We’re into another month and this one will be focused on cleaning up after the chaos of January. Remember that chaos is the result of dis-integration of old paradigms and we’re seeing a lot of that now. The energy focus for February is connection and the other 5D energies of collaboration, community, and creativity (which is also the theme of 2019). This can be a great month if we don’t get lost in confusion, self doubt, and forgetting that we are masters of our own universe and energetically sovereign.
February’s new moon is another one in the series that began in November 2018 where all of the new moons are at 15 degrees of their sign, which continues through April. 15 degrees is the midpoint of a sign, which is the fulcrum or balance point with equal amounts of energy on either side. This is a neutral point, where there is harmony in giving and in receiving. Are we having lessons in being balanced in all areas of our lives? This new moon is in the sign of Aquarius, ruling community, friends, social groups, and connections.
Does that remind you of what’s going on in the world now? Think of how many connections we make via the internet that has created an interconnected global community. Think about the Q movement (whether you follow it or not) and the strong global community of an estimated 500 million or more dedicated, loyal, and committed followers it has. This is not a political statement, it’s an example of 5D energy at work which is all about community, connections, and expanding our awareness of ourselves as the human family on a global and universal level.
We also have a full moon at 0 Virgo on February 19, falling in the cycle which began in November 2018 where all of the full moons are at 0 degrees of their sign. The number zero (0) does not mean nothing, it is pure potential and means no-thing, energy waiting for an intention to bring it to form, energy looking for an energy container to fill. So see each full moon period until May as being pure potential, completing the old (a full moon is a completion), to start fresh and new.
This full moon brings Chiron, the wounded healer, into focus again. Chiron has been a huge factor in all of the work we have been doing for the past two years as its presence in Pisces brings up the old, deep, and very traumatic soul wounding we have suffered from for many lifetimes. These are being brought to our awareness and attention now because we say we want to ascend and these old soul wounds keep us grounded in their energy of pain and trauma. This is especially true this month as we have Chiron at the final degree of Pisces which Mercury will highlight later this month as it approaches this degree to begin its retrograde in March.
Yes we have a Mercury retrograde in March and its shadow begins on February 21 at the degree of the March 6 new moon. Prepare for an extra strong dose of healing potential all month and into March. I’ve described the special relationship between Chiron and Mercury, Virgo and Pisces before so I won’t elaborate here. Just know that with this month’s emphasis on relationships and love, with Valentine’s Day, having all of this Chiron energy bringing up soul wounds may be a bit difficult but it’s a reminder to close out these old karmic relationship and love energy cycles that have been so painful and unfulfilling, so we can welcome new ones.
Let’s talk about Valentine’s Day, a day which some of you may look forward to, some may ignore entirely, and others dread it because it reminds them of how long it has been since they have had a relationship, or it is a reminder of every bad, failed, tough, and terrible relationship they have ever had.
Instead of being sad, mad, depressed, or angry this Valentine’s Day, do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to a spa day, do something you enjoy, buy yourself some flowers, send yourself a beautiful card with a note about how wonderful and valuable you are, or treat yourself to a lovely lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant.
Do you know that the word ‘restaurant’ is from a French word which means ‘to restore or revive’?
Why wait until someone comes into your life to do these things for you? Show yourself some love this month and then enjoy yourself while you’re doing it. And who knows, by going out and doing something nice you just may meet someone.
Miracle energy is high this month, so be prepared to use it.
This month we get a test of our energetic sovereignty and have the opportunity to explore our energetic maturity, which can be a lesson in how we move on from the past.
Do we get stuck in the energy of the past or are we going to move forward into the future?
Does the past define us in the present moment or is it just a blip on the radar of our life that serves as a reminder of where we have been that we do not want to visit again?
Or it’s about the lessons we learned that we’re going to use as a foundation to create stronger energy boundaries, more powerful intentions, and a greater focus on our self esteem, which we must have to become more self-loving.
We can be a drop of water looking for an ocean or the vast ocean itself.
Remember we cannot have someone in our life who loves us more than we love ourselves. This month’s focus on love and relationship can start with the relationship we have with ourselves, it is our most important one. January may have created a mess but in February we have the tools to clean it up and restore ourselves to our divine congruence that brings peace, joy, love, prosperity and most of all, harmony.
Time to get out the mop, bucket, broom, and dustpan and get to work. Have a wonderful month.
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