Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Silent Winds of Change. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Silent Winds of Change. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, noviembre 27, 2013

Silent Winds of Change - You, The Lightbearers Have Many Roles - Nov 27, 2013

The time has arrived when you are to use your light in many ways.  Today I will talk about how you will be used to influence a benevolent result to someone’s prayers.
As people call out to Source and the Angelics, you will be directed to assist.  Don’t worry, this doesn’t even involve breaking a sweat.  You are merely required to go where you are directed.  This direction will most times happen without you realizing what is going on.  You see, your light is so bright that your mere presence affects everything on your planet that you are near.

martes, noviembre 12, 2013

Silent Winds of Change - What Will You Do When The Veil Is Lifted? - Nov 12, 2013

Piercing the veil
The veil is lifted for everyone at the time which is perfect for them.  Will there be a time when it lifts for everyone at the same time?  Perhaps.
Prepare yourself and imagine how you will react.  It will be so exciting.  But if it happens before any mass unveiling prepare yourself for a different result than you expected.  “Why won’t it be like I expect?”
Do you remember what it was like when you were old enough to know the truth about Santa Claus?  Did you run around and tell all the other kids?  Well, yes, some did, but it was preferred that you “bigger kids” kept that secret so the younger ones would still be surprised and feel the magic of Christmas on Christmas morning.  So it is similar now.

domingo, octubre 27, 2013

Silent Winds of Change - About Those Other Lives You Had - Oct 27, 2013

Past Life 2
Yes all of us have had many other lives. And since you are here now, don’t be so quick to brush off as ridiculous that you had many lives as a well known person. Only those types of beings are here now at this time of transformation. Why would Source have sent less? Winners want the ball when the game is on the line.
I want to explain the experience I have related to remembering past lives.  Its not something I can plan.  It just sort of all comes together at the perfect moment and likely when I’m meant to know about it.  Generally some word will catch my attention and that is the seed of the whole process.  From that word I’ll start wondering why it caught my attention like it did.  Days, weeks or months might pass before this process continues.  I might even notice that new skills pop up and they are part of that previous life also.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2013

Silent Winds of Change - Dimensional Phasing Has Begun - Sep 4, 2013

fifth dimension
Are you surprising anyone as of late?  Do you seem to be sneaking up on people with the skills of a great ninja?  Do you walk among crowds and go unnoticed until you wish to be?
The separation has begun, and although you are in the world with others you are starting to be a mere shadow passing by.  The vibrational frequencies are becoming great enough to allow you to be unnoticed as you travel about.  Each person you pass will either see you or not, based on their level of personal vibration. Those who are still weighed down by fear caused by tv programming will be the first to not notice you. Among them will even be some that consider themselves lightworkers. Lightworker label or not, the weight of constant fear is a great burden on people’s vibrational level. Release your fears and fill in the holes with love for self. It is only in this way that you will continue on your path up the vibrational spiral towards your new Earth reality. You’re not leaving Earth but it will be “different”. One last thing. If this is true for you at this time, you should also expect to start seeing glimpses of orbs passing you going about their travels. Say hello as they go by.