Experiencing the Influx and Solstice Source Codes
Jun 8, 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The higher trajectory attained at the beginning of June opened the Creator Gates, within and without, for a more direct experience of Unity Consciousness. These diamond-plasma flows will maintain their intensity through the end of June, with our Cosmic Trigger point during the June Solstice passage (peak on June 21 at 3:47 AM PDT). Our Gateway window is June 18-24 for Global focus.
As our Creator State reaches new levels of embodiment, the Divine return of the Christed/Crystalline/Krysthl state of consciousness, we experience the quantum relationship with our bodies, kingdoms, elementals and Gaia as reflections of the Galactic and Universal Ascension.
Cosmic and Solar Gateways continue to flood us with activations and Pure Source-encoded light. This is the purpose of the higher trajectory; to return our multidimensional awareness and etherically reconnect our Divine DNA.
We use the term Pure Photonic Light because the quality of this light is of a pure positive polarity. It balances negative polarities and distortions, shifts the magnetics of our hearts, bodies, energy fields and beloved Gaia. It leaves no stone unturned in its effects on de-polarizing and re-polarizing all creations into alignment with the highest frequency of Divine Love (Source.)
Shifting magnetics continue to release old realities and align us with the New. This is physically represented by expansion in Gaia (quakes, eruptions, floods, storms) and ourselves (clearing, releasing, vibrating, shifts in awareness). Hearts aligned with love and starseeded DNA, utilizing the Christed spark already activated in HUmanity, receive these Source codes and align with the command of photonic order; Evolution and Ascension in the Now.
Shifting magnetics, triggered by the positive charge of these influxes, affect our DNA by:
Releasing dense emotional structures (emotions are magnetic),
Shifting thought patterns (electric charges shift to accommodate the new magnetics)
Activating DNA by changing the polarization of the toroidal fields around the DNA, which allows the light codes in to trigger etheric reconnection of additional strands.
Ascension has always been about preparation, free will choice and consistent action in the moment to align with higher, positive choices. In this Now, we have a Divine opportunity to fully activate and experience multidimensional DNA. It flickers on and off according to our personal energetics, however this higher trajectory and its influxes allow for experiences of 5D, 7D and 9D to be held within the DNA fields.
This DNA and the New Light triggers the body to reflect the Divine Template, the pure Creator-In-Carnate which is the Divine HUman expression. As we migrate realities to the 5D/7D realms, it can be an intensely beautiful and deep – sometimes exhausting – process. Sleep is still a priority. These new level of DNA activations will not be integrated without rest to allow the body to re-create in our higher image.
While many experience the overlay of the Gaia 5D/7D creation, the crystalline Gateways to that reality are accessed by unified collective agreement. HUmans aligned with a pure expression of HU (God) expressing Unconditional Love and Divine Service to collective empowerment are creating the crystalline bridges to the New Earth.
Many ask how to maintain the old schedule with the new light. Quite simply, you cannot. The energy is literally driving us into a new existence as a collective. Waves can be sudden, strong, overwhelming, and expansive. This teaches us to be in the Now; flexible, very present, patient, honoring high-vibe self-care, and flowing with the energies from moment to moment.
Opportunity with the June Solstice Trigger
Now that we have attained the higher trajectory for the collective, opportunities for a new experience present. Our baseline experience is at a much higher level, dissolving the old platforms for looping, waiting, re-creation of the past. Akashic levels dissipate so we may merge, purified and free, with the Higher Self/Future Selves.
We are asked to level up to full light capacity. Higher trajectory is embodiment, the consistent quantum experience. In this Now, we are guided to assist our bodies and consciousness with the higher trajectory shift already in progress.
To support this global detoxification and clearing, we diligently engage with self-care, cleansing, and detoxification to receive the maximum light on behalf of all. This is one of those Gateways for fasting, cleansing, detoxing, creativity, movement, meditation, Gatekeeping and New Earth Grid preparation, sacred ceremony and high-vibe activity in nature.
These higher trajectories change the collective storyline of HUmanity to align with the ancient intention of the Ascension. Restoration of the higher truth, the highest intention for this grand Universal rewrite.
This is why time dynamics, personal and global timelines are shifting quickly this year. The triggering light, combined with all the efforts of Lightworkers, Gridworkers and Gatekeepers, Starseeds and Wayshowers, continues to create higher and higher opportunities for collective Ascension. You can feel it, beloveds. Embrace the unknown, radical expansion of consciousness happening through you.
This expanded level of Lightbody allows us to collectively become the crystalline bridge to the New Earth, the Ascended reality. Our Solar-crystalline DNA vibrates (spins) much faster, allowing the cells to be light-encoded with sacred geometric patterns of perfection. We align with our pure light signature, Divine Template, and Ascend the realities around us to match our higher perception.
This is why exercises like New Earth Now can quickly shift our perception away from the past or future, and bring the ascended reality into the Now. Co-creative power is our birthright, and when we play with this skill as open hearts in Service, Unity consciousness becomes readily available to the entire population. It amplifies higher timelines, which accelerates the process for all concerned. Ancient us and Future us, merged and operating with clarity in this Now.
Detox, Prepare, Cleanse, Simplify, Co-Create with the Influx
The Higher light is here, these cosmic waves of diamond-crystalline pure photonic-encoded plasma are flowing, cresting, building each moment. Some moments are (much!) stronger, when the light feels palpable, quite physical waves of expansion. This higher trajectory is already a strong experience. The Solstice trigger will shift the High-Vibe tribe into a consistent Christed state of expanded consciousness. We become pure conduits operating with ease and grace, providing stability for the higher timeline shifts.
In our Divine Service, we collectively focus on receiving maximum expansion through the Solstice passage. Heed the messages from the body itself to align with high-vibe support in the Now. Since this is a DNA Gateway, we cleanse, detoxify, clear our energy fields, open our hearts, meridians and bodies. We support the highest vibration of peace, harmony, freedom, creativity and Ascension. Any adjustments or clearing supports the global detox, especially as we move into higher states of unification.
Remember this is an organic Ascension; getting offline and in nature allows the Source codes to activate. Earthing (bare feet on the ground or in water) as often as possible. It also helps ground the euphoric effects of quantum expansion. Rest and simplify during this passage. Meditate in Zero Point.
SUNday Unity Meditations: The Sensation of Home
We continue to amplify Gaia and the HUman Heart Grid with infusions of peace, crystalline consciousness and Ascension. Participate in the SUNday Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Spread the word, this is our High-Vibe Tribe co-creation and they continue to expand. The vibration of Home, the Christed Heart Center, can be very comforting right now. Join your Brothers and siSTARs in co-creating highest outcomes for all concerned, amplifying the Christed timelines, and enhancing your own experience of Ascension.
May all of Creation be blessed, renewed and purified into Divine Beingness by this Divine Light. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.
In Love, Light and Service,