My beloved humans, this is I, Archangel Raphael speaking to you.
This is a new message that I am bringing to you and with it we are
concluding a past series of messages by which I have informed you
repeatedly about ascension, health and your activities pertaining to
these topics.
Now we shall choose some new direction. And this has been already
explained a bit by my brother Archangel Michael in his message of this
And here I am to continue this new line.
As you know meanwhile human mankind here on earth has made great
progress so that we may now direct our focus towards other matters. Our
focus is as always on ascension, is still the ascending human being yet
we shall add here still another component to our endeavours which will
give the entire undertaking still even some more interesting touch.
As announced already you will obtain some dispensation from our all
Creator. This has been announced already and now I want to explain you
this piece of information in a bit more detailed way.
With this dispensation you will be liberated from everything which
was made for you extraordinarily in order to learn your lessons here on
earth. This again comprises everything that you have decided yourselves –
e.g. which lessons you wanted to have for your learning – before you
incarnated here on earth.
In order to learn all these lessons in some optimum way and mode you
have been endowed with various restrictions, impediments, sorts of
illness, situations of your family etc. so that you may be able to learn
accordingly in your surrounding of duality.
Time to learn has passed by now and now there will come that period when you may be able to enjoy your life in full way!
And thereby I mean the following: All these restrictions and problems
described above in a very short and simple mode will just be omitted in
next days and weeks – since one or some others like this channel have
already experienced it.
And all this will include difficulties, many a sickness or pains and
other matters so long lived-through and experienced and thus you will be
able to regain your full potential of resources and strength. You will
be put into the very position to live a carefree life again and you will
proceed to the “Antichambre” of Ascension.
And there in that spot you will receive some kind of foretaste of
what is expecting you after ascension. Since then afterwards expect
please matters like peace, happiness, success, wealth and many other
benefits of wellbeing.
Be set and prepared to receive all these presents and to enjoy this
very new sensation of living. However, we shall take all this on in some
stepwise activity since all these dispensations may not be resolved all
of a sudden push but will arrive step wisely at your level of
If it were otherwise there would be too much for your to digest all
these events and such process would not be exactly to the purpose of it.
And moreover one would want to properly enjoy newly gained liberties
one by one and all at the same time.
This will be your experience now step by step and you becoming aware
of it in such way ! Regarding these upcoming changes I ask you urgently
to accept everything with gratitude and I shall accompany you when you
ask me to. My brothers and sisters and I – we all are at your side if
you invite us to you. We shall assist and help you to enjoy and make
proper use of all these newly re-gained liberties in due time.
Be prepared for all these changes and do you know why? Because all
these changes will not take place sole with you in some direct and
personal way but will spread with its dynamic effect all over your
globe. Karma of groups and karma of individuals will be also resolved
leading to the very consequence that healing will occur on all levels.
This will be for all of us such a most wonderful experience when we may
observe when light will spread over all areas of Gaia and wash away even
the very last remainders of all darker spots!
I shall return to you next week and will supply many more details
about the above. There are many reports still to be submitted to you and
we shall be allowed to mutually experience everything step by step with
For Light has arrived at its target – has returned home and now has
come the very time to progress a step forward in the process of human
ascension and its beautiful planet Earth !
With so much Love to all of you humans.
Yours Archangel Raphael__
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.