Yes all of us have had many other lives. And since you are here now, don’t be so quick to brush off as ridiculous that you had many lives as a well known person. Only those types of beings are here now at this time of transformation. Why would Source have sent less? Winners want the ball when the game is on the line.
I want to explain the experience I have related to remembering past lives. Its not something I can plan. It just sort of all comes together at the perfect moment and likely when I’m meant to know about it. Generally some word will catch my attention and that is the seed of the whole process. From that word I’ll start wondering why it caught my attention like it did. Days, weeks or months might pass before this process continues. I might even notice that new skills pop up and they are part of that previous life also.
I might be reading something unrelated, but its only unrelated at that moment. I generally find a phrase that somehow starts tying things together even though this topic was unrelated. When all the clues come together the feeling is like I’m frozen by energy, there is no chance I can miss this nudge from Source. I’ll just wonder, Is this a past life? And I’ll hear “Yes”. I’ll say, Really? And hear, “Ha ha, Yes”. Was I really this person? ”Yes you were.” Then it all falls in place, Memories come back, energy pours into me from everywhere. Most times tears pour from my eyes. It’s such an emotional joy and release of energy, nothing but gratitude can be felt for this knowledge and this part of me rejoining my core self.
Be sure that it is for your benefit that this has flowed back into you at this time. All the knowledge, memories and skills of that life are now part of you. Don’t worry about this knowledge being held from you by the frequency gates. If your vibe wasn’t high enough, this part of you would not have been able to come back yet.
Even after all that, some doubt may linger. But if you continue to research it, more and more confirmations will show up so even your ego can have no doubt about this new revelation.
Generally you’ll find this past life is related to an interest you’ve had your whole life but really didn’t know why. Now, you know why.