Dear friends!
The energies have been extremely intense lately, and it is not about to quieten down either… As many of you know already, the Sun is very much a part of this, and this upcoming Sunday, we even have an eclipse coming up (Thank you for sharing this, Otmn!) And yes, we also have a Gathering on Sunday, and it seems like the timing could not have been more perfect
”As many of you have already ascertained, the heightened activity is very closely linked to that celestial partner you refer to as your Sun. She is already well on her way to add another important message to this Gathering of yours, and it will arrive on time to assist you all as you sit down to connect later this week. However, what she has already made available to you through her constant emissions these last few days is nothing short of miraculous, as she has been spewing out a steady stream of energetic particles that speaks loudly and in volume. You see, none of you have been left untouched by her caresses these last few days, and her signs of endearments are not about to dry up either. So keep a close watch above, as this once again reflects the old and wise words of ”as above, so below” and we gather you will all find a way to acknowledge the effects these at times rather intense signs of affection will have on you all.
For remember, even if your body might balk a little from all of this, know that deep down, the embrace your whole being is giving it will count for so much in the times ahead. For these energetic particles interact with your physical vehicle in a way that will show some astonishing effects in the time ahead, so any temporary physical or indeed mental discomfort that may accompany them is indeed a small price to pay. Still, it behooves you all to pay close attention to the signals your body is giving you these days, and please remember to stay tuned and respond if you feel anything should be out of balance.
This is not said in order to bring up any fear in any of you, simply to remind you that your body is already well versed in handling these kinds of emissions, but still, it might need some extra care and comfort in the upcoming days. So rest as much as you are guided to rest, and move as much as you are guided to do the same. Eat, drink and be merry, as the saying goes, and know that your body will tell you what it needs in order to better be able to digest it all. And when we say digest, we refer of course to the large helping of energetic information you will be receiving in the next few days. So again we say stay balanced and safe in the knowledge that all is well, and you are far, far more robust than it may seem from time to time. So you are not coming apart, you are simply being amped up once again in order to make that light of yours even more brilliant.”
To quote Otmn: ” hold on tight, honey! or just let go completely”
With love and gratitude from me, Aisha