For many of you the last linear 24/36 hours may have you once more questioning your waking reality. The New Earth energies are once more peaking to new highs as the human race now begin to move out of the confines of the old 3d earth paradigms and they will now RAPIDLY begin to break down. This may result in many of you unable to find “SELF”, this is though the SELF that YOU have been TAUGHT to anchor within the old 3d earth reality, it is not YOU in TRUTH. As you begin to move into the New Earth and begin to anchor the new higher dimensional frequencies you will begin to manifest at rapidly increasing rates and your reality will begin to change and to shift. It is the changing and the ANKHORING of this reality that YOU are now asked to work with. It is all very well to IMAGINE a different life experience, it is entirely another to try to ANKHOR this whilst moving out of a reality that all around you APPEAR to live within.The human logical mind may react in a sort of detached way, many of you at this time may feel as if you walk through a dream landscape, unable to FEEL much and unable to reference that which is unfolding. BALANCE is the key to working with this energy at this time. Trying to rationalise what is unfolding will see you swing wildly OUT of balance as the human logical mind has NO reference points from this moment forward. ALL THAT YOU DREAM YOU CAN CREATE, until you begin to create and ANKHOR your creation you will have no reference for your creations.
As an energy healer who works with various energies I have experienced various realities simultaneously over the past linear 24/36 hours, able to interact with more than one reality at any one moment and more than aware of the need to FOCUS on the reality I wish to ANKHOR. This is akin to walking in both worlds at the same moment, ALL IS OVERLAID ON ALL. So the 3d earth reality is available (even as it dissolves there are echoes of the frequencies available) at the same moment of the New Earth realities, it is only by becoming MORE CONSCIOUS of this that I can make the decision and CHOOSE which reality I wish to experience and to ANKHOR within my BEing.
The emotions that may flow within you at this time may appear to be confusing, for many of you may feel both joy and sadness at the same moment and not understand that you are being asked to CHOOSE which emotion to ANKHOR, in the old 3d earth reality paradigms there was no choice for you were taught to resonate at such a low frequency that the old 3d earth paradigms were the only frequency ranges you could work within. This is NOW NEGATED by the unfolding and birthing of the New Earth.
It may for some of you be a period of intense chaos as many of you may be falling in frequency due to the input of those around you who are also in confusion but unable to understand that which is now playing out. For those who are termed asleep will fall back to the rationalisation of all that is unfolding, if you allow this to try to anchor within you whilst you have ACCESS to the higher dimensional timelines you are UNconsciously choosing the old 3d earth paradigms. As these are no longer supported by planet earth they cannot manifest and so you will enter into a sort of holding pattern, unable to manifest and unable to ANKHOR due to the frequency difference between your human vehicle and the reality that you are trying to ANKHOR.
As you move into the transition process and YOUr human vehicle undergoes transformation it begins to PHYSICALLY CHANGE from a carbon based human vehicle to a CRYSTALLINE human vehicle. The CRYSTALLINE human vehicle CANNOT ANKHOR the old 3d earth frequencies for they resonate at too low a range, hence the holding pattern that you will then enter into. It is VITAL at this time to find balance and to remain detached from ALL that is now dissolving within the old 3d earth. This may sound to be a challenging thing to do but you are asked to BE, you are not asked to do, the human logical mind if left to its own devices will try to convince you that you need to “fix” that which is dissolving and “falling apart”. This is not TRUTH and borne out of the teachings of the old 3d earth. When this begins to unfold from within you are asked to find the SILENCE within and to allow TRUTH to flow around you, through you and within you.
Taking time out to walk in nature and to be away from the technology and demands of the old 3d earth paradigms will help you to adjust to the new higher dimensional frequencies that now ask to be ANKHORED deep within your human vehicle. Trying to “fix” and to use the “tools” that you were given within the old 3d earth reality that was CREATED for you will work against you and will see you enter into a process that may see you challenge your sanity. This is not TRUTH and at this time you are asked to LET GO and to BE. BREATHE and allow ALL to FLOW for all is not as it appears upon and within planet earth at this time.
We approach a new threshold for human consciousness, as this is reached and Mother Earth now increases and expands her energy signature then more will be unveiled for ALL IS HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW at ALL TIMES. The end times are the end times of the veils that separated humanity from ALL, these veils are now but wisps of smoke and like smoke these will evaporate as the winds of change now blow through, around and within you.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.