The Quality also continued to register significant movements, simultaneously with the Amplitude and the minimum of Frequency 1, combining all these parameters the result of the Energy of Collective Currents is of Power 118.
Schumann Resonance Today 1/6 10:30 June also continues along the lines of the previous month, after a period of about 12 hours in which only a background instability remained and therefore without significant movements of the Amplitude, from 8 UTC this morning a new and profound decrease of all the frequencies, with the Primary dropping below 7.40 Hz, has led to a significant movement in Quality and a movement in Amplitude which is still in place, at 8:30 UTC it reached Power 32 and at 9:30 UTC Power 45.
Schumann Resonance Today 31/5 22:00 A quick decrease of all four frequencies started at 17 UTC and which brought them on minimum values around 20 UTC closed the month of May with a high note. The maximum peak of the Amplitude was of Power 55 at 20 UTC when the Primary Frequency dropped under 7.30 Hz. After this movement, the frequencies climbed back toward the base values putting an end to the period of activity that lasted a little more than three hours, from 17 to shortly after 20 UTC. The average of the month of May was of a powerful Power 44.
Schumann Resonance Today 31/5 17:00 Today, so far, the Amplitude value has dropped below Power 20 for the first time for the month of May, the frequency has always remained stable with minimal fluctuations on the base value. The maximum of Power 10 was reached shortly after 7 UTC. The average for this month has been a meaningful Power 42.