This is big and has wide-reaching consequences. This is a real game-changer for how you exist on Earth in human form.
Heart-Centered Relationships the Key
Yes, the world is changing fast and heart-centered relationships are integral to what happens next in our world.
The relationships of your ancestors won’t work for you, and they won’t work for humanity-at-large either. Those relationships were based on an outmoded linear paradigm, each person focused on “What’s in it for me?”
The world you are helping to create is one based on love and appreciation. It is a place where people shift out of selfishness and express authentic caring for others and for all life on the planet. This transformation, under way on Earth for a very long time, is now accelerating by leaps and bounds.
Don’t let another day pass without paying attention to what needs to change within you – things you can examine and heal in order to play your pivotal role in the shift of consciousness.
Using Current Energies
In some periods, there is a heightened focus on relating and on improving relationships. This is one of those times.
Right now, the energy cycle supports the following: (1) finding more love and beauty in your life, (2) getting in touch with deeper aspects of your being, the parts of you that intuitively know who and what is best for you, (3) fueling a desire to have joy in relationships, (4) communicating more than you usually do about how you feel and what you think.
7 Questions to Ask Now
Consider one of your key relationships and invite your higher wisdom to reveal insights on questions like the following.
Do not underestimate the power of more conscious and loving relationships to change the world – and of course your own life. Just as your eyes are a window into your soul, your relationships hold the key to accelerating your enlightenment.
You really have one choice as you relate to others. It is the choice to be conscious, awake, and loving.
Copyright 2013 by Selacia -Heart-Centered Relationships the Key
Yes, the world is changing fast and heart-centered relationships are integral to what happens next in our world.
The relationships of your ancestors won’t work for you, and they won’t work for humanity-at-large either. Those relationships were based on an outmoded linear paradigm, each person focused on “What’s in it for me?”
The world you are helping to create is one based on love and appreciation. It is a place where people shift out of selfishness and express authentic caring for others and for all life on the planet. This transformation, under way on Earth for a very long time, is now accelerating by leaps and bounds.
Don’t let another day pass without paying attention to what needs to change within you – things you can examine and heal in order to play your pivotal role in the shift of consciousness.
Using Current Energies
In some periods, there is a heightened focus on relating and on improving relationships. This is one of those times.
Right now, the energy cycle supports the following: (1) finding more love and beauty in your life, (2) getting in touch with deeper aspects of your being, the parts of you that intuitively know who and what is best for you, (3) fueling a desire to have joy in relationships, (4) communicating more than you usually do about how you feel and what you think.
7 Questions to Ask Now
Consider one of your key relationships and invite your higher wisdom to reveal insights on questions like the following.
- What am I not seeing about how I relate to this person?
- What is the higher spiritual purpose of knowing this person?
- Am I up-to-date with my feelings or am I stuck in the past without realizing it?
- What is the one thing – if I did it – that would bring more joy?
- How can I shift the relationship to the higher plane it deserves?
- What do I need to let go of to have more harmony with this person?
- What else am I overlooking?
Do not underestimate the power of more conscious and loving relationships to change the world – and of course your own life. Just as your eyes are a window into your soul, your relationships hold the key to accelerating your enlightenment.
You really have one choice as you relate to others. It is the choice to be conscious, awake, and loving.
(Note: You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website,
blog, and social media – as long as you provide the source – Selacia -,
Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and
feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!)