Greetings, I am the one that goes by the name of the MahaChohan
Ragoczy and I am here representing the will and the law of Unconditional
Love for all of you. Let’s blend all of our hearts together in the
function of the unconditional and the eternal. God be with you in the
heart, for you are God in heart.
I am present in order to provide a message, to give you an insight
concerning all the tumultuous matters taking place these days upon your
world. What is taking place in your reality concerns the striking and
unmistakable evolutions which are trying to find a place in your minds
and in your environment in order to be understood and accepted as an
element of the Ascension process.
The more ‘dark’ sides of yourself are most specifically those
distinctive parts of your Being that request to be heard and that clutch
to you to get your attention. They want to be seen, accepted and
acknowledged as an intrinsic part of your Being for they have always
been repelled and denied, even pushed off as if they were something that
is not you. Those distinctly ‘lower’ parts of you are not to be
repelled, they only have to be accepted as you, as a functional part of
your Being that functions and assists through this polarity which in
itself is an expression of the duality.
That’s why it is important to recognize those ‘dark’ parts of
yourself and to accept them as yourself as this is the only way to bring
everything again into a state of balance and to love yourself
unconditionally. All those ‘dark’ aspects in incarnation as well as in
the etheric realms contribute to your spiritual growth and evolution by
showing you all the facets of your versatile self, your multidimensional
Self. This is important in order to let you play and experience the
game in duality, so it’s far much better to use them in other/loving
ways and to cooperate with them rather than to repel them and see them
as something outside of you,
The only difference now will be that your ‘darker’ aspects will no
longer be the leading force as they have been in your previous lives; on
the contrary, now those ‘darker’ aspects are changing their roles and
are contributing in the background and no more on the forefront. What
will emerge now are the more ‘lighted’ aspects and your Higher Self with
who you are now in the process of forming a close connection and hence
this part of your Being will completely take on the task of experiencing
and expressing this other side of your Self.
You find yourselves now in the equilibrium point of this
polarization and you are aspiring to reach that equilibrium, that point
of neutrality after which you can expand again into any form of the
Light. This happens not only on an etheric level but also in the
physical embodiment and that’s the reason there is talk of a noticeable
change of the physical vessel changing more and more into a lightbody
which will be tangible for the naked eye.
This is the transformation, it is the Alchemical process of the
polarization to unity and in unity, The expansion of the lightbody from
your inner heart moving through the dense physical body is an Alchemical
process in which the physical body, itself comprised of matter and
dense energy, again starts to assimilate itself into the physical aspect
that it carries and executes, whereafter it multiplies itself with the
energetic values of the completion and immediately dispenses and splits
into a form of light that carries the values and charges of your
energetic expression, your blueprint or rather, your essential Self in
the expression of Light,
The Alchemical process is beyond the power of the existing words
used by common folk to give an adequate explanation as it rather is a
process of Being or more specifically a process of doing by Being. It is
that ; nothing more, nothing less. You don’t need to do anything but
being your Self, the being you truly are from your heart and not from
your mind through what you think you are.
That’s why the Masters keep on stressing the value of your Self, of
Love, of Self-acceptance and of Self-worth, It is a very important
concept in the process of Ascension to truly appreciate the physical
aspect in all of this. It is not easy, it certainly isn’t a child’s play
to perform this Alchemical process under the constant pressure of the
inflow of energies while living in a physical, dense embodiment that
cannot withstand much pressure.
Master Saint Germain is one of the few and He is a most famous
Ascended Master who has been able to accomplish this process with his
physical vessel. That’s why he contributes largely to this process of
Ascension and why he is essential in this Golden Age of Aquarius. It is
certainly not a coincidence that he represents this golden Age and that
he is in service to all of you as he knows as no other how to regularly
change a physical body into a lightbody and vice versa with and through
the physical aspect.
For years Saint Germain was an apprentice of mine in my Holy
Retreat, right on time to be prepared for this moment of NOW. And
together we will proceed on behalf of all of you, both of our energies
connected into One. We have shared incarnations as One and the same, a
fact that is not readily known on your world, but is known now by
telling you this.
The Alchemical process will ensure many mergers which will take
place on deep and still unknown levels with other aspects of your Being,
that you can also find in others. That’s the reason why all of a sudden
many soulmates are finding each other in this life and even more than
one soulmate because each of you has multiple soulmates. Also included
is the connection with the one and only Twin Flame because firstly
connections will be made with the parts of the joint aspects that
someone shares with a soul mate as it functions as a kind of merger in
consciousness by coming together one way or the other in your current
Don’t be afraid when multiple soulmates enter your life rather than
just one as you have many soul aspects of yourself and your Twin Flame,
that are hiding, as it were, in those soulmates. The connection with
those aspects ensures that you recognize yourself in them and that
brings an acceptance and self-love in its wake and contributes to the
completion of the mergers and the reunion with your Twin Flame. This
pertains also to the Alchemical process as everything is a reflection of
energy and charges, discharges and creations.
Your masculinity will increasingly give way to your femininity,
entailing some distresses as this occurs with every new birth. You are
now smack dab in those distresses which will intensify ever more and
will occur ever faster, like contractions function during a labor of
giving birth. That is the signal of how close the birth of the New World
with Gaia and humanity becomes reality. Take deep breaths between
shifts, they now follow in rapid succession so keep your focus and your
strength intact by way of meditation and a healthy lifestyle so even
your physical aspect can enjoy it and can switch without any
Each process that completes itself now is a result of old energies
that have to depart and are becoming obsolete in this timeframe. It
concerns karmic or discordant energies which have been depleted and
misused in such a way that they can no longer function in this reality
nor in yourself. Let it be, let it find its way out, let it become aware
it is dysfunctional so it again can be incorporated in the source
whereafter it can manifest again in necessary energies on Earth.
I Am MahaChohan Ragozcy and my Being is always with you.Namaste.
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and