jueves, diciembre 07, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - What Are You Dreaming Of ~ What is your Reality? - Dec 7, 2017

Are you Dreaming of your New Life?

The 5th Dimension?

You as a Divine Light Being?

You in Love?

You living without Limitation?

Feel and sense it all now. What would it be like if there TRULY were no limitations ~ AT ALL.

Are you Anticipating? Without Expectation?

Are you dreaming it all right now?

Or are you experiencing the pain through the sense of lack?

Are you lacking anything?

Or are you the Dreamer becoming aware within the Dream?

If you ARE ~ What is there to experience beyond your current comprehension?

Go there.

It is MUCH bigger than you realize, the potential.

SO much greater.

Entertain without attachment, your desires.

Anticipate more DREAMS.

As the preparation is just as important as the consequence.

You ARE being Trained in the aspect of consciousness that knows no limitation.

Entertain the EXCITEMENT of it all.

Are you able to stay focused?

Make HOLY the daily aspects of life, transforming all into sacred ritual.

Is this the Dream of the Mystical and magical worlds, living through you?

Feel it. DEEPLY feel it.

SEE it, taste it and smell it.

Let go of outcomes.


We are Activating YOU Now. Feel and RECEIVE!

Deep within YOUR Heart.

Love the dreamer.

Love the Creation.

Love the journey.

Love the moment.

Then, it is all yours.

You are free without limitation.

You Have consciously entered the sacred holy Higher Dreams through your Heart.

It is yours. And you love it all. You love what brought you to this.

You love and bless it all.

Now Loving all that is your journey.

You Enter the Dream of no limitation. Freedom is Yours.

Union is Yours.

Love is yours.

In Holy love and endless Bliss with the HOLY Presence and GLORY of The Divine Council of Overseers. Activating NOW.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.