(Translated on the 01.07.2013, original language German)
My beloved humans on earth. We continue with communicating messages
through this channel. We know that you were disappointed and this
channel was a part of it through his contribution. Like he, you have
worked on yourself and you have laid out the situation and reviewed it
from different sides and angles.Let it be and look ahead. Your view shall be to the front, because this is the direction and we will always support you, if you let us.
In this context I would like to talk about the fact, that you have made great progress my beloved humans. You have made great progress how you assess and how you look at things. This is so important, because a lot of assessing were negative. We would like to propose to see everything also in a positive light. This positive light will give you the opportunity to grow and to realize the chance you can derive from it.
We know this is not always easy but I can assure you, that, when you exercise this a little, it will go easier and easier. I, my brothers and sisters will support you by this. Call upon us and we will be with you. Call upon us and describe how we can help you and then we can help you. Otherwise we are not allowed to interfere and we have to leave you with your free will. This is one of the laws to which we must hold. Be ready to invite is for your support, because this is what we are here for my beloved humans on earth.
We wish you a good week and work on yourself and your attitude to things that employ you.
In great love to you
Your Archangel Raphael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com