It is time to inform you about something happening in the very near future, without giving you any dates. It serves a purpose what I am doing and soon something will be published by somebody else about some details which are connected with me.
This will bring some confusion but serves a bigger picture and an end game for some light workers in the community. I am allowed to say just one thing about what will be important, when some information will hit the internet, twitter, Facebook, a.s.o.
Proof everything what you read with your heart. Proof everything you will hear about me and what I am supposed to be. When you have made your choice, you are done. If you don’t make your choice this is fine, because it is nothing you have to deal with.
The ones included in this final learning will know it, when they read it. It will proof if you are ready to proceed. It will proof if you did your learnings well. If not, you will get a chance again when the time is ready.
I will return only for reblogging, for posting of the next codes from Raphael and little other things spirit gives me the go to do. In the meantime I am doing some work in the background for the light forces, I will soon reveal to you when the time is right. In the meantime, stay in your heart and you will receive the right thing you need to proceed.
I am thankful for your support and soon the light will shine so strong, you will need some sunglasses ;-)
Much love to you