September 9, 2014
Pisces represents our emotions, the flowing movement in each direction, which takes us into deeper levels of our internal self. This Super Moon is reflective of the healing that has occurred for each of us individually through the last two cycles. It is important for each of us to take time to see how far we have come through the emotional and mental balance within our physical body.
Every part of ourselves has to go deeper to accept new essences of our Being to be fully accepted.
Acceptance is important in each of our moments of our creation. It helps us to understand who we have been before and who we are becoming.
It is difficult to talk about this moon cycle without knowing what
has occurred before us. We always change in each moment, each week and
each month. We learn from our experiences so that we can delve deeper
into our Soul’s Essence, known as our Over Soul or Higher Self. It is
truly who we are supposed to be but yet so many of us have a difficult
time in accepting the higher part of ourselves to be grounded into our
present reality.Acceptance is important in each of our moments of our creation. It helps us to understand who we have been before and who we are becoming.
The process of changing the way that we think and feel is all part of these cycles. As Grandmother Moon brings to us the ability to delve deeper into our Soul Body of Light, we learn to reject what does not work for us and accept the parts that have been waiting to be acknowledged. It is at these important moments that we have the deepest reflections of our challenges and achievements to create a better, more evolved self within the physical existence.
This moon of Pisces helps us to achieve all these elements within our lives. The flow of the emotions are like the tide moving in and out towards the shore and then out to sea. This essence helps us to dive deeper in the abyss of unknowingness to find parts of ourselves that are looking to be part of our reality. In essence we are learning to heal the dark elements deep within our subconscious that do not fit into the higher essence we are becoming. It is a time to true to understand why we create situations in our life that may seem painful but yet the true reality is that the trauma takes us deeper into the self-healer that we are. It’s just we forgot that we know how to do so and blame outer elements around us. In truth they are just a mirror to our own essence.
The flow of the energies presently is helping to achieve more within us than we ever thought possible. As we take the newer elements that have been waiting to be acknowledged, we then can ground it into our physical essence. This is where the Sun Sign of Virgo assists us ~ it helps us to embrace the parts that have been missing as the darkness stood in its way. The light is always within us; it’s just that the dark pockets from our past seem to block the doorway to our true success.
It is within those moments that we can have true success within our lives. These moments cannot be measured as it may be just a thought or an emotion that we realize is not our true worth, and then we are able to see to total picture of the missing part that is now fully acknowledged within our Heart and Mind.
Needless to say this is a very powerful moon. It takes us so deeply into the parts that we are afraid to acknowledge and allows us to be more magnificent than we ever thought we could be. The power of these cycles is only as powerful as the essence that we bring to it. The more that we work within the elements and cycles of life, the deeper our transition will be. The present energies are here to assist us and allow us to be achieve more than our physical mind can imagine.
But as always, the work needs to be done. True Reflection of the Self is most important. We cannot expect these elements to occur without the purification of our soul’s essence within the physical body.
We must remember that ‘we are not our body, we are our soul’.
As we move closer within the New Earth energies, these cycles are
going to be increasingly more important to our grounding our physical
bodies within GAIA’s essence. It is part of the process of healing that
we are going through, just as she is experiencing. Please know that none
of us is alone. There is so much help within the Core of Oneness of the
God Force to assist us to be all that we ever hoped we could be. Ask,
and you shall receive.Take time to purge what you don’t like. When something occurs that is hurtful or uncomfortable, take time to go within yourself and see the true darkness that needs to be removed. Then you can ask for the purification of your Higher Essence to be fully within you.
You will truly thank yourself for doing the inner work so the outer self can be fully acknowledged.
Blessings and Love for another amazing cycle of light upon this planet.
In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.