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Schumann Resonance Today
28 June 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 28/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 13:30 A new strong series of oscillations on all frequencies that started around 10 UTC led to a massive new movement of the Amplitude, initially around Power 20 for about two hours, from 13 UTC it started a steep climb to reach what has hitherto been the maximum value of Power 87 at 12:30 UTC.