The non separated YOU in eternity that exists forever exists throughout all worlds, all dimensions and experiences all existences simultaneously.
The playing ground of form actualizes itself as the result of the dimension and frequencies of thought it exists through.
The world you experience is more of the dream and the more real YOU and more real reality exists as the eternal YOU that is creating all of THIS.
THE accessing of the CREATOR YOU ~ IS WHAT is often termed as the Ascension on Earth. Really there is no such thing as the label created representing the experience, is a belief held within the dream.
There is what points to an ASCENDED EXPERIENCE OF BEING. Where you exist as the DIVINE eternal light being that you are. Once you unite with this REAL YOU, YOU recognize and know you never died. That was JUST the dream.
You can count on eventually and consciously YOU WILL know yourself ONLY as that. The eternal God Self that never died, that was always present, that was always YOU.
This uniting of the you in the Dream with the you watching You; that is the ETERNAL DIVINE YOU through frequency dimensions, is the experience you are longing for. It is termed the ASCENSION. Yet it is so much more than the word points to.
Awakened and awakening are increasing in frequency that actualizes this manifestation, for all to see. It is not so much some major mystery, as it is a REALITY that is eternally REAL, that you are about to tap into. Dive into. Become united with consciously.
The dream and the DREAMER. The Love and the Beloved. Matter merging with eternity. The mystical Union, often called, only words that point to experience not yet known to many.
In this activation, present with The Queen of Light, the Divine Beings everywhere, The Divine Council of Overseers, we initiate you into knowing more of the real YOU. The cause and form uniting. Always in love.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.