ENERGIZED WATER THAT YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF: As many of you already know Water is an incredible substance, it remembers information, you can imprint absolutely any energy that you wish upon water and it will remember the energy frequency and upon entering your body will help to restore your health, remove toxins and so much more. That is why many homeopathic remedies are simply imprinted onto a bottle of water by special machines that emit high frequency vibrations in order to do so. But you don’t need a machine to get the same effect. You can imprint any thoughts and any desires you wish the water to perform onto your own cup of water. I’ve asked AA Metatron to give us something to go by, and here’s what he said. Please note you dont have to do this exactly as is, you can use any words you wish. This was suggested to my by AA Metatron when I asked him about the effect that Chemtrails have on us, but you can substitute words and imprint the thoughts that you wish your water to carry.
Here is also a video that I found which excellently explains in detail how and why the water has these qualities. And so here are the words from AA Metatron: Hold the glass in your hands.. and repeat the following world without prejudice and judgment but with love and understanding and so it is. It is so.. I ___________________ by the powers that be, am invoking the powers of the divine energies and frequencies that are delivered through my crown chakra and flowing through my body into my hands and into this cup of water that I am presently holding before me. I invoke the power of AA Metatron.. I invoke the power of THE SOURCE of the DIVINE of ALL THAT IS.. of ME.. and instruct the water to enter my body and enter each cell within the body and remove any and all foreign objects that are binding to my cell walls and help the body expel these foreign objects and bring them out of my body in the physical realm.. Whilst I drink from this cup.. I am also energizing the ethereal body, that I hold with the vessel of time.. and release all the negative emotional feelings, catastrophes, ingrained in the cellular memories of the past, present an future, into the light for healing and transmutation. I invoke and I allow AA Metatron and the angelic realm. To take any and all unduly delivered particles into my body that are causes havoc within and bring them out into the light for healing and transmutation. I allow this to be performed, so that I may be free, and rid my entire system of such devices that are being implanted into me, without my consent on a physical plane of existence. I AM freeing myself from the constrains of physical existence. I am now freeing myself from the contents of the controlling devices that are perpetually installed within my body which are NOT FOR MY HEIGHEST GOOD. I AM NOW FREEING MYSELF FROM ANY and ALL SUCH DEVICES AND ARE SENDING THEM THROUGH POWER OF THE DIVINE WATER THA I HOLD BETWEEN MY HADNS RIGHT NOW, OUT OF MY BODY VIA THE PHYSICAL CANALS OF EXCREMENT. Amen. It is so, and so it is. “ AA Metatron – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. Visit the blog for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery. Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL – http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/