Concluded from Part 1
Now, we’ll move on to our next question.
Question #2: Sensing Spirits
“I sense presences in my house. So does my daughter. We both have asked for contact. If there is a message, could you check on this for me?”
From the read we’re getting on this situation, the spirits our reader refers to don’t intend to harm them, but simply to make their presence known.
They’re bound to the earth plane because of their attachment to the material world and because of something traumatic that happened during their earthly lives, but they aren’t inherently malevolent and they don’t seek to harm our reader or her family.
In order to explain this phenomenon further, we’ll have to get into a discussion about earthbound spirits.
What humanity calls ‘ghosts’ are, in many cases, souls who pass away from your planet but are so attached to their original homes for one reason or another (sometimes related to trauma and sometimes because they really enjoyed their earthly lives), that they find it difficult to leave – partially because they don’t feel ready for the fourth dimension.
These souls desperately wish to be back on earth, but they aren’t willing to venture far enough into the fourth dimension to make the decision to reincarnate there, nor do many of them wish to because they want to retain the earthly lives they’re comfortable with.
These souls will do anything they can to make contact with the physical, even if this means getting the attention of people in your reality who live in their homes or frequent their favorite destinations. In some cases, this is why theaters and things of that nature tend to be haunted: souls who enjoyed them in their earthly lives don’t want to leave.
They’re desperate to contact someone on earth in hopes that they can be pulled back into their old lives, and they’ll eventually realize that this isn’t the way it works.
These ‘ghosts’, which we call earthbound spirits, are different from the negative entities who are responsible for scratches, violent or chaotic noises and other dark phenomena. The souls we speak of are more benevolent and simply want to connect with someone – anyone – and make themselves known.
They desire exposure; someone to reach out to them, and while we don’t necessarily recommend our reader reach out if connecting with spirits isn’t her forte, we do recommend she show love and compassion for these souls because this is what they need the most.
Every earthbound spirit requires love and compassion to thrive, and in many cases, the earthbound spirits who try so hard to make contact with the ‘living’ simply need love.
Our reader can give these souls the love they require if she wants, but when it comes to connecting with any spirit, especially earthbound, we’ll recommend she affirm that a barrier of lighted protection be put over her by her higher self/guides.
If you want to reach out to a lost soul, you’ll always be encouraged to do so with the protection of your higher selves, because it can be easy to be pulled down into negativity by attempting to connect, whether or not the spirit you want to connect with is inherently negative.
There are blissful spiritual realms beyond your conscious understanding, but there are also hellish and purgatorial realms. These lower realms were created by the spirits who exist in them, and they can be healed and mended if all of the souls there are ‘saved’ and brought back into the light.
Some earthly souls attempt to connect with earthbound spirits and help them re-find the light – sometimes at a temporary cost to their sense of love and wellbeing – but we really only recommend experienced seekers attempt to connect.
In our reader’s case, she can simply show love and compassion for the souls who want to reach out to her, and she can know that they aren’t spooky boogeymen who want to harm her or her family; they’re spirits who are in need of some direction.
We’re receiving (from sources in the fourth dimension) that these souls are being tended to by transition guides, and while the guides haven’t yet been able to directly contact them, they’re laboring tirelessly to help these souls find their way into the light.
With hard work and effort on the part of these guides, our reader and her family may cease noticing the presence of any spirit after a while. If spirits do seem to cease existing in their home, they can know it was because of the assistance of the transition guides.
Constant Awareness
Most of humanity has a lot to learn about the true ‘battle’ playing out between the dark and the light, which your planet is a central location of, and when everyone on your planet becomes aware of the existence of realms – both higher and lower – beyond your conscious understanding, a lot of things about the method in which your planet currently functions will make sense.
Everything will become clear and refined when your eyes are opened, and all it takes to open them is the willingness to awaken others once you’ve awakened. All it takes to bring humanity into the light is to be aware in every moment, and your awareness is more important than we can express because it leads you to do all of the right things.
Your awareness leads you to make all of the inner changes that need made before you can align with the divine, and it also helps you work hard to awaken others to the reality of spirit and the necessity to cease living for greed and hatred.
Your awareness is as important as the work it causes, and we’re confident that more of you will realize this as the collective vibration continues to rise and the truth of your existence becomes increasingly apparent.
The conscious public is feeding into the lighted realms with efficiency, but the lower realms still receive a banquet of energy from most of humanity, who don’t realize the importance of everything they think, say and do.
This importance will be realized in due time, and we’ll make our final expressions for this communication with encouragement to see how monumentally important everything you do is to the ascension of your planet.
Countless souls in countless realms are counting on you to do the divinely inspired things you’ve come to the earth to do, but you can only do them if you’re willing enough. You can only soar if you’re willing to spread your wings, and we encourage you with love in our one heart to fly higher and further than you would’ve ever expected.
Surpass your perceived limitation and inability, and show yourselves that you’re truly infinite, divine beings who are capable of anything and everything. Let limitation be a thing of the past, and let the endless love of the sacred heart help you hone your creative works and your resulting ability to reach out and affect others on a very deep, personal level.
This is why many of you came to the earth, and as long as you can cease getting in your own way and allow everything you experience to simply be, you’ll have no further difficulty finding exactly what you seek. Seek it with enthusiasm, because it patiently yet excitedly waits for you.
Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.
(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)
I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Oversoul Teachings, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter. / link to original article