Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of love. This of course is a very broad topic; however we would like to specifically discuss the boundaries which humans regularly place on love and as a result they often try to contain what is not containable. We would like to share with you our perspective in hopes that it may help those who are searching for a different view-point than the ones most commonly seen within the 3rd and 4th dimensions.
From our perspective love is unlimited, it knows no boundaries, it knows no color, no race, no creed, no gender, and no species. Love is who we all are, it is what we are all made from; however many have been taught to believe that love can only be felt or experienced within certain circumstances or boundaries. However love in its truest nature does not exist based on events, circumstances, or judgment. Many say that they love another person unconditionally, only to find that upon encountering a circumstance of infidelity, mistrust, fear, loss, or grief, this love is removed. The love we speak about is unconditional; it is the love that is free from the judgments associated within duality. This of course is part of the experience which you have willingly agreed to be a part of, even though you knew that your truth in the higher realms would be forgotten.
This very large topic of love has come to the surface for many around the world at this time so that you may re-evaluate your beliefs about love. You cannot change what you do not know, and so it often is in your world, your beliefs will manifest in the physical so that you can determine if it is something you would like to keep or if there is another belief that would suit your desires better at that time. Certainly we are aware that there are so very many who have such very strong beliefs surrounding love at this time. We are not sharing our perspective to change another’s beliefs; we are simply offering another perspective.
You see, humans very often place conditions on what love can be, never realizing that true love is unconditional; it cannot be taken away, nor can true love be removed based on circumstances or situations. From our perspective, unconditional love can be experienced between everyone, we do not have “rules” about who can experience love; a man and a woman, a man and a man, and a woman and a woman all can share love. Where there is love, there is compassion for another even if that other is seen as different.
Many curiously request us to share our perspective on topics such as same gender marriage, inter-racial marriage, and various other topics concerning love. To this we smile as we are always happy to share our perspective, yet many are surprised to learn that we simply view love as limitless, this is why we have titled this message as “Love knows no boundaries”. We always guide you to take what resonates and leave the rest behind. It is only humans who try to place limits on whom you may share your love with and who you may not. In the higher realms love is freely shared with all, there are no boundaries placed on love because love is limitless. Also remember that we do not view our world in “rights” and “wrongs” as we see all as simply just being. However what resonates for one may not always resonate for another.
From our perspective we see no difference between any of you. The reason being is that we can still “see” who you truly are, a divine androgynous being free of race, creed, religion, gender and bias. These are simply just “costumes” that all of you have willingly agreed to wear in order to fully embrace and experience the wide variety of experiences that your world has to offer. So how then could the “costumes” that you wear determine if you are deserving of love, or whom you are able to share your love with? Your souls are not male or female, rather they are both, your souls are not indigenous to one region on your world or another, nor are they a skin color or religion. Also remember that we view all lives as happening simultaneously, and therefore you are both male and female in numerous lives. Your souls do not have a gender.
Many often look to ancient texts to help guide them in their daily lives, such as the bible, the Koran, the Torah, and many other various texts. We have said this before however we feel that it is important to reiterate this point again, your religions are evolving with all of you. You may say, how can these “doctrines” become outdated?
Are they not based on the Holy Scriptures of the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, and the Torah? How can scriptures become outdated? To this we reply, although the words have not changed your understandings and interpretation of this material is now much more expansive than it ever has been before. The collective was never in a state that allowed them to interpret this information in the manner it was originally intended.
We will give you this simple example to help explain our perspective. If you were to read a book about the nature of your soul and the wisdom you possess, and you read this book first when you were 25 years old and then again when you were 50 years old. Do you not think that you would have a different understanding of the message that the book conveys even though the words have never changed?
Of course, this is because you have grown, evolved, changed, and learned from experiences that you could not relate to or comprehend when you were 25; and so it is with the human collective in relation to the ancient texts of the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Torah and various other “holy scriptures”. Remember that these texts have been translated thousands of years ago by a population that had very different understandings than what you now have come to know.
Some of you may wonder, how you may go about changing the limits that you place on love. This of course can be achieved instantaneously from our perspective however it is more likely that it will be done in a step by step process for many of you. Beliefs are changed through intention; we have spoken in more depth about how one can change a belief in previous messages. However in order for you to regain the limitless viewpoint of love that you all experienced in the higher realms, you must release the judgment that is held regarding a belief.
Many often hold beliefs which are determined by underlying judgments of “right” or “wrong”. All of you have successfully changed beliefs throughout your lives. Think of the very many beliefs that you held as children that changed as you grew older. How did you change those beliefs? As each of you continue to release limiting beliefs, you inevitably are evolving back into the higher vibrational beings that you innately have always been. The higher vibrations do not withstand the judgments held in duality. If you are drawn to this message then you can be assured that you too are shifting, evolving and ascending back into the higher vibrations of the higher realms one step at a time.
You are all simply wearing costumes which have temporarily concealed your divinity from your conscious awareness, however we can still see all of you as the divine light beings that you are. All are deserving of love, so share your love, and continue to spread your light wherever you are.
We hope that this message has in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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