Dear Beloved Beings of Light, I am Lady Portia. It is with blissful love that I shower upon you now the enduring light of all that is The Creator, bless you.
I hold forward in my hand a wand of the most beautiful and most wonderful diamond that when held up to the Sun and Light of The Creator streams forth beautiful rays of peace from the very center of my being.
You are so dearly loved.
I come forward to you today with immense love for from my being I extend my heart chakra like waves of divine feminine energy bubbling and overflowing out to all upon the earth.
The energy I send forward to you is not only deeply calming and soothing but also deeply peaceful.
I see that at this time there may be much unrest within your being as the waves of love and light upon the earth are intensifying, so does that which presents itself as discord, or unrest, also come bubbling upon from deep within the earth.
It is my wish at this time, that yes, you may always connect to my energy but that with one another you extend your pure love to each soul upon the earth coming together as family and living loved ones to be present deeply within each others lives.
We the Ascended Masters upon the earth are always here to assist you every day in calling forth your own energies to assist you through many processes, but we are so overflowing with joy to see how each of you are taking upon yourselves the higher energies of who you truly are and coming together as family being and experiencing your Truth upon the earth.
You see now that each person upon the earth has their own path, but that at the same time you are realizing just like we have realized that each soul upon the earth is beautiful, wonderful, and dearly and deeply loved.
I extend my gratitude to you.
At times upon the earth we may send forward to you meditations or other energies to assist you in deep clearing, and cleansing, energizing, and amplifying your being, but for my channel to you at this time what I would like to bring forward is a recognition of the deep love held within your being.
“I am deeply loved by The Creator, and I enact The Creator’s Will upon the Earth. I am now fully aligned to my Higher Purpose, and my Higher Soul Mission. I am also connected deeply to the energy of Mother Earth pouring forth from my being the most appropriate energies to assist, heal, and amplify the energy held within Mother Earth’s Heart. I am.”
You are a living wave of transformational energy.
We the Ascended Masters upon the Earth have long assisted you in your learning, growth, and elevation through the stages of Ascension, but it is now with great joy that I can open my heart and say that it is you who are also assisting us in every moment by being, expressing, and living your own empowered Truth.
As always you may call upon the energies of St. Germain, but it is I Lady Portia who stand within the sacred Violet Chamber at this time, but, it is not the Violet Flame that I bring forth from my being it is a sacred Cosmic Flame of Light that you may symbolize as being perhaps White in Color, but in Truth, has no specific color at all.
While you may always call upon my energies, each of you are always working deeply with this Cosmic Ray as it is deeply integrated now into the earth.
The most powerful aspect of this ray is that it is deeply, and purely loving holding the vibrational consciousness of the Divine Feminine and holding many light crystals from the Celestial Rays and the Goddess Beings.
When we allow ourselves to dissolve our past and to then step into the moment, we can be and express ourselves from Truth.
It is my Truth that each of you are loved unconditionally and that you are all my sisters and brothers living in love upon the same earth.
We are your family, and that is how we would like you to view not only yourselves, but the world.
Step into your Divine Empowerment, and know that you are always supported in each moment.
With Divine Love,
Lady Portia
Channeled Through Lesley (Heartslight, Amethystlight, El Anora) @2013 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit