Music to read by below:
Things seem to be heating up again and the insanity runs rampant. It is getting a bit exhausting dealing with everything being thrown at us, but we seem to keep on. I personally think it is the time for a world- wide love-in to spread the frequency far and wide and remind people what they need to concentrate on. Not the created wars to distract you from the truth, the truth that this administration is destroying the Constitution and our civil rights on so many levels. Three scandals are whizzing about Washington’s head and they don’t want us to pay attention to that. NO, move along, nothing to see here! Yes there is, there is plenty to see and we better be opening our eyes and paying close attention. With that said, I don’t want you dwelling on the insanity of a few but rather the love and compassion of the many!
It is summer now(or supposed to be), it is warm weather conducive to being outside and to taking part in a world-wide festival of love and joy. It is time to send a message that we will not live in fear, we will not follow your orders, we will not be oppressed, we will not listen to lies any longer…We will be free people, free to love, free to speak, free to talk to whomever we choose to talk to, free to be whomever we choose to be, wherever we choose to be it. We need somebody to create a hashtag and get this ball rolling fast, and all around the world. Don’t pick a date too far out because who knows what their next trick may be. We need to gather in every town and city to say we are who we are and we love each other!
There is a lot of fear and war and vicious attacking going on right now. They are pissed that the world now knows about their illegal Prism activities and their little empire is falling apart and ya know what, it will continue to fall apart, because there is no place in the new 5D world for activities such as this. They have chosen to remain intact in the lower frequencies of 3D, they refuse to even try to change their minds and insist upon continuing to destroy this world. They had their choice. God Bless them because someone had to volunteer to operate the dark ones world in order for the light to be seen for what it is. I know I’m glad I didn’t have that job. They will have to rehabilitate themselves when all of this is over.
So folks, it is time to balance out the fear frequency with the love frequency so we don’t tip too far to the dark side and can’t get out. We need to get the world vibrating with joy and love, laughter and joy and above all togetherness on a global scale! I am not a social media person so I call upon those that do use it to get things going, soon! A family affair that breeds good will towards others. A celebration of love and light amidst the darkness. We can do it. I’ve put the idea out there, now somebody run with, take it to the higher sources and ask for help. There is a way to make this fly so lets give it wings! We are the many!
Blessings to all,