jueves, diciembre 14, 2017
L’Aura Pleiadian - The Dimensions and Eternity ~ With ALL As a Holographic Reality of Light - Dec 14, 2017
The Dimensions and Eternity ~ With ALL As a Holographic Reality of Light
This Earth World is a Holographic meeting place of consciousness.
The Density ~ the Veil? Really?
Money and virtual money. Darkness and Light.
It is ALL LIGHT. As perceived by the observer. It is the consciousness and frequency of the observer, that determines the experience.
The only difference is the level of awareness of the OBSERVER of what is consciously playing out IN the FIELD OF AWARENESS.
The LIGHT within. Your form and YOUR version of reality is held within YOUR Eternal Consciousness. Your Original Light.
No part of YOU is away from you. IT is what is animating your awareness.
It is only your subconscious that HOLDS within it any idea of pain and separation, that is in the process of releasing those old beliefs.
Your consciousness is eternal LIGHT.
What if ~ it was all beautiful as is?
What if every moment was perfect as is?
What if ~ all you SAW was the Light through BEING your Higher self, what will happen then?
You would see everything differently, You would exist in form through the Higher Dimensions.
This Earth World of consciousness existence, is a Holographic meeting place of consciousness. YOU are tapping into Being ALL of you everywhere.
Your subconscious is LIKE a present.
You are Opening the wrapping. Through each conscious experience.
As you observe this more and more, You SEE the present. That you ARE.
You see what appeared as hidden NOW brought to the Light.
It is going on NOW.
Your Divine Ascended BEING.
Your HEART fully Open and you functioning THROUGH IT.
You As the Divine Love of Your Eternal SELF now Present.
You are waking up to the process and to the PRESENT (Light YOU in totality) being revealed.
The WRAPPING is coming off the present. CONSCIOUSLY.
That is it.
The Shift is the revealing. The knowing. The seeing through the Eternal EYES of Your Awareness, that was always present.
Breathe this in. The truth of eternity and creation.
You AS Eternal Existing in ALL DIMENSIONS now.
You ARE existing in ALL dimensions. You Are unified. You ARE your original light. Nothing to wait for. ONLY to be revealed to YOU, through the subconscious becoming conscious.
The memories that believed otherwise, being dissolved now.
Watch closely, as all is revealed, THROUGH your Awareness. You will KNOW, your Eternal Self WAS always YOU.
In Glory and Love with the Divine Council of Overseers. Always present. Always Now.
Photo courtesy of Daniel Holeman
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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