The veil is lifted for everyone at the time which is perfect for them. Will there be a time when it lifts for everyone at the same time? Perhaps.
Prepare yourself and imagine how you will react. It will be so exciting. But if it happens before any mass unveiling prepare yourself for a different result than you expected. “Why won’t it be like I expect?”
Do you remember what it was like when you were old enough to know the truth about Santa Claus? Did you run around and tell all the other kids? Well, yes, some did, but it was preferred that you “bigger kids” kept that secret so the younger ones would still be surprised and feel the magic of Christmas on Christmas morning. So it is similar now.
As the veil lifts for you, all the answers you wondered about will be part of your knowing. Yes that is amazing and something to be very grateful about. But along with this new knowing comes the responsibility of how you will handle it.
You will find that just reading a book, from a profound speaker which you looked up to in the past, is no longer the same. You now realize with your knowing that some of what this speaker said that you believed, is different than even they thought. It’s difficult to just appreciate anything that you thought was factual. So what do you do with this knowing? You do the same thing you did as the big kid that knew about Santa. You smile at others’ excitement and assist them as much as you can. You can’t just start correcting everyone and explaining how it really is. No, you have a responsibility to support those still learning without ignoring their free will to experience their life as they are guided.
Your learning has not ended here. In fact you can never stop learning. You will master this stage as well as finding your new direction. You may wish to be a teacher or a guide. But understand that when this happens for you, the loop the loop reincarnation cycle is finished, unless you choose to do so again to assist at times like this when changes need to be made and Source requests your help.
There are many other planets out there and all in varying stages of consciousness, working there way back home. They are in need of beings with precisely your skill set. Thank you for your assistance during this time. Without many, many others like you, this shift could never have happened.
Info on the original wood engraving of the picture above can be found here.