lunes, febrero 04, 2019
L’Aura Pleiadian - What Dimension Are You Really In? - Feb 5, 2019
Most likely you are on Earth if you are reading this on your lap top or mobile device. It is possible this can be read from parallel worlds also.
Those parallel worlds represent dimensions, and states of consciousness.
Objects disappearing in front of your eyes and returning in front of your eyes, all possible. Your surroundings changing to completely new and unrecognizable.
What has taken place, have you changed realities and states of consciousness; therefore, dimensions.
This may feel like an episode from the Twilight Zone, yet; all possibilities already exist, I have witnessed this potential of reality with my very own eyes.
The expansion of consciousness represents the unknown possibilities to our awareness, how else is it to be experienced as new.
The laws of this instantaneous shift in form and objects, places, worlds and dimensions, are already here for us now.
The limitations are only the fears of the unknown. For the daring, that defy what reality is and test it out, they venture into ALL Possibilities. Witnessing also, the instantaneous transformation of objects, of life, of body, of consciousness of WORLDS appearing before their eyes.
So let us enter this unchartered territory more and more. Those that say we cannot, have not dare try.
We set the boundaries within our own consciousness.
When we dare to test out the possibilities, we see there are none.
Activating all who are ready, into this new territory of limitless possibilities, frequencies, worlds and transformation. In love.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal
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Laura Pleiadian