‘I believe in love and I am love,’ such affirmations are now becoming an aspect of the general consciousness of humanity. Once anenergy or belief becomes integrated with the general consciousness of humanity it manifests at an accelerated speed, achieving full embodiment within many different experiences, realities and people upon the Earth. The presence of love is now beginning to hold power upon the Earth, being used as a great source and fuel of life and creation.
With the presence of love many different understandings, perspectives, divine and physical contracts that may have been made in the past are being erased. The entire world and reality that you know within and outside of your being is moving through a powerful transitional process. Do not worry if certain aspects of your reality, what you are being asked to manifest or guided to do no longer make sense to you. Do not worry if your understanding of situations around you is incomplete. Aspects of your reality are merging, as if the lines of separation and understanding are becoming blurry, as I have said everything is in transition. As you are focusing with greater intensity upon following or being aware of the divine guidance within you, your reality begins to make a powerful transformation as many of your old manifestations and projection habits are dissolved and a greater flow and freedom of the Creator’s soul light emerges. When you are in the divine flow of the Creator, for while some things can be difficult to comprehend and maybe even seem impossible or unimaginable but this is the part of the transition process. You are being asked as you enter into and exist within the divine flow of the Creator to hold faith as you lose grip on your understanding and as new higher vibrations of light and consciousness shift into your being. Can you hold your faith, trust and belief when things that are being presented to you may seem unimaginable or when you don’t truly understand the transitions and manifestations that are unfolding from within your being?
With the presence of love so comes an inner peace that holds tremendous power acting as a shield and sword to wield as a light warrior of peace upon the Earth. With the presence of love peace will take on a new manifestation and interpretation upon the Earth. Many will realise that peace treaties and agreements created from the mind whether between figures of authority, between companies, countries, people, families, friends, loved ones, even yourself and in past lifetimes will no longer hold the power of importance as before. As we move from the mind into the heart, joining both the heart and mind in the divine bliss and wisdom of the soul, past and even current creations of the mind will no longer hold power or influence, even becoming void or erased. All creations, agreements and projections of the mind will be dissolved losing their power in order to bring forth a true idea and experience of peace. The question is are you and is humanity ready to let go of the previous and even present creations of the mind? Are you ready to move away from the safety that certain contracts created by the mind may bring to your own reality and to the existence of humanity? Are you ready to trust in your own constant vibration of peace, living from this space eternally, while you trust in the idea that others will do the same? This will take time but eventually you will see the falling of all forms of contracts, even contracts created to bring forth peace and love, even contracts made with your soul, the inner planes, guides and the Creator, until there are no more contracts in existence within the entire universe of the Creator. This would signify that karmic laws and patterning would completely be erased. It would also symbolise that you and humanity would have accepted your own inner power, truth, peace, love and divine oneness with the Creator, humbly and lovingly existing in and as all that is the Creator.
I say this not to bring fear or to ask you to take action but to make you aware that even creations of the mind that seem appropriate and needed may collapse. This is only to allow and make way for a true manifestation of peace which in many ways needs no words or explanation but simply manifests and is experienced creating a unified bond that is beyond your imagination but is stronger than any contract of the mind.
Rather than contracts, bonds will be formed which are an expression and manifestation of the divine unity and oneness of all souls and the Creator. The reforming of the Creator’s vibration within all of us and between each soul will manifest creating a consciousness of oneness, trust, love and truth. Therefore no contracts will be needed of any form and healing will have taken place within and between all.
In many ways contracts could be seen as flimsy, they have the opportunity to be broken, divine bonds are created from the purest place of love and Creator familiarity which cannot be broken or misused because it is the synthesis of all that you are and all that is the Creator. It is not to create bonds but to reform that which has been separated, the separation of the Creator. It is very similar to the process of attachment and detachment. When you are attached to a person, energy or outcome you are not experiencing a divine flow but are grasping, hindering and holding the flow. When you dissolve all attachments but replace the attachment with a connection of unconditional love everything begins to move with and in the divine flow of the Creator, in truth the Creator is experienced.
It is advisable to observe the contracts, agreements and even bonds that you have created from the mind in your past, present and maybe even for your future. Are these aligned with the peace and love vibrations that you know and understand to be powerful and true within your being? Did you agree to something because there seemed as if there were no other options, in those moments were you allowing yourself to see the magnificence and opportunities of the Creator? I am not asking you to take physical action but more energetic actions. I wish to advise you to ask for all contracts and agreements made by you and even your soul to be brought into the highest vibration of peace and love to work in unity and oneness with this new era and the Creator’s vibrations upon the Earth.
‘Beloved Master Kuthumi, Lady Portia, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst and Lady Nada, I call upon your presence, love and support to be with me and to cocoon me completely. I call upon the divine will of the Creator to be presence and to oversee this process. Only that which is in divine order is able to manifest fully. I call upon my soul light, love, guidance and consciousness to pour into my entire being and reality.
I ask for a greater awareness and understanding to dawn of the contracts, agreements and bonds that I have made upon the Earth, in this lifetime and past lifetimes, as well as upon the inner planes. Master Kuthumi, Lady Portia, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Amethyst, Lady Nada, my soul and the Creator, please send your healing vibrations into my entire being as I ask for all contracts and agreements made by me and even my soul to be brought into the highest vibration of peace and love to work in unity and oneness with this new era and the Creator’s vibrations upon the Earth.
Let me also understand the guidance of the Creator, dissolving limitations of my mind so I may view a greater plan of the divine Creator for my being and reality as well as the manifestation of peace and love from within as an ascension process.
Let peace and love activate from within my being with greater intensity, let peace and love reign upon the Earth.
And so It Is, Thank You.’
Sit in the healings energies of transformation for as long as you wish.
This invocation doesn’t mean that contracts or agreement will or must be broken but that they will be brought into the highest vibration of peace and love to work in unity and oneness with this new era and the Creator’s vibrations upon the Earth.
In peace and love,
Master Kuthumi
www.omna.org / link to original article