You Are The Blessed Ones
Beautiful family of light,
As I observe the world today, I could feel depressed. It is not only my sadness, but the sadness of individuals like you who are aware of and can see what is happening in the world. The situation is very serious and disturbing. But why are we sad? Sadness is actually an expression of our love and deep care for all the souls on this planet. We are here to serve, to help each one of us awaken and return to our natural state of happiness and freedom.
We know that we have been tricked by the dark forces. But now it's time to wake up; otherwise, we might be destroyed by them. This is the time to unite, to cooperate with each other, especially with those few awakened people who have the same vision of a better world. This is not easy because most people live in fear. They instinctively know that something terrible is about to happen, but they don't know how to deal with it. They don't know that there are many other forces that are controlling them through their minds, through their thoughts, and through their feelings.
There are very few people in this world who can understand this reality and who can understand the truth. And there are very few people who wake up knowing what is going on in the world.
The time has come when everyone should wake up and see what is happening in their own life, in their own surroundings, in their country, and all over the world.
You are a blessed one. If you are able to understand the truth, you will be glad that you found it, and you will easily help others get out of this misery. Only a few people like you will help other people get out of their present misery. The rest of the population is lost in their illusionary world. Their illusionary world is created by themselves by giving permission to the dark forces, and they have lost their own ability to understand what is right or wrong and who is manipulating and controlling them. They have become puppets in their hands, and they are moving according to their wishes without understanding what they are doing.
This is such a serious situation for humanity at present because if someone doesn't wake up from their illusionary world, then most probably no one can help them to get out of this illusionary world. It is because of how deep they have fallen into this illusionary world and how far away from reality they have gone. This is why I am saying that you are blessed. Only a few people like you can easily help others get out of this confusing and illusionary world.
And it is my duty to tell the people what they are doing wrong and suffering as a result of their wrong beliefs and wrong actions. Now the time has come when all the people will understand what is true. Gradually, they will also come out of ignorance. And that time for them will be very difficult because by that time, everything will have changed, and it will not be possible for everyone to adapt to the new situation. So now I am asking you to spread my message among those people who are ready to listen, ready to change their belief system, or willing to live with awareness and alertness.
I am here to help you. I am here to awaken the soul in you that has been sleeping for a long time. Your soul is like a diamond, but it is buried deep inside and covered with layers upon layers of dust. My job is to clean your face of that dust, and then suddenly, you will shine like a diamond.
I know that there are some souls like you who are awake and want to do something for others, but you do not know what to do. That's why I am here. To guide those awakened souls who want to make a difference in this world.
You are intelligent people with good hearts, but you have not realized the power within you yet. You can become great masters by just following my guidance and by doing simple practices such as meditation. Then your inner power will blossom into petals of love and compassion for all beings on Earth.
It's time for you to wake up from your sleep. You have been asleep for the last thousands of years. You are not the same human beings who lived on this earth during those olden days. You are now evolved human beings. Your consciousness has undergone a transformation. You are now capable of seeing things from a much broader perspective than you could perceive in the past.
Dark forces have always been present on this planet. But it was only during certain periods of our history that they were able to take control of almost everything that we see around us today, and that is why it appears as if there is nothing left under our control.
But that's not true! In reality, we are living in the most powerful period of human evolution that has ever occurred on this planet, and that is why both you and the dark forces are here right now. There is a big battle going on between good and evil, light and darkness, love and hatred, etc. We are witnessing an epic war between these opposing forces.
The way you see things today is not what you have always seen or perceived in the past.
When you are connected to your true self, you are able to see the external world with a divine vision. Then you will find that there is no more misery in the world. Instead, it is a game of God, just like a play. Whatever is happening happens for the good of all and for the betterment of your soul. You will be able to love everyone, even those who are trying to harm you.
As humans, we always want everything fast, especially when we are facing challenges or difficult situations in life. But this doesn't work this way; we need patience and perseverance in order to overcome fear and to be ready for positive changes in our lives.
My dearest friends, soon you will become aware of your true divine nature, and then you will be able to see this reality. But before that day arrives, you have to be patient and go through many hardships in life. But I am always there to support you and help you get through your difficult times. I have given you my divine vision so that you can see things as they really are.
I love you all very much and thank each one of you for being part of this spiritual journey with me.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.